
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/21

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/21

********* 日本語グループ *********************







========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 6th Easter Sunday. Rome asks your donation for World Media Day for use in Vatican. After J mass, Tea Ceremony is expected. In addition, J leaders will discuss on the green belt between rectory and church over its legal status and our intention.

▽5/22(Sat), Mission Cluster Meeting is expected at Cathedral.

▽Fr. Ogawa will take J mass next week.

▽Construction along sidewalk and before rectory started from 5/16(T). It will be completed in the middle of next week.

▽Representative of the group have to fill up application form 2017. You can get it at our office.

▽From Church School▽Last class on May 7th was about Mass and Liturgy.

▽First Communion▽First communion class started on May 7th. Though the class is small, the children are very active.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽6/3(Sat), the bible class for disable is scheduled from 13:00.

Construction along sidewalk and a garden before rectory just began. Some issues, such as uneven parking lot, removing the bulletin board, installing parish panel, are left over. Fr. A is demanded to move till the end of June. We will explain to you what have happened and its critical point as extraordinary parish assembly.

////have a nice day!

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