
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/30

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/30

********* 日本語グループ **********************









========== 来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 22th Ordinary Sunday.

▽A funeral mass for F.X. Masukuni Ito, passed away on 8/19, will be said from 13:00 in our parish. Please pray for his soul.

▽From Church School△CS class on September 6th is about "Priest/Brother, Catholic/Protestant".

▽Lower court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Now this amendment is in upper house till September. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

On Aug 29th(Sat) from 15:30 at Kidergarden, picked up 8 members from parish committee will negotiate with Karashidane, Hirooka rector and construction company, and on Aug 30th(Sun) from 15:30 in parish hall, J and E parish committee members and Hirooka rector will discuss on construction plan, parking lot, etc. 

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽A national conference on Catholic Justice and Peace in Japan will be taking place in Tokyo from Sep 21 to 23.

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/09

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/09
********* 日本語グループ **********************


▼教会学校より△教会学校のクラスは12人の弟子について取り上げました。△8/4 (火)〜8/5(水)、夏の合宿で三浦に行ってきました。今年の参加者は最終的に中学生6名小学生15名の21名となり、年齢幅は小学校1年生から中学3年生までと人数も年齢幅も過去最大となりました。8/5は合宿の締めくくのミサには子供たちの親御さんやキッチンのお手伝いの方も出て大人数となり、さらにその後の食事も44名になりました。教会のみなさんのおかげで無事終了することができました。ありがとうございました。








========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 19th Ordinary Sunday. Catholic in Japan celebrates the peace week from August 8 to 15.

▽Watch out for heatstroke this unusually hot summer. Bring your bottle of water and stop getting out during the heat.

▽From Church School△CS class on August 2nd will pick up disciples. △ Summer camp was over. 21 children spent one night in Miura from 4th to 5th. We had a lot of people in the mass on 5th, and also we had 44 people for the dinner. Thanks to many people’s cooperation, we could finish this very big event without any accidents and injury.

▽Feast of Ascension of Mary on August 15th is to be transferred to Sunday, August 16th, as few participants on 15th and for the advantages of parishioners.

▽Parish weekly news on Aug 15, next week will be canceled due to Obon season.

▽Lower court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Now this amendment is in upper house till September. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

It seems like the construction starts after September. Not yet its details are released to us.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/02
********* 日本語グループ **********************










========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 18th Ordinary Sunday. Church School has a summer camp from Aug 4 to 5, at Miura YMCA in Kanagawa. Schedule and information are left in the parish office, as well.

▽Catholic in Japan celebrates the peace week from August 8 to 15. Watch out for heatstroke this unusually hot summer. Bring your bottle of water and stop getting out during the heat.

▽From Church School△CS class on August 2nd will pick up disciples. △ We will take 22 children to the annual summer camp from August 4th to 5th. There will be a mass in Umeda church on the 5th evening. Please join us. After the mass, we will have dinner. If it's possible, please join the dinner as well. In that case, please let us know how many people are coming. So that we can prepare the meal for you.

▽Feast of Ascension of Mary on August 15th is to be transferred to Sunday, August 16th, as few participants on 15th and for the advantages of parishioners.

▽Parish weekly news on Aug 15, next week will be canceled due to Obon season.

▽Upper court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

It seems like the construction starts after September. Not yet its details are released to us.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!