
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/31

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/31
********* 日本語グループ **********************






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========




********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 4th week of Ordinary Sunday. Fr. Emilio O.P. will say mass with you. We ask your generous donation for Catholic Child Day today. J mass has the annual general assembly during J mass.

▽We schedule the general assembly, Feb 7th for E.

▽1/30(Sat), some leaders from J and E had a field trip in Nagareyama. We are looking for a possibility of owing the parish cemetery.

▽From Church School▽Spring sleep over event will be held on March 12th and 13th. Since following weekend will be Palm Sunday, we set the date one week earlier than usual. The meeting time is noon on 12th. Signing up will start on February 7th. Please contact with a leader for the detail information. ▽ We will pick up Ash Wednesday in a February 7th class.

We still requests to the kindergarten and its planning office for additional discussion on several issues.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Ash Wednesday falls on Feb 10. Mass starts from 11:00 in J. 3/25(Sat) is the Easter Vigil (20:00-JE).

▽Totally new parish website will be launched sometime soon. Almost done.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/24

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/24
********* 日本語グループ **********************






▼16日(土)の宣教司牧評議会に足立荒川宣教協力体の当番教会で英語グループのJennifer Onndaさんが出席しました。2年任期で一回目の集まりだったので、顔合わせとフランシス教皇がスタートさせた「主の慈しみの年」に関する東京教区の取り組みが話されました。

========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========






********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 3re week of Ordinary Sunday. Today, annually we remember the economical and spiritual aids from Köln Archdiocese in Germany, affiliated with our diocese, after the WWII.

▽We schedule the general assembly, on Jan 31 for J, Feb 7th for E.

▽1/23(Sat), Regional mission cluster meeting will be assembled in Mikawajima parish from 14:00.

▽New assignment for parish priest in Tokyo diocese was released last week. Check it at the bulletin board at the chapel entrance.

▽From Church School▽Spring sleep over event will be held on March 12th and 13th. Since following weekend will be Palm Sunday, we set the date one week earlier than usual. The meeting time is noon on 12th. Detail information will be provided later. ▽The class for the young adults will be held in a children’s room after E-mass on 24th. ▽ We will pick up Ash Wednesday in a February class.

We exchanged suggestions with the kindergarten and its planning office on the security at the gate etc last Wednesday.

▽Jennier Onnda took a part in the Mission and Pastoral Council at the Cathedral as a representative of our mission cluster in Arakawa-Adachi on 1/16. They exchanged their name as it was the first meeting of their 2 years term, with a brief announcement on the “Year of Mercy” launched by the Pope Francis this year.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽1/24(Sun), annual Ecumenical week launches joint service among Protestant churches in Adachi from 14:00. Fr. Arakawa say E mass, and quickly move to this meeting after finishing it.

▽Ash Wednesday falls on Feb 10. Mass starts from 11:00 in J.

▽Totally new parish website will be launched sometime soon.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/16

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/16
********* 日本語グループ **********************




▼16日(土)の宣教司牧評議会に足立荒川宣教協力体の当番教会にあたっており、英語グループのJennifer Onndaさんが出席しています。

========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========






********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 2nd week of Ordinary Sunday. After the each mass, we have monthly meeting, discussing about the general assembly, on Jan 31 for J, Feb 7th for E.

▽New assignment for parish priest in Tokyo diocese was released last week. Check it at the bulletin board at the chapel entrance.

▽From Church School▽We picked up “Three Kings” in the January class. ▽Spring sleep over event will be held on March 12th and 13th. Since following weekend will be Palm Sunday, we set the date one week earlier than usual. Detail information will be provided later.

The planning office of the kindergarten construction will come to our parish to explain on the security at the gate etc on Wednesday this week.

▽Jennier Onnda san is joining in the Mission and Pastoral Council at the Cathedral as a representative of our mission cluster in Arakawa-Adachi on 1/16.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Saturday bible class in J is temporally suspending, considering effective format for baptizer.

▽1/23(Sat), Regional mission cluster meeting will be assembled in Mikawajima parish from 14:00.

▽1/24(Sun), Ecumenical week launches joint service among Protestant churches in Adachi from 14:00.

▽Ash Wednesday falls on Feb 10. Mass starts from 11:00 in J.

▽Totally new parish website will be launched sometime soon.

////have a nice day!