
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 04/09

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 04/09

********* 日本語グループ *********************
▼今日は枝の主日(or 受難の主日)です。今日から聖週間が始まります。ミサの後で委員会があります。

4/9(日Sun) 枝の主日/ Palm Sunday 10:00(日J)、14:00(英E)
4/13(木Thurs) 聖木曜日 / Holy Thursday 19:30(日J)
4/14(金Fri) 聖金曜日/ Good Friday 19:30(日J)
4/15(土Sat) 復活徹夜祭 /Easter Vigil 20:00(日J&英E)
4/16(日Sun) 復活の主日/ Easter Sunday 10:00(日J)、14:00(英E)





========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽This is the Palm Sunday starting Holy Week. After the mass, monthly meeting is expected.

▽Schedule on Holy Week is here;
4/9(日Sun) 枝の主日/ Palm Sunday 10:00(日J)、14:00(英E)
4/13(木Thurs) 聖木曜日 / Holy Thursday 19:30(日J)
4/14(金Fri) 聖金曜日/ Good Friday 19:30(日J)
4/15(土Sat) 復活徹夜祭 /Easter Vigil 20:00(日J&英E)
4/16(日Sun) 復活の主日/ Easter Sunday 10:00(日J)、14:00(英E)

▽We’ll have food preparation for Easter party on 4/15(Sat) from 13:00. Your help is seriously appreciated.

▽From Church School▽We will have a soup kitchen on April 9th. The soup is Syrian Lentil Soup.

▽First Communion▽The First Communion will be held on June 18th. The child who is currently the 1st grader is applicable. S/he has to attend all 6 classes on May 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, June 4th and 11th without delay. To register, please submit an application form, the child's baptismal certificate (photocopy is acceptable) and the fee by April 16th, on Easter Sunday. There'll be a parents' meeting on that day. Be sure to attend it as well.

▽4/12(W), an assessment company will visit to us for checking if our building is damaged or not by the kindergarten construction.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽4/29(Sat), the bible class for disable is scheduled from 13:00.

The completion of building the new rectory seems to delay due to the legal trouble beyond April. Intensive discussion is expected with K at Bishop office on 11th.

////have a nice day!

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