
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/01

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/01
********* 日本語グループ *********************







========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Happy Easter! This is the 6th Easter Sunday. We collect donation for World Media Day.

▽Joseph Lonard Etsuo Murakami(91: Aoi) passed away in the morning on 4/25. Funeral mass was from 13:00 on 29th (Fri) without wake service due to family intention.

▽We cancel this weekly news next Saturday, 5/7.

▽We will have a food sale on May 1st for St. Joseph’s Day after J-mass.

▽22th(F), a maintenance company checked our Gas-airconditioner.

▽From Church School; ▽Junior leaders read books for children in Cry Room. ▽We had a class for the young leaders after E-mass. ▽We will have a class on May 1st. The them is “Zoom in Umeda Church” ▽ May 22nd program is going outside. Signing up will be up to May 8th. Please contact to a CS leader for detail information. ▽The profits from selling confectionaries in last Advent, soup in Lent, coffee after J-mass, and some donations became 102,500yen in all. We transferred the money to the refugee center in Jordan.

First communion Class▽9 children are preparing for First Communion.

We request kindergarten to sit at the table for discussing, parking lot, its safety, border fences, and construction of rectory.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽From 5/3 to 8, a group of Italian, Spanish, and Croatian, around 30 people are expected to visit to our parish, but they respond nothing past week. ////have a nice day!

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