
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/29

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/29

********* 日本語グループ **********************



▼日本語聖書のクラスは金曜日が12/11, 土曜日が12/12で今年終了、来年はそれぞれ1/15, 1/16再開の予定です。



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



▼クリスマス・年末年始の時間割です; 12/24(木)クリスマスイブ 20:00-(日英); 12/25(金)クリスマス日中11:00(日)-; 12/31 New Year Mass(木) 20:00(E)-; 1/1 新年ミサ(金) 11:00(日)-; 1/3 (日) 主日ミサ 10:00, 14:00

********* English Group **********************
▽We start 1st week of Advent of Year C today.

▽Thank you for your help in the kitchen cleaning last week.

▽Next week, on December 6th, Sunday, Fr. Arakawa will visit to Mikawajima parish for Advent retreat and J mass there. Instead of that, Fr. Namiki will visit to Umeda for J mass. Fr. Arakawa will return for Emass on the day.

▽From Church School▽We had a special activity presented by CTIC last Sunday. We made a big Christmas tree shape advent calendar. Each day contains a child's prayer. We will open it from 29th.▽CS installed a Christmas tree.  ▽The class for the young will be held on 29th. △We sold out the confectionaries to support refugee center in Jordan last Sunday. Thank you for your support. The proceeds were 39,970 yen.

We are now asking to have a meeting, during weekend, with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽Christmas and New Year mass schedule. 12/24(Thurs) Christmas Eve 20:00 (JE), 12/25(Fri) Christmas Daytime 11:00(J), 12/31(Thurs) New Year Mass 20:00 (E); 1/1(F) New Year Mass daytime  11:00-(J); 1/3(Sun) Sunday mass 10:00(J), 14:00(E).

////have a nice day!

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