
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/02

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/02

********* 日本語グループ **********************





========== 来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************

▽Today we celebrate the 31st Ordinary Sunday. English Mass is dedicated for All Soul’s day, and E group launches a bazaar.

▽On 11/9, Umeda 7-5-3 blessing is expected. Parents who have 3, 5, 7 years old kids are welcomed to blessed at the end of Mass!

▽Thank you for your attendance and understanding at the general meeting on the rectory destruction and its transfer. We submitted all the necessary documents to bishop house to have a board member meeting over this issue on 11/4.

▽From Church School; Next class in November will be about the miracles of Jesus. 23rd will be CTIC's activity day. Since it is a week before of Advent, we'll decorate the Christmas tree and make your own Christmas wreath. You can take it home. This is not a free event. For more detail information such as the fee, please approach to CS leaders. Application deadline is 16th to prepare the materials. Come and join us!
▽Shinto Elevator, a company, maintained and assessed our elevator needs anti-earthquake by law from Adachi-ku.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Fr. Ogawa for J mass will come to us on 11/16. After the J mass, “Kodomonoie” or the kindergarten next to us will have 7-5-3 blessing.

▽9/20-10/1, J and E leaders and Fr. Arakawa visited to Panai island in Phil, to observe how our donation contributed to a village hit by Yolanda last year. You will have a report on it soon.

///Have a nice day!

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