
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/07

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/07


********* 日本語グループ **********************






========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

▼日本語の聖書クラスは土曜日が12/13で今年終了します。来年は1/16, 17に再開します。司祭館引っ越しの片付けで少し時間を取られております。

▼クリスマスと新年のミサ予定です。12/24 20:00(日英)  12/25 11:00(日); 12/31 19:00(英)  1/1 11:00(日)

********* English Group **********************

▽This is the 2nd week of Advent, Year B. After the mass, E group will clean up chapel. J group picks up hall after J mass.

▽In J mass, Fr. Ogawa will visit to us Dec. 14 for mass and confession. I am sorry for missing Philippino priest coming in our parish this Advent season due to only few Tagalog speaking priests in various parishes.

▽J Bible class on Friday concluded this year, restarting Jan 16 next year. Saturday class will be closed on 12/13, starting 1/17.

▽A lot of groups will use during Christmas season in church. As it is complicated, a list of users will be shown on the bulletin board. Especially, Kindergarten and Akebono will be a regular user.

▽Presentation over Iloilo was taken place last week in J group, and E group is expected to happen in Dec.

▽From Church School; △Next CS class in December will pick up Christmas. △Annual project of supporting the refugee center in Jordan is now going on. This year we will make 3 kinds of Kurdish sweets. All who help us are welcome.

Finally, we have received the official agreement between diocese and Karashidane over the land. Rectory moving is no under preparation expecting on 12/17 to go. NTT will come to remove land phone (3880-4718) and fax line, and Jcom, a cable channel, come to remove a line. A new temporal rectory has a new land line phone number by Jcom.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽J bible class on  Sat will be concluded on 12/14 this year. They will restart again from 1/16 and 17 in 2014. These late start is caused by moving the rectory.

▽Christmas and New Year Mass schedule; 12/24 20:00(JE), 25 11:00(J); 12/31 19:00(E), 1/1 11:00(J)

///Have a nice day!

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