
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/21

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/21

********* 日本語グループ **********************

▼日本語の聖書クラスは今年度終了しました。来年は1/16, 17に再開します。司祭館引っ越しの片付けで少し時間を取られております。




========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

▼クリスマスと新年のミサ予定です。12/24 20:00(日英)  12/25 11:00(日); 12/31 19:00(英)  1/1 11:00(日)

********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 4th week of Advent. We have the monthly meeting after the mass.

▽J Bible class concluded this year, restarting Jan 16 and 17 next year, due to the moving out from the rectory.

▽A lot of groups will use during Christmas season in church. As it is complicated, a list of users will be shown on the bulletin board.

▽Presentation over Iloilo was taken place last week in J group, and E group is expected to happen in Dec.

▽From Church School; △Next CS class in January will pick up Epiphany and have a king's cake. △Annual project of supporting the refugee center in Jordan is now going on. This year we will make 3 kinds of Kurdish sweets and sell them from 24th. All who help us are welcome.

12/17: Moving out from the rectory to a new apartment, Umejima Heights #606. Temporal rectory has a new land phone, but its number is still waiting. The phone on parish is functioning as used to be. Your voice message is transferred to Fr. Arakawa’s cell phone if only you leave message. No bells at parish entrance now. Parish committee will discuss it after Christmas.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Christmas and New Year Mass schedule; 12/24 20:00(JE), 25 11:00(J); 12/31 19:00(E), 1/1 11:00(J)

///Have a nice day!

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