
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/27

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/27
********* 日本語グループ **********************

▼年末年始の時間割です; 12/31 New Year Mass(木) 20:00(E)-; 1/1 新年ミサ(金) 11:00(日)-; 1/3 (日) 主日ミサ 10:00, 14:00





========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
▽Merry Christmas! This is the feast of Holy Family. After the mass, we have monthly meeting.

▽New Year mass schedule. New Year Mass 20:00 (E); 1/1(F) New Year Mass daytime  11:00-(J); 1/3(Sun) Sunday mass 10:00(J), 14:00(E).

▽We are very appreciated of your help for the Christmas preparation.

▽From Church School; Merry Christmas!▽The next class will be on January 3rd. We will pick up "Three Kings" and eat a king's cake after the mass.▽We won’t have a class for young adults this month.

We are now asking to have a meeting, during weekend, with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

▽Sorry for the duplicated or blank email from Fr. Arakawa’s computer. As no time available, even in the beginning of the year, delete or throw them away from your email box properly. Thanks.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽Weeklynews will be canceled on 1/3, and 10 next year, due to the situation.

▽Fr.Ogawa of Toyoshiki parish will take J mass on Jan 10th.

▽Room availability during christmas season; AA & NA no schedule change during holiday season. AA uses kitchen from 14:00-18:00 on 12/21(M). MAC free market canceled December, restarting on Jan 24th next year. Parish Committee uses kitchen on 23rd (W) from 9:00-18:00 for preparation of Christmas party.

▽Totally new parish website will be launched sometime soon.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/20

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/20
********* 日本語グループ **********************

▼クリスマス・年末年始の時間割です; 12/24(木)クリスマスイブ 20:00-(日英); 12/25(金)クリスマス日中11:00(日)-; 12/31 New Year Mass(木) 20:00(E)-; 1/1 新年ミサ(金) 11:00(日)-; 1/3 (日) 主日ミサ 10:00, 14:00


▼日本語聖書のクラスは今週金曜日が12/11, 土曜日は都合により2015年終了しました。2016来年は金曜日1/21を予定、土曜日は内容を検討し直すので追ってご連絡します。



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



▼年末年始の部屋利用状況:AA, NA年末年始は関係なし。AAは21日(月) パーティのためにキッチンを1400-1800利用。MACバザー12月はお休み。来年1月24日再開予定。委員会12/23(水) 24日パーティー仕込みでキッチンを9:00-18:00利用。


********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 4th week of Advent. JE monthly meeting is next week.

▽Christmas and New Year mass schedule. 12/24(Thurs) Christmas Eve 20:00 (JE), 12/25(Fri) Christmas Daytime 11:00(J), 12/31(Thurs) New Year Mass 20:00 (E); 1/1(F) New Year Mass daytime  11:00-(J); 1/3(Sun) Sunday mass 10:00(J), 14:00(E).

▽We prepare foods at the Christmas party. Kitchen assembles so much variety of culture in TKO Dio. Why don’t you join with us?

▽From Church School; ▽We made a big Christmas tree shape advent calendar. Each day contains a child's prayer. We started opening it from 29th. ▽The next class will be on January 3rd. We will pick up "Three Kings" and eat a king's cake after the mass.
We are now asking to have a meeting, during weekend, with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽Weeklynews will be canceled on 1/3, and 10 next year, due to the situation.

▽Fr.Ogawa of Toyoshiki parish will take J mass on Jan 10th.

▽Room availability during christmas season; AA & NA no schedule change during holiday season. AA uses kitchen from 14:00-18:00 on 12/21(M). MAC free market canceled December, restarting on Jan 24th next year. Parish Committee uses kitchen on 23rd (W) from 9:00-18:00 for preparation of Christmas party.

▽Totally new parish website will be launched sometime soon.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/13

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/13

********* 日本語グループ **********************

▼クリスマス・年末年始の時間割です; 12/24(木)クリスマスイブ 20:00-(日英); 12/25(金)クリスマス日中11:00(日)-; 12/31 New Year Mass(木) 20:00(E)-; 1/1 新年ミサ(金) 11:00(日)-; 1/3 (日) 主日ミサ 10:00, 14:00

▼日本語聖書のクラスは今週金曜日が12/11, 土曜日は都合により2015年終了しました。2016来年は金曜日1/21を予定、土曜日は内容を検討し直すので追ってご連絡します。



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


▼年末年始の部屋利用状況:AA, NA年末年始は関係なし。AAは21日(月) パーティのためにキッチンを1400-1800利用。MACバザー12月はお休み。来年1月24日再開予定。委員会12/23(水) 24日パーティー仕込みでキッチンを9:00-18:00利用。


********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 3rd week of Advent.

▽Christmas and New Year mass schedule. 12/24(Thurs) Christmas Eve 20:00 (JE), 12/25(Fri) Christmas Daytime 11:00(J), 12/31(Thurs) New Year Mass 20:00 (E); 1/1(F) New Year Mass daytime  11:00-(J); 1/3(Sun) Sunday mass 10:00(J), 14:00(E).

▽From Church School; The class on 6th was about"John the Baptist and baptism". The next class will be on January 3rd.▽We made a big Christmas tree shape advent calendar. Each day contains a child's prayer. We started opening it from 29th.

We are now asking to have a meeting, during weekend, with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽Fr.Ogawa of Toyoshiki parish will take J mass on Jan 10th.

▽Room availability during christmas season; AA & NA no schedule change during holiday season. AA uses kitchen from 14:00-18:00 on 12/21(M). MAC free market canceled December, restarting on Jan 24th next year. Parish Committee uses kitchen on 23rd (W) from 9:00-18:00 for preparation of Christmas party.

▽New parish website will be launched sometime soon.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/06

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/06
********* 日本語グループ **********************


▼日本語聖書のクラスは金曜日が12/11, 土曜日が12/12で今年終了、来年はそれぞれ1/21, 1/22再開の予定です【事情で一週間伸びてしまいました】。

▼教会学校より; 6日は教会学校があります。「洗礼者ヨハネと洗礼」について取り上げます。▽クリスマスツリー型アドベントカレンダーを作りました。子どもたちの祈りが綴られています。29日よりカレンダーを開けています。▽ヨルダンにある難民センター支援のお菓子販売の収益金は39,970円となりました。ご協力ありがとうございました。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


▼クリスマス・年末年始の時間割です; 12/24(木)クリスマスイブ 20:00-(日英); 12/25(金)クリスマス日中11:00(日)-; 12/31 New Year Mass(木) 20:00(E)-; 1/1 新年ミサ(金) 11:00(日)-; 1/3 (日) 主日ミサ 10:00, 14:00

********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 2nd week of Advent, and Rome asks your kind contribution today for the priest formation in Mission countires. Fr. Namiki from Mikawajima parish will take J mass today. Fr. Arakawa says J mass in Mikawajima, hopefully returning to E mass on time.

▽A short meeting on Christmas party will be taking place in hall after J mass.

▽From Church School; We will have a class on 6th. The theme is "John the Baptist and baptism".We had a special activity presented by CTIC last Sunday. We made a big Christmas tree shape advent calendar. Each day contains a child's prayer. We started opening it from 29th. △We sold out the confectionaries to support refugee center in Jordan last Sunday. Thank you for your support. The proceeds were 39,970 yen.

We are now asking to have a meeting, during weekend, with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽Fr.Ogawa of Toyoshiki parish will take J mass on Jan 10th.

▽Christmas and New Year mass schedule. 12/24(Thurs) Christmas Eve 20:00 (JE), 12/25(Fri) Christmas Daytime 11:00(J), 12/31(Thurs) New Year Mass 20:00 (E); 1/1(F) New Year Mass daytime  11:00-(J); 1/3(Sun) Sunday mass 10:00(J), 14:00(E).

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/29

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/29

********* 日本語グループ **********************



▼日本語聖書のクラスは金曜日が12/11, 土曜日が12/12で今年終了、来年はそれぞれ1/15, 1/16再開の予定です。



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



▼クリスマス・年末年始の時間割です; 12/24(木)クリスマスイブ 20:00-(日英); 12/25(金)クリスマス日中11:00(日)-; 12/31 New Year Mass(木) 20:00(E)-; 1/1 新年ミサ(金) 11:00(日)-; 1/3 (日) 主日ミサ 10:00, 14:00

********* English Group **********************
▽We start 1st week of Advent of Year C today.

▽Thank you for your help in the kitchen cleaning last week.

▽Next week, on December 6th, Sunday, Fr. Arakawa will visit to Mikawajima parish for Advent retreat and J mass there. Instead of that, Fr. Namiki will visit to Umeda for J mass. Fr. Arakawa will return for Emass on the day.

▽From Church School▽We had a special activity presented by CTIC last Sunday. We made a big Christmas tree shape advent calendar. Each day contains a child's prayer. We will open it from 29th.▽CS installed a Christmas tree.  ▽The class for the young will be held on 29th. △We sold out the confectionaries to support refugee center in Jordan last Sunday. Thank you for your support. The proceeds were 39,970 yen.

We are now asking to have a meeting, during weekend, with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽Christmas and New Year mass schedule. 12/24(Thurs) Christmas Eve 20:00 (JE), 12/25(Fri) Christmas Daytime 11:00(J), 12/31(Thurs) New Year Mass 20:00 (E); 1/1(F) New Year Mass daytime  11:00-(J); 1/3(Sun) Sunday mass 10:00(J), 14:00(E).

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/22

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/22
********* 日本語グループ **********************






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


▼11/28(土) 900からクリスマス・リースを典礼委員会が作ります。ぜひご参加ください。



********* English Group **********************
▽Today we conclude this liturgical year by celebrating King of Christ, starting Advent season in Year C.

▽REMIND! CLEANING IN KITCHEN etc are scheduled around 11:30, after J mass

▽From Church School△Special activity by CTIC will be done on November 22th.It starts at 2:00p.m. and ends around 4:00 p.m.  It's free. Anyone who is interested in it, please contact to a leader. We are counting the number of the attendees.▽CS will install a Christmas tree after the activity on 22nd after CTIC event. △The class for the young will be next Sunday 29th. △We sold out the confectionaries to support refugee center in Jordan last Sunday. Thank you for your support.

We are now asking to have a meeting, during weekend, with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽On December 6th, Sunday, Fr. Arakawa will visit to Mikawajima parish for Advent retreat and J mass there. Instead of that, Fr. Namiki will visit to Umeda for J mass. Fr. Arakawa will return for Emass on the day.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/15

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/15
********* 日本語グループ **********************
▼今日は年間33主日です。今日の予定は複雑です。10:00-日本語ミサ・ミサアナウンスで七五三、11:30-聖堂ではからしだね七五三、13:00-堅信式リハーサル、14:00岡田司教による堅信式@英語ミサ、15:30 堅信式パーティー。






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


▼11/28(土) 900からクリスマス・リースを典礼委員会が作ります。ぜひご参加ください。



********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate 33rd Ordinary Sunday. Bishop Peter Okada is the main celebrant with confirmation for both J and E groups.

▽Due to the complex schedule, please check the timetable.  10:00- Jmass with 7-5-3, 11:30-7-5-3 by Karashidane, 13:00- confirmation rehearsal, 14:00- Confirmation by Bp. Okada with 7-5-3, 15:30 Confirmation party.

▽REMIND! CLEANING IN KITCHEN IS POSTPONED TO NEXT SUNDAY, 22TH, AS THE SCHEDULE IS VERY TIGHT. And, collection for Myanmer day, as a sister diocese of Tokyo is removed from today to next week.

▽Candidates for the confirmation must be in chapel in sharp, with your God parents.

▽At the announcement before closing the mass, 7-5-3 blessing with candies is expected.

▽From Church School△We will sell confectionaries to support refugee center in Jordan today for some reasons. The confectionaries are baklava, kunefe (kadaifi) and halvah. Thank you for your support. △Special activity by CTIC will be done on November 22th.It starts at 2:00p.m. and ends around 4:00 p.m.  It's free. Anyone who is interested in it, please contact to a leader. We are counting the number of the attendees.▽CS will install a Christmas tree after the activity on 22nd.

We are now asking to have a meeting, during weekend, with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽On December 6th, Sunday, Fr. Arakawa will visit to Mikawajima parish for Advent retreat and J mass there. Instead of that, Fr. Namiki will visit to Umeda for J mass. Fr. Arakawa will return for Emass on the day.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/08

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/08
********* 日本語グループ **********************

▼11/15(日)の予定は複雑です。10:00-日本語ミサ・ミサアナウンスで七五三、11:30-聖堂ではからしだね七五三、13:00-堅信式リハーサル、14:00岡田司教による堅信式@英語ミサ、15:30 堅信式パーティー。>>大掃除はスケジュールが複雑になってしまったので、来週22日に延期します。





========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========




********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate 32nd Ordinary Sunday. J group has a memorial day in Umeda.

▽11/15 schedule. 10:00- Jmass with 7-5-3, 11:30-7-5-3 by Karashidane, 13:00- confirmation rehearsal, 14:00- Confirmation by Bp. Okada with 7-5-3, 15:30 Confirmation party.////REMIND! CLEANING IN KITCHEN IS POSTPONED TO NEXT SUNDAY, 22TH, AS THE SCHEDULE IS VERY TIGHT.////

From Church School△The last class on November 1st was about "Halloween and all saints day" and "Beatitude” .△We will sell confectionaries to support refugee center in Jordan on November 15th for some reasons. The confectionaries are baklava, kunefe (kadaifi) amd halvah. Thank you for your support. △Special activity by CTIC will be done on November 22th. It starts at 2:00p.m. and ends around 4:00 p.m.  It's free. Anyone who is interested in it, please contact to a leader. We are counting the number of the attendees.

▽Please tell Fr. Arakawa if your children are either 7-5-3 years old for buying the candy. They will be blessed by Bp. Okada in Emass on 11/15.

We are now asking to have a meeting with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽On December 6th, Sunday, Fr. Arakawa will visit to Mikawajima parish for Advent retreat and J mass there. Instead of that, Fr. Namiki will visit to Umeda for J mass. Fr. Arakawa will return for Emass on the day.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/01

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/01

********* 日本語グループ **********************




========== 来週以降の予定 ==========


▼11/15(日)の予定です。10:00-日本語ミサ・ミサアナウンスで七五三、11:30-大掃除・同時に聖堂ではからしだね七五三、13:00-堅信式リハーサル、14:00岡田司教による堅信式@英語ミサ、15:30 堅信式パーティー。





********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the All Saint’s Day. E mass as well celebrate All Soul’s Day today. J group will do it next week.

From Church School△Next class on November 1st is about "Beatitude” .△We will sell confectionaries to support refugee center in Jordan on November 15th for some reasons. The confectionaries are baklava and Kunefe (kadaifi) from the middle east. △Special activity by CTIC will be done on November 22th.

▽Please tell Fr. Arakawa if your children are either 7-5-3 years old for buying the candy. They will be blessed by Bp. Okada in Emass on 11/15.

We are now asking to have a meeting with the construction planning office for discussing about the safety.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽11/8, Japanese mass will have a All soul’s day.

▽11/15 schedule. 10:00- Jmass with 7-5-3, 11:30- Cleaning in the kitchen; 7-5-3 by Karashidane, 13:00- confirmation rehearsal, 14:00- Confirmation by Bp. Okada with 7-5-3, 15:30 Confirmation party.

▽11/15 all the candidates have to come 13:00 for rehearsal.

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽On December 6th, Sunday, Fr. Arakawa will visit to Mikawajima parish for Advent retreat and J mass there. Instead of that, Fr. Namiki will visit to Umeda for J mass. Fr. Arakawa will return for Emass on the day.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/25

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/25
********* 日本語グループ **********************






========== 来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 30th Sunday ordinary time. Fr. Emilio will take English mass. Before J mass, the liturgy committee in J group will study about new guideline for Roman missal 3rd edition prepared by J bishop conference. After Mass, E and J committee has monthly meeting.

▽We really appreciated of your participation at Elder day last Sunday.

▽Confirmation seminar finished last Saturday. Thank you for your appreciation.

From Church School△We will have a class for the young after E-mass on 25th. △We are planing to throw a Halloween party this year as well on October 31st.It will be from 2p.m. to 5p.m. Small children can join. Anyone who wants to join, please contact to a CS leader.△Next class on November 1st is about "Beatitude・Jesus and Moses" .

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat restarted from 10/8(F)10:00- reading on Zephania, 9(Sat)19:30- Letter to Colossians.

In English mass last Sunday, a procedure and its plan on the construction in future were explained.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). We expect a rehearsal from 1300 on Nov 15.

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽On December 6th, Sunday, Fr. Arakawa will visit to Mikawajima parish for Advent retreat and J mass there. Instead of that, Fr. Namiki will visit to Umeda for J mass. Fr. Arakawa will return for Emass on the day.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/18

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/18
********* 日本語グループ **********************








========== 来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 29th Ordinary Sunday. This Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Please look at the website of Catholic Bishop Conference in America(http://www.usccb.org/about/evangelization-and-catechesis/world-missions/).

▽Food preparation for Elder day on Sunday will be going on in the kitchen from morning. We welcome your participation.

▽Elder day starts from 11:30 after J mass.

▽Confirmation seminar is scheduled by Alec and Yoko from 14:00 on Saturday. 12 candidates will receive it, so far.

▽J and E group committee members had a one night retreat at Kyonan in Chiba, discussing about the succession of faith, and cemetery in the near future.

From Church School△We will have a class for the young after E-mass on 25th. △We are planing to throw a Halloween party this year as well on October 31st.It will be from 2p.m. to 5p.m. Small children can join. Anyone who wants to join, please contact to a CS leader.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat restarted from 10/8(F)10:00- reading on Zephania, 9(Sat)19:30- Letter to Colossians.

In English mass last Sunday, a procedure and its plan on the construction in future were explained.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽On 10/25, J liturgy committee will have a study seminar on the general instruction on Roman Missal 3rd edition, before J mass from 9:00.

▽Elder day party will be upcoming on Oct. 18 11:30-13:00.

▽This weekly news on Sep 26th will be canceled due to the situation.

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). Confirmation seminar will be Oct 10 (Sat) or 17, from 14:00-15:30. Your chid baptized in your country, please get a contact with the parish office recording the baptismal data to issue a certification to you. Confirmation application is available in the office.

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

▽On December 6th, Sunday, Fr. Arakawa will visit to Mikawajima parish for Advent retreat and J mass there. Instead of that, Fr. Namiki will visit to Umeda for J mass. Fr. Arakawa will return for Emass on the day.
////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/11

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/11
********* 日本語グループ **********************




▼△教会学校; 昨年12月に、ヨルダンにあるイエズス会の難民センター支援のためにケーキ販売をした売り上げですが、激しい円安で様子をみていましたが最近若干上がったので送金しました。コーヒーの売り上げと合わせて196,000でドルを両替したところ1539.58となりました。みなさまのご協力ありがとうございました。△10月4日の教会学校は典礼暦を取り上げました。△今年も10月31日土曜日にハロウィンパーティをします。時間は午後2時から5時までです。小学生以下の子どもの参加もOKです。参加希望者はリーダーまで。



========== 来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 28th Ordinary Sunday. After J mass, from 11:00, we have a meeting on Elder day party.

▽We will have Elder Party from 11:30 next week on 10/18.

▽J and E group committee members will have a one night retreat at Kyonan in Chiba, for discussing our community next year.

▽On Saturday afternoon, from 14:00-, a confirmation seminar is scheduled. Fr. Arakawa takes on 10th, Alec on 17th. So far, we have 10 candidates.

△From Chruch School; Regarding fund raising for the refugees in Jordan 2014. Since Japanese yen has been really weak for a long time, we couldn't find a chance to transfer money, but It became a bit stronger, we finally did. The total amount including J group coffee sale was 196,000JPY and it became 1539.58USD. Again thank you for your cooperation. △CS on October 4th picked up liturgical year. △We are planing to throw a Halloween party this year as well on October 31st.It will be from 2p.m. to 5p.m. Small children can join. Anyone who wants to join, please contact to a CS leader/

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat restarted from 10/8(F)10:00- reading on Zephania, 9(Sat)19:30- Letter to Colossians.

In English mass last Sunday, a procedure and its plan on the construction in future were explained.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽On 10/25, J liturgy committee will have a study seminar on the general instruction on Roman Missal 3rd edition, before J mass from 9:00.

▽Elder day party will be upcoming on Oct. 18 11:30-13:00.

▽This weekly news on Sep 26th will be canceled due to the situation.

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). Confirmation seminar will be Oct 10 (Sat) or 17, from 14:00-15:30. Your chid baptized in your country, please get a contact with the parish office recording the baptismal data to issue a certification to you. Confirmation application is available in the office.

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/20

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/20

********* 日本語グループ **********************

▼△教会学校; 昨年12月に、ヨルダンにあるイエズス会の難民センター支援のためにケーキ販売をした売り上げですが、激しい円安で様子をみていましたが最近若干上がったので送金しました。コーヒーの売り上げと合わせて196,000でドルを両替したところ1539.58となりました。みなさまのご協力ありがとうございました。△今年も10月の終わりの土曜日にハロウィンパーティをする予定です。詳細は追って連絡します。




========== 来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 25th Ordinary Sunday. A brief explanation on the construction will be scheduled after the mass in J group. E group has it on Oct. 4th due to the situation. After the mass today, monthly comittee is scheduled.

△From Chruch School; Regarding fund raising for the refugees in Jordan 2014. Since Japanese yen has been really weak for a long time, we couldn't find a chance to transfer money, but It became a bit stronger, we finally did. The total amount including J group coffee sale was 196,000JPY and it became 1539.58USD. Again thank you for your cooperation. △We are planing to throw a Halloween party this year as well in the end of October.We will provide detail information later.

▽Catholic Church in Japan, including all the ther religious streams, is considerably concerning on the conclusion of Collective Selfdefence law on Sep. 19th in the cogress. Without referendum, government changed thier interpretation of constitution, the article 9, the renunciation of any kind of arms. This changing of interpretation by free-hands, will open a way to do for other articles, such as freedom of speech or though, or human right (including non-Japanese citizen). Catholic church has been deeply worrying this government behavior. See http://www.shukyosha9jonowa.org

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

Detail explanation will be given at the mass on Oct. 3rd.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽A national conference on Catholic Justice and Peace in Japan will be taking place in Tokyo from Sep 21 to 23.

▽Elder day party will be upcoming on Oct. 18 11:30-13:00.

▽This weekly news on Sep 26th will be canceled due to the situation.

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). Confirmation seminar will be Oct 10 (Sat) or 17, from 14:00-15:30. Your chid baptized in your country, please get a contact with the parish office recording the baptismal data to issue a certification to you. Confirmation application is available in the office.

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/13

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/13
********* 日本語グループ **********************





========== 来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
Today we celebrate the 24th Ordinary Sunday.

△CS class on September 6th was about "Priest/Brother, Catholic/Protestant". △We are planing to throw a Halloween party this year as well in the end of October.We will provide detail information later.

Lower court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Now this amendment is in upper house till September. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

On Aug 29th(Sat) from 15:30 at Kidergarden, picked up 8 members from parish committee negotiated with Karashidane, Hirooka rector and construction company, and on Aug 30th(Sun) from 15:30 in parish hall, J and E parish committee members and Hirooka rector discussed on construction plan, parking lot, etc. Major points are as follows;

Blessing prayer for the construction will be said on Sep. 11th, starting to build the new kindergarden building and breaking down the current structure, for a year and half.
During this period, parish parking lot is closed as the kids come through this path and construction materials and vehicles will be parked this space. Following this, our parking lot is transferred to a new place close to parish. Detail will be explained soon.
A new temporal gate will be installed for parishioners by breaking down the current gate. After taking out the heavy gate and breaking down a part of slope, we can reach to the sidewalk only through the slope, as the protection wall stretches till the sidewalk, preventing us from getting out from a stair, right of the door. 
We are now negotiating with construction company to share the space where kindergaden kids pass through for the emergency exit extends to the sidewalk to get away.
No plan for the new rectory is disclosed at all, as the contract with the company will be changed when the current building will be destroyed down. The rectory will be build after this destruction, expecting for 3 month to complete, 
On Sep. 2nd, Takagi san took a series of pictures of our parish building with construction company, as we expect some negative effect will appear on our structure, because 50m long piles will be driven just next to us.
Parish leaders will explain more on this issue later on.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
A national conference on Catholic Justice and Peace in Japan will be taking place in Tokyo from Sep 21 to 23.

▽Elder day party will be upcoming on Oct. 18 11:30-13:00.

▽This weekly news on Sep 26th will be canceled due to the situation.

Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). Confirmation seminar will be Oct 10 (Sat) or 17, from 14:00-15:30. Your chid baptized in your country, please get a contact with the parish office recording the baptismal data to issue a certification to you. Confirmation application is available in the office.

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/06

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/06

********* 日本語グループ **********************





■既存教会入り口の門は撤去されて、既存教会入り口を取り壊して教会信徒の入り口を作る。スロープの一部は撤去され、上記防護 壁が歩道まで伸びるので出入りはスロープを使うのみとなる。これに伴って簡易門扉を取り付ける予定。

========== 来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 23rd Ordinary Sunday.

▽Lower court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Now this amendment is in upper house till September. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

On Aug 29th(Sat) from 15:30 at Kidergarden, picked up 8 members from parish committee negotiated with Karashidane, Hirooka rector and construction company, and on Aug 30th(Sun) from 15:30 in parish hall, J and E parish committee members and Hirooka rector discussed on construction plan, parking lot, etc. Major points are as follows;

□Blessing prayer for the construction will be said on Sep. 11th, starting to build the new kindergarden building and breaking down the current structure, for a year and half.
□During this period, parish parking lot is closed as the kids come through this path and construction materials and vehicles will be parked this space. Following this, our parking lot is transferred to a new place close to parish. Detail will be explained soon.
□During this period, a protection wall, 2m high, will surround our parish wall so that our hall will lose light.
□A new temporal gate will be installed for parishioners by breaking down the current gate. After taking out the heavy gate and breaking down a part of slope, we can reach to the sidewalk only through the slope, as the protection wall stretches till the sidewalk, preventing us from getting out from a stair, right of the door.
□There is no exit after getting out from the emergency stairs, unable to turn right the corner. A new larger emergency exit will be installed by breaking down the black fence to get out to the garden in kindergarden.
□No plan for the new rectory is disclosed at all, as the contract with the company will be changed when the current building will be destroyed down. The rectory will be build after this destruction, expecting for 3 month to complete,
□On Sep. 2nd, Takagi san took a series of pictures of our parish building with construction company, as we expect some negative effect will appear on our structure, because 50m long piles will be driven just next to us.
□Parish leaders will explain more on this issue later on.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽A national conference on Catholic Justice and Peace in Japan will be taking place in Tokyo from Sep 21 to 23.

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/30

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/30

********* 日本語グループ **********************









========== 来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 22th Ordinary Sunday.

▽A funeral mass for F.X. Masukuni Ito, passed away on 8/19, will be said from 13:00 in our parish. Please pray for his soul.

▽From Church School△CS class on September 6th is about "Priest/Brother, Catholic/Protestant".

▽Lower court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Now this amendment is in upper house till September. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

On Aug 29th(Sat) from 15:30 at Kidergarden, picked up 8 members from parish committee will negotiate with Karashidane, Hirooka rector and construction company, and on Aug 30th(Sun) from 15:30 in parish hall, J and E parish committee members and Hirooka rector will discuss on construction plan, parking lot, etc. 

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽A national conference on Catholic Justice and Peace in Japan will be taking place in Tokyo from Sep 21 to 23.

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/09

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/09
********* 日本語グループ **********************


▼教会学校より△教会学校のクラスは12人の弟子について取り上げました。△8/4 (火)〜8/5(水)、夏の合宿で三浦に行ってきました。今年の参加者は最終的に中学生6名小学生15名の21名となり、年齢幅は小学校1年生から中学3年生までと人数も年齢幅も過去最大となりました。8/5は合宿の締めくくのミサには子供たちの親御さんやキッチンのお手伝いの方も出て大人数となり、さらにその後の食事も44名になりました。教会のみなさんのおかげで無事終了することができました。ありがとうございました。








========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 19th Ordinary Sunday. Catholic in Japan celebrates the peace week from August 8 to 15.

▽Watch out for heatstroke this unusually hot summer. Bring your bottle of water and stop getting out during the heat.

▽From Church School△CS class on August 2nd will pick up disciples. △ Summer camp was over. 21 children spent one night in Miura from 4th to 5th. We had a lot of people in the mass on 5th, and also we had 44 people for the dinner. Thanks to many people’s cooperation, we could finish this very big event without any accidents and injury.

▽Feast of Ascension of Mary on August 15th is to be transferred to Sunday, August 16th, as few participants on 15th and for the advantages of parishioners.

▽Parish weekly news on Aug 15, next week will be canceled due to Obon season.

▽Lower court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Now this amendment is in upper house till September. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

It seems like the construction starts after September. Not yet its details are released to us.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/02
********* 日本語グループ **********************










========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 18th Ordinary Sunday. Church School has a summer camp from Aug 4 to 5, at Miura YMCA in Kanagawa. Schedule and information are left in the parish office, as well.

▽Catholic in Japan celebrates the peace week from August 8 to 15. Watch out for heatstroke this unusually hot summer. Bring your bottle of water and stop getting out during the heat.

▽From Church School△CS class on August 2nd will pick up disciples. △ We will take 22 children to the annual summer camp from August 4th to 5th. There will be a mass in Umeda church on the 5th evening. Please join us. After the mass, we will have dinner. If it's possible, please join the dinner as well. In that case, please let us know how many people are coming. So that we can prepare the meal for you.

▽Feast of Ascension of Mary on August 15th is to be transferred to Sunday, August 16th, as few participants on 15th and for the advantages of parishioners.

▽Parish weekly news on Aug 15, next week will be canceled due to Obon season.

▽Upper court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

It seems like the construction starts after September. Not yet its details are released to us.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/26

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/26
********* 日本語グループ **********************







========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 17th Ordinary Sunday. Fr. Emilio will say mass this Sunday, but Fr. Arakawa will do it next 4th Sunday of the month, as he is off in August. After the mass, we expect monthly meeting both in J and E.

▽Finally the phone in the elevator will be fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽Upper court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

▽From Church School△ Annual summer camp schedule is from August 4th to 5th. We will stay in Miura peninsula in Kanagawa. The fee is 3,000 yen. The kids above 1st grader can join this camp. The dead-line of signing up is 26th. Please hurry. On August 2nd, the children are supposed to bring their luggages to check and we will have an orientation meeting for parents especially for non-church members. Please contact with CS leaders for more detail information. △The class for the young is held after E mass on 26th. △ CS Young leaders will read books in Tagalog, Japanese, and English for the small children in the cry room during E-mass.

It seems like the construction starts after September. Not yet its details are released to us.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/19

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/19
********* 日本語グループ **********************







========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 16th Ordinary Sunday. On 18th, the regional cluster meeting is scheduled at Machiya parish from 1400.

▽Upper court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

▽This rainy season brings food poison easily. Be careful of preparing your food in our kitchen. Please check if you turn off the switch of electricity and Air conditioner when you leave church.

▽From Church School△ Annual summer camp schedule is from August 4th to 5th. We will stay in Miura peninsula in Kanagawa. The fee is 3,000 yen. The kids above 1st grader can join this camp. We are now providing the sign-up sheet. The deadline is 26th. On August 2nd, the children are supposed to bring their luggages to check and we will have an orientation meeting for parents especially for non-church members. Please contact with CS leaders for more detail information.

It seems like the construction starts after September. Not yet its details are released to us.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/11
********* 日本語グループ **********************






========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 13th Ordinary Sunday. After J mass, monthly meeting is scheduled. Fr. Emilio will celebrate Emass today.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

▽This rainy season brings food poison easily. Be careful of preparing your food in our kitchen. Please check if you turn off the switch of electricity and Air conditioner when you leave church.

▽From Church School△We picked up Sodom on July 5th class. △ Annual summer camp schedule is from August 4th to 5th. We will stay in Miura peninsula in Kanagawa. The fee is 3,000 yen. The kids above 1st grader can join this camp. We are now providing the sign-up sheet. The deadline is 26th. On August 2nd, the children are supposed to bring their luggages to check and we will have an orientation meeting for parents especially for non-church members. Please contact with CS leaders for more detail information. △ UIC will sell Halo-halo for us on July 12th. Any parents who want to help them, please help them.

It seems like the construction starts after September. Not yet its details are released to us.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/05

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/05
********* 日本語グループ **********************





========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 13th Ordinary Sunday. After J mass, monthly meeting is scheduled. Fr. Emilio will celebrate Emass today.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

▽This rainy season brings food poison easily. Be careful of preparing your food in our kitchen. Please check if you turn off the switch of electricity and Air conditioner when you leave church.

▽From Church School;△Next class is July 5th. It starts at 2:00 p.m. as usual. We will pick up Sodom. △ Annual summer camp schedule is from August 4th to 5th. We will stay in Miura peninsula in Kanagawa. The kids above 1st grader can join this camp. We will provide the application form from July 5th. Please contact with CS leaders for more detail information. △ UIC will sell Halo-halo for us on July 5th. Any parents who want to help them, please help them.

It seems like the construction starts after September. Not yet its details are released to us.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 06/28

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 06/28

********* 日本語グループ **********************





========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 13th Ordinary Sunday. After J mass, monthly meeting is scheduled. Fr. Emilio will celebrate Emass today.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

▽Please check if you turn off the switch of electricity and Air conditioner when you leave church.

▽From Church School;△Next class is July 5th. It starts at 2:00 p.m. as usual. △CS young leaders will read books in Tagalog, English and Japanese for small children in the cry room during E-mass. △ A summer camp schedule was fixed. It's August 4th and 5th. We will stay in Miura peninsula in Kanagawa. The kids above 1st grader can join this camp. Please contact with CS leaders for more detail information. △We will have a class for above high schoolers after E-mass on 28th. Anyone who is interested in, please join us. △ UIC will sell Halo-halo for us on July 5th. Any parents who want to help them, please help them.

We are waiting for further information from Karashidane.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!