
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/01

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/01

********* 日本語グループ *********************




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========










********* English Group **********************
▽Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We celebrate Mary, mother of God. Mass schedule is as follows; New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽12/25, LeMay Joshua was batized in J mass.

▽01/08, Weekly News is canceled.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽01/08, Fr. Ogawa will say Jmass.

▽01/10-11, seasonal cleaning in chapel and hall is expected by Ecology service. Chapel is not avalable on 01/10, Hall 01/11.

▽01/13, J bible class will be restarted.

▽01/15, we will celebrate the coming of the age. please tell candidates to the leaders.

▽01/21, bible class for disable will be scheduled from 1300-1500 in Study room.

▽01/22, Ecumenical week invites us to have local prayer gathering for unity. Ecumenical prayer is scheduled at Salvation Army in Motoghi with a homily by Fr. Arakawa from 14:00. Protestants are very serious as they celebrate 500 years anniversary of the Reformation. On the day, Fr.Emilio will take E mass in Umeda.

▽01/28, Our parish hosts  a meeting of regional mission cluster from 1400.

▽02/05, General assembly in J, 02/12 in E are expected.

▽03/01 is Ash Wednesday, 04/16 is Easter Sunday this year.

Negociation with K with Fuketa lawyer on rectory, gate, and fences are going on.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/25

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼クリスマスミサ; 12/24(土) 20:00(日英) / 25(日) 10:00+14:00 //年末年始 12/31(土) 20:00(英)+Ruffleパーティー/ 1/1(日) 10:00+14:00






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Merry Christmas! We will celebrate Christmas Vigil(JE) from 20:00, at Saturday night on Dec. 24th , and Christmas Daytime from 10:00(J), 14:00(E) 14:00 on 25th.

▽After mass at vigil, we will have a party.

▽LeMay Joshua will be baptized in J Daytime Mass on 25th.

▽Christmas mass; 12/24(Sat) 20:00(JE) / 25(Sun) 10:00+14:00 //New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽Tea ceremony in J mass  on 12/25 is canceled due to circumstances.

▽Noro virus (winter vomit) is considered seriously. When you find someone vomits, do not approach to see it, but carefully get out from the room within. Noro virus is airbone infection. A prevention kits are located in a bathroom for disable on 1F, and behind the slidng door of small chapel in 2F. The kit contains masks, plastic gloves, eprons, a bottle of chlorine, buckets, disposal cloth, newspaper, slipper, and trash bags.

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church School▽We will sell some confectionaries, apple cinnamon bourekas, to support the refugee center in Jordan in this Christmas season. Please give us your support. ▽CS class in January will be on January 18th, not on the 1st.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 12/13, Karashidane and Fuketa lawyer with some our parish leaders discussed about our intensive concern; gate, fences, fences along side sidewalk, ground around the new rectory, to shorten the long long way to reach to the parish door from new rectory, late and late schedule of starting building up the new rectory. 

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/18

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/18

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼クリスマスミサ; 12/24(土) 20:00(日英) / 25(日) 10:00+14:00 //年末年始 12/31(土) 20:00(英)+Ruffleパーティー/ 1/1(日) 10:00+14:00







========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========




********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 4th week of Advent in year A. Let us clean up our parish before christmas, J group in kitchen, E group in chapel.

▽Christmas mass; 12/24(Sat) 20:00(JE) / 25(Sun) 10:00+14:00 //New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽We would like to invite you for the food preparation in Christmas party! We need you.

▽Noro virus (winter vomit) is considered seriously. When you find someone vomits, do not approach to see it, but carefully get out from the room within. Noro virus is airbone infection. A prevention kits are located in a bathroom for disable on 1F, and behind the slidng door of small chapel in 2F. The kit contains masks, plastic gloves, eprons, a bottle of chlorine, buckets, disposal cloth, newspaper, slipper, and trash bags.

▽Thank you for Christmas decoration by Egroup (Neon), J group(Wreathes), and church school(tree).

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church School▽We will sell some confectionaries to support the refugee center in Jordan in this Christmas season. We will make them from 1p.m. to 5p.m. on 23rd. Mothers' help are welcome!▽CS class in January will be on December 18th, not on the !st.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 12/13, Karashidane and Fuketa lawyer with some our parish leaders discussed about our intensive concern; gate, fences, fences along side sidewalk, ground around the new rectory, to shorten the long long way to reach to the parish door from new rectory, late and late schedule of starting building up the new rectory. 

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/11

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/11

********* 日本語グループ *********************







========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼クリスマスミサ; 12/24(土) 20:00(日英) / 25(日) 10:00+14:00 //年末年始 12/31(土) 20:00(英)+Ruffleパーティー/ 1/1(日) 10:00+14:00





********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 3rd week of Advent in year A. After J mass, a short meeting on Christmas party is expected.

▽Noro virus (winter vomit) is considered seriously. When you find someone vomits, do not approach to see it, but carefully get out from the room within. Noro virus is airbone infection. A prevention kits are located in a bathroom for disable on 1F, and behind the slidng door of small chapel in 2F. The kit contains masks, plastic gloves, eprons, a bottle of chlorine, buckets, disposal cloth, newspaper, slipper, and trash bags.

▽Thank you for Christmas decoration by Egroup (Neon), J group(Wreathes), and church school(tree).

▽After Emass, a bible class in English for young is scheduled.

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church Schoo▽In last class, we made an invitation card to invite someone  to Christmas mass.▽We will sell some confectionaries to support the refugee center in Jordan in this Christmas season. We will make them from 1p.m. to 5p.m. on 23rd. Mothers' help are welcome!

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽Christmas mass; 12/24(Sat) 20:00(JE) / 25(Sun) 10:00+14:00 //New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 12/13, Karashidane and Fuketa lawyer with some our parish leaders will check its technical concern on the fences, gate, and rectory. Now they say applying for a legal permission of its construction by Adachi city hall.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/04

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/04
********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサの後12/4沖縄映画上映します。圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-。





========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼クリスマスミサ; 12/24(土) 20:00(日英) / 25(日) 10:00+14:00 //年末年始 12/31(土) 20:00(英)+Ruffleパーティー/ 1/1(日) 10:00+14:00





********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 2nd week of Advent with a collection of Fromation day in mission country.

▽Usukisan in J will present how to prevent Noro virus(Winter vomit) after mass. A prevention kits are located in a bathroom for disable on 1F, and behind the slidng door of small chapel in 2F. The kit contains masks, plastic gloves, eprons, a bottle of chlorine, buckets, disposal cloth, newspaper, slipper, and trash bags.

▽Fr. Ogawa canceled mass in J group on the 2nd week in December.

▽Thank you for Christmas decoration by Egroup (Neon), J group(Wreathes), and church school(tree).

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church Schoo▽There will be a class. Since this year Christmas will be on weekends, we will make an invitation card to invite someone to our church on those days.▽We are planning to sell some confectionaries to support the refugee center in Jordan in this Christmas season.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽Christmas mass; 12/24(Sat) 20:00(JE) / 25(Sun) 10:00+14:00 //New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Discussion with Karashidane is still going on over the fences, gates, security, etc. Now they applying for construction checking by Adachi city hall, to be passed legally.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/27

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/27
********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼来週12/4沖縄映画上映予定:残りは、圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のsignupがあります。クリパン焼肉お弁当が必要な人は名前を書いてください。






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



▼クリスマスミサ; 12/24(土) 20:00(日英) / 25(日) 10:00+14:00 //年末年始 12/31(土) 20:00(英)+Ruffleパーティー/ 1/1(日) 10:00+14:00



********* English Group **********************
▽This Sunday unfolds the first week of Advent of Year A. After E mass, E group has monthly meeting. Fr. Arakawa will be in Shiomi parish for changing priest, so that Fr. Kobayashi will visit to say mass in J. Fr. Emilio will visit to us as usual. Fr. A will be back around 15:30.

▽12/4, the last Okinawan movie “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.

▽On the same day, Usukisan in J, Jasmin in E, will present how to prevent Noro virus(Winter vomit) after mass. A prevention kits are located in a bathroom for disable on 1F, and behind the slidng door of small chapel in 2F. The kit contains masks, plastic gloves, eprons, a bottle of chlorine, buckets, disposal cloth, newspaper, slipper, and trash bags.

▽Thank you for Christmas decoration by Egroup (Neon), J group(Wreathes), and church school(tree).

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church School▽We installed a Christmas tree last Sunday. The tree was decorated with the heart shape cards which children made on in the CTIC activity on that day. ▽We will have a class for young leaders after E mass on November 27th.▽There will be a class next week as usual.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽Fr. Ogawa canceled mass in J group on the 2nd week in December.

▽Christmas mass; 12/24(Sat) 20:00(JE) / 25(Sun) 10:00+14:00 //New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Discussion with Karashidane is still going on over the fences, gates, security, etc. Now they applying for construction checking by Adachi city hall, to be passed legally.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/20

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/20
********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼足立教会主任司祭:使徒ヨハネ 石井靖人神父が、癌のため、2016年11月16日午前3時22分に、東京都足立区・第二洪誠病院で帰天されました。享年78歳でした。通夜ならびに葬儀ミサ・告別式は、下記日程にて執り行われます。【通夜】日時:2016年11月18日(金)18:00から / 場所:カトリック三河島教会(〒116-0002 東京都荒川区荒川3-11-1 電話03-3891-3033【葬儀ミサ・告別式】日時:2016年11月19日(土)13:00から / 場所:同上; お祈りください。






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼12/4沖縄映画上映予定:残りは、圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のsignupがあります。クリパン焼肉お弁当が必要な人は名前を書いてください。




********* English Group **********************
▽This Sunday is the Christ the King, the last Sunday in the liturgical year C. In addition, Year of Mercy finishes today launched by Pope last year. J group has monthly meeting after mas only this month.

▽Fr. John Yasto Isii(78), a pastor in Adachi parish passed away for cancer in Daini Kosei Hospital in Adachi ku, at 3:22 am on Nov. 16, 2016. Wake service and Funeral is as follows; [Wake] 18:00 Nov. 18 (Fri), 2016 at Mikawajima parish;  [Funeral] 13:00 Nov. 19(Sat) at Mikawajima parsh. Please pray for his soul. (携帯とPCの両方に送られています/ This mail reaches to your malibox both mobile and PC)

▽11/27, J group invites Fr. Kobayashi in Shiomi parish for changing pastor in Advent. Fr. Emilio will say English mass this day, and Fr. Arakawa will be back to parish before monthly E group meeting, by 15:30.

▽On 18th(F) from 11:00, a company will visit to our parish hall to maintain the airconditioner (only for once after purchase).

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church School▽There will be a special program presented by CTIC on November 20th. The event will be from 1p.m. to 4p.m. ▽We will install a Christmas tree on 20th after the event.▽We will have a class for young leaders after E mass on November 27th.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽11/27, J group invites Fr. Kobayashi in Shiomi parish for changing pastor in Advent. Fr. Emilio will say English mass this day, and Fr. Arakawa will be back to parish before monthly E group meeting, by 15:30.

▽12/4, the last Okinawan movie “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Discussion with Karashidane is still going on over the fences, gates, security, etc. Now they applying for construction checking by Adachi city hall, to be passed legally.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/13

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/13
********* 日本語グループ *********************




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


▼12/4沖縄映画上映予定:残りは、圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のsignupがあります。クリパン焼肉お弁当が必要な人は名前を書いてください。




********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate 33rd Ordinary Sunday. J mass will be taken by Fr. Ogawa. J and E mass has 7-5-3 blessing.

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church School▽We had a monthly class last Sunday. ▽There will be a special program presented by CTIC on November 20th. The event will be from 1p.m. to 4p.m. ▽We will install a Christmas tree on 20th after the event.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽11/20, Year of Mercy will be closed. On the same day, J group will have monthly tea ceremony, and J group meeting. E group will be 11/27, the 4th Sunday of the month.

▽11/27, J group invites Fr. Kobayashi in Shiomi parish for changing pastor in Advent. Fr. Emilio will say English mass this day, and Fr. Arakawa will be back to parish before monthly E group meeting, by 15:30.

▽12/4, the last Okinawan movie “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 10/24(M), we had a critical debate with Karashidane at bishop house for legal status of the new rectory. 

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/06

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/06
********* 日本語グループ *********************
▼今日は年間32主日です。教区合同追悼ミサが(カテドラル ・府中 ・五日市14:00 )あります。また、日本語グループは七五三を早いですがお祝いします。対象となるお子さんのご両親はおしらせください。英語ミサ七五三は来週11/13に行います。








========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



▼12/4沖縄映画上映予定:残りは、圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-; 階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のサインアップがあります。クリパン焼肉お弁当が必要な人は名前を書いてください。



********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate All Saint’s day today. Memorial of deceased in Tokyo diocese will be taking place in 3 places. J group celebrate 7-5-3 today, a bit faster. E group will be next week, 11/13.

▽J group has a monthly tea ceremony, which was canceled last month.

▽All Soul’s day this year. E group on 11/6, J group 11/13.

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽We had a night of Okinawan movie on 10/30, last week.

▽11/1, fire equipments were checked.

▽From Church School▽We had a Halloween party on October 30th. ▽There will be a monthly class on 6th. ▽There will be a special program presented by CTIC on November 20th. Detail information will be provided later.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽11/13, J group invites Fr. Ogawa for mass as usual.

▽11/20, Year of Mercy will be closed. On the same day, J group will have monthly tea ceremony, and J group meeting. E group will be 11/27, the 4th Sunday of the month.

▽11/27, J group invites Fr. Kobayashi in Shiomi parish for changing pastor in Advent. Fr. Emilio will say English mass this day, and Fr. Arakawa will be back to parish before monthly E group meeting, by 15:30.

▽12/4, the last Okinawan movie “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 10/24(M), we had a critical debate with Karashidane at bishop house for legal status of the new rectory. 

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/30

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/30

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼沖縄映画上映予定:戦争ぬ止み(2015 130分)10月29日土曜日19:30- / Love 沖縄(2012 112分)10月30日日曜日11:30- です。階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のサインアップがあります。食事が必要な人は名前を書いてください。



▼熊本地震支援金を送金しました。日本語グループ・カトリック福岡教区熊本地震支援へ¥50.000、英語グループ・コムスタカ(熊本の滞日外国人支援弁護士によるグループ) ¥64.000です。ありがとうございました。




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



▼沖縄映画上映予定:残りは、圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-; 階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のサインアップがあります。食事が必要な人は名前を書いてください。



********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 31st Sunday of Ordinary time.

▽Okinawan movie will continue; “Sensou nu Yami(Stopped War)” (2015 130min) 10/29(Sat) 19:30- / Love Okinawa (2012 112min) 10/30 Sun 11:30- /Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽We sent donation for Kumamoto earthquake as follows; J group/ Support foundation of Catholic Fukuoka diocese ¥50.000, E group/ Kumstaka, a NGO founded by a local lawyer for non Japanese in Kumamoto, ¥64.000. Thanks for your generosity.

▽Report on Palm tree. Sorry for late report. we send ¥74.600 for Palm trees to Okayama san( Kamogawa parish), who sent us them.

▽On 10/23, J and E group leaders went to Kyonan Shizen no ie of Adachi city, having joint meeting on several issues.

▽From Church School▽We will throw a Halloween party on October 30th. The meeting time is noon. We will have potluck lunch, bake cakes for the party after E-mass. The child who wants to participate, please bring lunch to share.▽We will have a class for the young leaders after the party.▽We will have a monthly class next Sunday, November 6th. ▽There will be a special program presented by CTIC on November 20th.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽On 11/1, annual fire check up is scheduled.

▽All Soul’s day for Umeda is 11/6 for E group, 11/13 for J group.

▽Okinawan movie will continue; “Sensou nu Yami(Stopped War)” (2015 130min) 10/29(Sat) 19:30- / Love Okinawa (2012 112min) 10/30 Sun 11:30- / “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 10/24(M), we had a critical debate with Karashidane at bishop house for legal status of the new rectory. 

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/23

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/23
********* 日本語グループ *********************




▼熊本地震支援金を送金しました。日本語グループ・カトリック福岡教区熊本地震支援へ¥50.000、英語グループ・コムスタカ(熊本の滞日外国人支援弁護士によるグループ) ¥64.000です。ありがとうございました。



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



▼沖縄映画上映予定:戦争ぬ止み(2015 130分)10月29日土曜日19:30- / Love 沖縄(2012 112分)10月30日日曜日11:30- / 圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-; 階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のサインアップがあります。食事が必要な人は名前を書いてください。



********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 30 th Sunday of Ordinary time. J and E committee have an annual joint retreat at Adachi-Kyonan-Shizenno-Ie in Chiba. J mass will be taken by Fr. Johan Haider S.J., and Fr. Emilio as usual.

▽On 10/16, we celebrated Elder day with both J and E. Appreciation of preparation for events and foods.

▽The same day from 1400, we had a bible class for severe disabled.

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽We sent donation for Kumamoto earthquake as follows; J group/ Support foundation of Catholic Fukuoka diocese ¥50.000, E group/ Kumstaka, a NGO founded by a local lawyer for non Japanese in Kumamoto, ¥64.000. Thanks for your generosity.

▽Report on Palm tree. Sorry for late report. we send ¥74.600 for Palm trees to Okayama san( Kamogawa parish), who sent us them.

▽From Church School▽We will throw  a Halloween party on October 30th. The meeting time is noon. We will have potluck lunch, bake cakes for the party after E-mass. The child who wants to participate, please bring lunch to share.▽The class for the young leaders will be October 23rd and 30th.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽From Oct. 22(Sat)-23(Sun), ▽From 24(Mon) to 26(Wed), annual priest meeting of Tokyo diocese in Cathedral is scheduled.

▽Okinawan movie will continue; “Sensou nu Yami(Stopped War)” (2015 130min) 10/29(Sat) 19:30- / Love Okinawa (2012 112min) 10/30 Sun 11:30- / “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 10/24(M), we will have a negotiation with Karashidane for rectory, gate, and fences at Bishop office with the lawyer.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/16

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/16

********* 日本語グループ *********************






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



▼沖縄映画上映予定:戦争ぬ止み(2015 130分)10月29日土曜日19:30- / Love 沖縄(2012 112分)10月30日日曜日11:30- / 圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-; 階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のサインアップがあります。食事が必要な人は名前を書いてください。



********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 29th Sunday. After J mass, we’ll have the Keirokai.

[Jasmin assigned us to practice dancing with this link!]

▽15th on Saturday, from 1400, Keirokai foods preparation is expected. Bring your kitchen knife for our almost biggest event in our parish!

▽The same day from 1400, a bible class for severe disabled is scheduled.

▽From 10/10-11, Fujimoto(CS) and Fr. A joined to JCARM(Catholic Commission of Japan for Migrants, Refugees and People on the Move) annual workshop in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka. We will prepare a report soon.

▽From Church School▽We will throw  a Halloween party on October 30th. The meeting time is noon. We will have potluck lunch, bake cakes for the party after E-mass. The child who wants to participate, please bring lunch to share.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽From Oct. 22(Sat)-23(Sun), J and E committee will have an annual joint retreat at Adachi-Kyonan-Shizenno-Ie in Chiba. J mass will be taken by Fr. Johan Haider S.J., and Fr. Emilio as usual.

▽From 24(Mon) to 26(Wed), annual priest meeting of Tokyo diocese in Cathedral is scheduled.

▽Okinawan movie will continue; “Sensou nu Yami(Stopped War)” (2015 130min) 10/29(Sat) 19:30- / Love Okinawa (2012 112min) 10/30 Sun 11:30- / “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Destruction of old Karashidane building started. On 9/29, a truck broke our pillar at the entrance outside is repaired. On 10/2(Sun) a site manager, Takano san, expained its reason, recovery, and protection to J committee members. It was accepted after several questions. Its reason is when the truck driver pull over his truck with a leading guide around 16:30-17:00, many kids and their parents rushed out from the entrance, the driver had less attention on his left as his attention was drawn by these kids on his right(see a paper in our office in detail).  Negotiation with Karashidane on the new rectory, gate, and fences are going on through the diocesan lawyer.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/09

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/09
********* 日本語グループ *********************



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========




▼沖縄映画上映予定:戦争ぬ止み(2015 130分)10月29日土曜日19:30- / Love 沖縄(2012 112分)10月30日日曜日11:30- / 圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-; 階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のサインアップがあります。



********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 28th Sunday. After J mass, Dance step training is expected.

▽After E mass, a bible class for young by Fr. Arakawa is scheduled.

▽From 10/10-11, Fujimoto(CS) and Fr. A will join to JCARM(Catholic Commission of Japan for Migrants, Refugees and People on the Move) annual workshop in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, as they pick up the issues of 2nd and 3rd generation of migrants workers in Japan.

▽From Church School▽ The class on October 2nd was about “Diversity of Catholic”.▽There will be no English bible class this month. ▽We will throw  a Halloween party on October 30th. The meeting time is noon. We will have potluck lunch, bake cakes for the party after E-mass. The child who wants to participate, please bring lunch to share.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽On Oct. 16(Sun), we will have the Elder day after J mass. Foods shopping on 13(T), preparation 15(Sat) are expected.

▽From Oct. 22(Sat)-23(Sun), J and E committee will have an annual joint retreat at Adachi-Kyonan-Shizenno-Ie in Chiba. J mass will be taken by Fr. Johan Haider S.J., and Fr. Emilio as usual.

▽From 24(Mon) to 26(Wed), annual priest meeting of Tokyo diocese in Cathedral is scheduled.

▽Okinawan movie will continue; “Sensou nu Yami(Stopped War)” (2015 130min) 10/29(Sat) 19:30- / Love Okinawa (2012 112min) 10/30 Sun 11:30- / “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.
▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Destruction of old Karashidane building started. On 9/29, a truck broke our pillar at the entrance outside is repaired. On 10/2(Sun) a site manager, Takano san, expained its reason, recovery, and protection to J committee members. It was accepted after several questions. Its reason is when the truck driver pull over his truck with a leading guide around 16:30-17:00, many kids and their parents rushed out from the entrance, the driver had less attention on his left as his attention was drawn by these kids on his right(see a paper in our office in detail).  Negotiation with Karashidane on the new rectory, gate, and fences are going on through the diocesan lawyer.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/02

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/02

********* 日本語グループ *********************


▼10/01(土) 19:30から沖縄映画高江〜森が泣いている(2016 60分)[夕食つくり17:30・夕食18:30]、10/02(日) ミサ後うりずんの雨(2015 148分)[お弁当買いにいく]を勉強部屋でみます。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========







********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 27th Sunday.

▽Bible class in J on Fridays restarts from 10/07(Fri).

▽On 10/01(Sat) 19:30-, you are welcomed to watch a movie, “Takae—Moriga naiteiru (Takae, forest is crying)”(2016 60min)[Cooking supper 17:30, Supper 18:30; 10/02(Sun) after mass, “Urizun no Ame, (Rain of Young Summer)” (2015 148min)[Buy Obento] in our study room. Admission Freeeeee!

▽From Church School▽ The class on October 2nd will be “Diversity of Catholic”.▽We will throw  a Halloween party on October 30th
after E-mass.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽From 10/10-11, Fujimoto(CS) and Fr. A will join to JCARM(Catholic Commission of Japan for Migrants, Refugees and People on the Move) annual workshop in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, as they pick up the issues of 2nd and 3rd generation of migrants workers in Japan.

▽On 10/9(Sun), after J mass, Dance step training is exptected.

▽On Oct. 16(Sun), we will have the Elder day after J mass. Foods shopping on 13(T), preparation 15(Sat) are expected.

▽From Oct. 22(Sat)-23(Sun), J and E committee will have an annual joint retreat at Adachi-Kyonan-Shizenno-Ie in Chiba. J mass will be taken by Fr. Johan Haider S.J., and Fr. Emilio as usual.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Destruction of old Karashidane building will start soon, after moving in to the new building. Negotiation with Karashidane on the new rectory, gate, and fences are going on through the diocesan lawyer.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/25

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/25

********* 日本語グループ *********************



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 25th Sunday. Rome sets today as The World day of Migrants and Refugees, with donation. On September 22th at the United Nation, world leaders discussed it, the most emergent issue, not economical, as the numbers of the refugees hit the most high after WWII.

▽Monthly meeting is expected after Jmass, 11:30-.

▽Diocese launches the International Day in Cathedral today, but we canceled to join it as they schedule on Sunday every year. We can not dismiss Sunday mass every week in our parish.

▽From Church School▽Summer school pictures are provided by data because we have so many. The child’s parent who wants the pictures, please give us e-mail address. We will share the data. ▽English bible class will start after English mass on October 9th. ▽ We will have a class on October 2nd in CS classroom as usual. The theme is "Diversity of Catholic".▽We will throw    a Halloween party on October 30th
after E-mass.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

▽On Oct. 16(Sun), we will have the Elder day after J mass.

▽From Oct. 22(Sat)-23(Sun), J and E committee will have an annual joint retreat at Adachi-Kyonan-Shizenno-Ie in Chiba. J mass will be taken by Fr. Johan Haider S.J., and CTIC still looks for the substitute for Emass.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Destruction of old Karashidane building will start soon, after moving in to the new building. Negotiation with Karashidane on the new rectory, gate, and fences are going on through the diocesan lawyer.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/18

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/18
********* 日本語グループ *********************



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 24th Sunday. After J mass, a short meeting is expected for Elder day party on Oct. 16th.

▽From Church School▽Summer school pictures are provided by data because we have so many. The child’s parent who wants the pictures, please give us e-mail address. We will share the data. ▽English bible class will start after English mass on October 9th. ▽ We will have a class on October 2nd in CS classroom as usual. We hope to see the children who couldn’t join the summer school as well, then.

▽On the International Day in Cathedral on 9/25, we canceled to join it as they schedule on Sunday every year. We can not sacrifice Sunday mass every week in our parish.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

▽On Oct. 16(Sun), we will have the Elder day after J mass.

▽From Oct. 22(Sat)-23(Sun), J and E committee will have an annual joint retreat at Adachi-Kyonan-Shizenno-Ie in Chiba.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Destruction of old Karashidane building will start soon, after moving in to the new building. Negotiation with Karashidane on the new rectory, gate, and fences are going on through the diocesan lawyer.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/11

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/11
********* 日本語グループ *********************




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 24th Sunday. 15 years have passed since 9/11 in 2001. Remember together not arrogance and violence of the state, ethnicity, or religion, but understanding and generosity.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

▽From Church Schoo▽We finished the summer school in Chiba from September 3rd to 4th. Thirteen children joined. We had a game on the seashore, a mass under the starry sky and so on as scheduled. ▽Currently, the English bible class is suspended. We will inform you when it’s fixed. ▽ We will have a class on October 2nd in CS classroom as usual. We hope to see the children who couldn’t join the summer school as well, then.

▽On the International Day in Cathedral on 9/25, we canceled to join it as they schedule on Sunday every year. We can not sacrifice Sunday mass every week in our parish.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

Destruction of old Karashidane building will start soon, after moving in to the new building. Detailed plan is available in the office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/04

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/04

********* 日本語グループ *********************
▼今日は年間23主日です。9/3(土)~4(日)は教会学校キャンプが鋸南であります。9/4(日)の日本語ミサ司式は小川神父様、英語ミサはFr.Wajira S.J.が行います。


▽9/3(土)〜4(日)は、13人の子どもたちと千葉県にある鋸南自然の家で合宿を行います。テーマは”Many Colors, One Faith”です。9月のクラスは合宿中のためありません。▽今月の英語で聖書クラスの実施については、現在目処が立っていません。追ってお知らせします。



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 23rd Sunday. From Sep. 3(Sat) to 4(Sun), Church school will go to Kyonan in Chiba for Summer Camp, so that on Sep 4th, Fr. Ogawa will take J mass, and Fr. Wajira S.J., E mass on the day.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

▽From Church Schoo▽From September 3rd to 4th, CS is having summer camp with 13 children in Kyonan Shizen-no-Ie in Chiba pref. The theme is “Many Colors, One Faith”.  There’ll be no CS class on September 4th because of the summer camp. ▽We will inform you regarding this month English Bible Class later on.

▽On the International Day in Cathedral on 9/25, we canceled to join it as they schedule on Sunday every year. We can not sacrifice Sunday mass every week in our parish.

Negotiation on Rectory, parking lot, gate, and fences around are going on with Karashidane.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

▽Destruction of old Karashidane building will start soon, after moving in to the new building. Detailed plan is available in the office.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/21

********* 日本語グループ *********************






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼9/3(土)~4(日)は教会学校キャンプが鋸南であります。9/4(日)の日本語ミサ司式は小川神父様、英語ミサはFr.Wajira S.J.が行います。

********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 21th Sunday. Destruction of old Karashidane building will start soon, after moving in to the new building. Detailed plan is available in the office.

▽This weekly news will be canceled on 8/28 due to some reasons.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

▽From Church School▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th at Kyonan Shizen-no Ie in Chiba pref. 21st is the due date. Don't miss it. ▽There'll be no CS class on September 4th because of the summer camp.

Negotiation on Rectory, parking lot, gate, and fences around are going on with Karashidane.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

▽From Sep. 3(Sat) to 4(Sun), Church school will go to Kyonan in Chiba for Summer Camp, so that on Sep 4th, Fr. Ogawa will take J mass, and Fr. Wajira S.J., E mass on the day.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/14

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/14

********* 日本語グループ *********************





========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ascension of Mary today for behalf of Ordinary 20th.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

▽8/7-13, Catholic Peace Week is launched. Please confer to http://tokyo.catholic.jp/archdiocese/organization/peace/31347/

▽From 8/1(M) to 2(Tu), waxing on the floor by Ecology service was done.

▽From Church School▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th at Kyonan Shizen-no Ie in Chiba pref. Sign-up will be accepted until August 21st. Come and join us! Please contact a CS leader for the detail information.  ▽CS class on August 7 was about Babel and diversity. ▽There will be no English bible class in August.

On 8/8, the negotiation with Karashidane over building the rectory took place in Kasumigaseki.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

▽This weekly news will be canceled on 8/28 due to some reasons.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/07

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/07

********* 日本語グループ *********************






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 19th Sunday. As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

▽8/7-13, Catholic Peace Week is launched. Please confer to http://tokyo.catholic.jp/archdiocese/organization/peace/31347/

▽We will celebrate Ascension of Mary on 8/14 Sunday Mass.

▽From 8/1(M) to 2(Tu), waxing on the floor by Ecology service was done.

▽From Church School▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th. Sign-up will end on August 21st. Come and join us! Please contact a CS leader for the detail information.  ▽CS class on August 7 is about Babel.▽English group and CS mothers will sell Halo Halo on August 7th as  fundraising for CS summer school. ▽There will be no English bible class in August.

On 8/8, the negotiation with Karashidane over building the rectory will be expected in Kasumigaseki.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

▽This weekly news will be canceled on 8/28 due to some reasons.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/31

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/31
********* 日本語グループ *********************




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 18th Sunday. As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

▽From 8/1(M) to 2(Tu), waxing on the floor by Ecology service is expected. Monday will be in the chapel, Tuesday in Hall.

▽From Church School▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th. Sign-up will end on August 21st. Come and join us! Please contact a CS leader for the detail information. ▽There will be a class for leaders ▽CS class on August 7 is about the second generation in New Testament.▽English group and CS mothers will sell Halo Halo on August 7th as  fundraising for CS summer school. ▽There will be no English bible class in August.

Discussion between diocese and K is going on.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/24

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/24
********* 日本語グループ *********************




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 17th Sunday. After mass, we expect monthly meeting both J and E.

▽Leaking in the office has not been found so far since the fixing.

▽From Church School▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th. Sign-up will end on August 21st. Come and join us! Please contact a CS leader for the detail information. ▽There’s no English bible class in August.

Discussion between diocese and K is going on.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽7/24(Sun) E Mass by Fr. Emilio.

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/17
********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼7/16(土) 宣教協力体会議が1400@足立教会で行われました。病床の足立教会主任司祭・石井神父のためにお祈りください。




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼7/24(日) 日英委員会・エミリオ神父英語ミサ


********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 16th Sunday. After Jmass, J leaders have meeting to discuss the rectory plan.

▽7/16(Sat) Mission cluster meeting took place from 1400@Adachi parish. Please pray for Fr. Ishii facing with critical sickness.

▽From Church School▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th. Sign-up will end on August 21st. Come and join us! Please contact a CS leader for the detail information. ▽There’s no English bible class in this month.

▽On 7/10(Sun), halo halo party was successful by CS. We do not sell them, for kid’s and their parent’s bonding.

Discussion between diocese and K is going on.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽7/24(Sun) E Mass by Fr. Emilio.

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/10

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/10
********* 日本語グループ *********************







========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼7/16(土) 宣教協力体会議 1400@足立教会

▼7/24(日) エミリオ神父英語ミサ

********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 15th Sunday. Tokyo University of Art will film our community during Emass or so. Conditions of shooting will be discussed together to find a mutual compromise. We hope your generosities to let them create something nice.

▽7/7(Th), fixing on the leaking above the office finished. please pray it stopped!

▽From Church School▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th. Sign-up will start on July 10th.

▽On 6/29(W), a book, “Adachi ku no showa” is introduced in our parish library.

▽Bible class on Friday finished this term, expecting to restart on 10/7.

▽On 7/10(Sun), halo halo party is expected by CS. We do not sell them, as it is for kid’s and their parent’s bonding.

Discussion between diocese and K is going on.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽7/16(Sat) Mission cluster meeting 1400@Adachi parish

▽7/24(Sun) E Mass by Fr. Emilio.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/03

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/03

********* 日本語グループ *********************








========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼7/10(日) 小川神父日本語ミサ

▼7/16(土) 宣教協力体会議 1400@足立教会

▼7/24(日) エミリオ神父英語ミサ

********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 14th Sunday. Tokyo University of Art will film our community during Emass or so. Conditions of shooting will be discussed together to find a mutual compromise. We hope your generosities to let them create something nice.

▽On 6/29, the lawyer Fuketa san had a negotiation with Karashidane at Kasumigaseki, on rectory, gate, and fences.

▽From 6/24(F), fixing on the leaking above the office starts. Carry the wheel chair to get over some stair at the entrance, as it can not pass through the slope blocked with the frames for fixing the wall.

▽From Church School▽CS class will pick up Paul. ▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th. Sign-up will start on July 10th. ▽Young leaders read books for infants during E-mass on 26th. ▽There will be Halo Halo potluck party on July 10th. This is for mothers to get to know each other, but we expect children to join as well. Sign-up is up to 3rd. Please join us!

▽On 6/29(W), a book, “Adachi ku no showa” will be introduced in our parish library.

▽On 7/10(Sun), halo halo party is expected by CS. We do not sell them, as it is for kid’s and their parent’s bonding.

Discussion between diocese and K is going on.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽7/10(Sun) J Mass by Fr. Ogawa

▽7/16(Sat) Mission cluster meeting 1400@Adachi parish

▽7/24(Sun) E Mass by Fr. Emilio.

////have a nice day!

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/03

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/03

********* 日本語グループ *********************








========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼7/10(日) 小川神父日本語ミサ

▼7/16(土) 宣教協力体会議 1400@足立教会

▼7/24(日) エミリオ神父英語ミサ

********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 14th Sunday. Tokyo University of Art will film our community during Emass or so. Conditions of shooting will be discussed together to find a mutual compromise. We hope your generosities to let them create something nice.

▽On 6/29, the lawyer Fuketa san had a negotiation with Karashidane at Kasumigaseki, on rectory, gate, and fences.

▽From 6/24(F), fixing on the leaking above the office starts. Carry the wheel chair to get over some stair at the entrance, as it can not pass through the slope blocked with the frames for fixing the wall.

▽From Church School▽CS class will pick up Paul. ▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th. Sign-up will start on July 10th. ▽Young leaders read books for infants during E-mass on 26th. ▽There will be Halo Halo potluck party on July 10th. This is for mothers to get to know each other, but we expect children to join as well. Sign-up is up to 3rd. Please join us!

▽On 6/29(W), a book, “Adachi ku no showa” will be introduced in our parish library.

▽On 7/10(Sun), halo halo party is expected by CS. We do not sell them, as it is for kid’s and their parent’s bonding.

Discussion between diocese and K is going on.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽7/10(Sun) J Mass by Fr. Ogawa

▽7/16(Sat) Mission cluster meeting 1400@Adachi parish

▽7/24(Sun) E Mass by Fr. Emilio.

////have a nice day!