
 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 04/17
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼4/17のミサで荒川の梅田教会での任期が終了し、立川教会に転任します(〒190-0022 東京都立川市錦町2-8-10 TEL:042-522-4265 FAX:042-522-1475)。みなさん、15年もの長い間おつきあいくださり、ありがとうございました。後任は4/24からルカ神父(ミラノ宣教会)が担当します。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。





1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 教会での食事はお控えください。
6. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Happy Easter! This is the Easter Sunday in year C. At the Easter Vigil, Sasaki Atsushi and Kumiko were baptized in our community.

▽4/17 is the last mass in Umeda for Fr. Arakawa, leaving for Tachikawa parish. I'd like to show sincere appreciation of your constant and tireless affection and support for 15 years. From 4/24, Fr. Luca will start mass both in J and E.

▽Due to this new assignment, this parish weekly news is to be suspended next week by leaving of Fr. A.

▽Fr. Arakawa will move out on 4/19(Tue), cleaning in rectory will be 20 (Wed). Fr Luca will move in on 21(Thurs), and he will start saying mass from 4/24.

▽With the lift of quasi-emergency declaration 3/21, we are having mass for open public with our prevention rules.

▽Let us pray all together so that War in Ukraine will stop, No Nuclear Weapon will be exploded, and killing each other by Christian will be stopped right now.

/////////Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below are not yet ok.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽We will have an Easter event on LINE on 17th. Please join us.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 04/10

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 04/10
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************








1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 教会での食事はお控えください。
6. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the Palm Sunday starting with Holy Week 2022. Fr. Emilio and Fr. Arakawa both will take mass.

▽Parish does not prepare Palms to avoid infection this year. Please kindly bring your palm or branches from your home. Of course, you are welcome to join the liturgy without it.

▽With the lift of quasi-emergency declaration 3/21, we are having mass for open public with our prevention rules.

▽Holy week schedule; Holy Thursday 20:00, Holy Friday 20:00, Easter Vigil 19:30. 2 candidates for baptism will have baptism during the vigil.

▽Confession is available; J 9:00-9:50, E 15:00-15:50.

▽Let us pray all together so that War in Ukraine will stop, No Nuclear Weapon will be exploded, and killing each other by Christian will be stopped right now.

▽Fr. Arakawa will move out on 4/19(Tue), cleaning in rectory will be 20 (Wed). Fr Luca will move in on 21(Thurs), and he will start saying mass from 4/24.

/////////Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below are not yet ok.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽We picked up Holy Week last class. We are planning to have an Easter event on LINE on 17th.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 04/03

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 04/03
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************







1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 教会での食事はお控えください。
6. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 5th Lent of the Year C. English group will restart mass for open public with some requirements from 3/27 after lifting up the quasi-emergency for COVID. Please refer to FB.

▽JE group plans to discuss on the conditions on holy week and easter vigil. At the Easter vigil, 2 candidates from J group will be baptized.

▽4/10, Fr. Emilio will visit to us for his last J/E mass in Umeda.

▽Confession is available; J 9:00-9:50, E 15:00-15:50.

▽Let us pray all together so that War in Ukraine will stop, No Nuclear Weapon will be exploded, and killing each other by Christian will be stopped right now.

▽Fr. Arakawa will move out on 4/19(Tue), cleaning in rectory will be 20 (Wed). Fr Luca will move in on 21(Thurs), and he will start saying mass from 4/24.

/////////Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below are not yet ok.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽This time, church school class will pick up holy week. The class will be on LINE from 5p.m. We welcome the kids who enter an elementary school in this April.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/27

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/27
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼ゆるしの秘跡を、ミサの後に一時間程度日本語・英語ともに行います。ご希望の方はどうぞ。 4/3にも同様に予定しています。





1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・換気・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. ワクチン接種(2or3回)の方だけの参加。
4. 讃歌、応唱は司式の荒川が発声する。
5. 教会での会食はお控えください。
6. 教区の通達はこちら。https://tokyo.catholic.jp/info/40770/


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 4th Lent of the Year C. Both Japanese and English groups will restart mass for open public with some requirements today. At the beginning of mass, ash will be given for your repentance.

▽J group has 2 adult baptism in the Easter mass, 4/17.

▽Fr. A will listen to your confession after the mass, and 4/3 as well.

▽Let us pray all together so that War in Ukraine will stop, No Nuclear Weapon will be exploded, and killing each other by Christian will be stopped right now.

▽Fr. Arakawa will move out on 4/19(Tue), cleaning in rectory will be 20 (Wed). Fr Luca will move in later sometime before 24th, as he will start saying mass from 4/24.

/////////Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 participants.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, 2nd or 3rd Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can join if they got vaccinated or PCR negative within 2 days.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public again. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽We will have a class next Sunday regarding holy week. The class will be online from 5p.m.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/20

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/20
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************





▼東京都と足立区で感染が深刻なので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。


1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 3rd Lent of the Year C. English group will restart mass for open public with some requirements from 3/27 after lifting up the quasi-emergency for COVID. Please refer to FB. J group is now discussing the requirements for restarting.

▽J group has 2 adult baptism in the Easter mass, 4/17.

▽J group has a monthly meeting from 15:30 on Sunday, and E group from 16:00 on Saturday, 3/12, discussing about a criteria for restarting mass for open public in case of Omicron.

▽Ashes created on Ash Wednesday will be used when mass for open public is available. J group will have 2 Japanese candidates for the baptism at Easter, 4/17.

▽Let us pray all together so that War in Ukraine will stop, No Nuclear Weapon will be exploded, and killing each other by Christian will be stopped right now.

▽We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday again, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly. However, we dismiss it this year as well due to the situation. Fr. A will explain a large picture of our parish when we will be allowed to open our mass again.

▽Fr. Arakawa will move out on 4/19(Tue), cleaning in rectory will be 20 (Wed). Fr Luca will move in later sometime before 24th, as he will start saying mass from 4/24.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽The first class of the new academic year will be on  April 3rd. We are planning to have the class online.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/13

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/13
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************





▼東京都と足立区で感染が深刻なので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。


1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 1st Lent of the Year C. J group has 2 adult baptism in the Easter mass, 4/17.

▽J group has a monthly meeting from 15:30 on Sunday, and E group from 16:00 on Saturday, 3/12, discussing about a criteria for restarting mass for open public in case of Omicron.

▽Ashes created on Ash Wednesday will be used when mass for open public is available. J group will have 2 Japanese candidates for the baptism at Easter, 4/17.

▽Let us pray all together so that War in Ukraine will stop, No Nuclear Weapon will be exploded, and killing each other by Christian will be stopped right now.

▽We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday again, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly. However, we dismiss it this year as well due to the situation. Fr. A will explain a large picture of our parish when we will be allowed to open our mass again.

▽Fr. Arakawa will move out on 4/19(Tue), and Fr Luca will move in later. He will start saying mass from 4/24.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽We finished Moses’ life. It was the last class of the year 2021. Two senior high schoolers showed up.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/06

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/06
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/06
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************


▼東京都と足立区で感染が深刻なので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。

1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 1st Lent of the Year C. Ashes created on Ash Wednesday will be used when mass for open public is available. J group will have 2 Japanese candidates for the baptism at Easter, 4/17.

▽Let us pray all together so that War in Ukraine will stop, No Nuclear Weapon will be exploded, and killing each other by Christian will be stopped right now.

▽We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday again, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly. However, we dismiss it this year as well due to the situation. Fr. A will explain a large picture of our parish when we will be allowed to open our mass again.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽We will have an online class 5p.m. on March 6th. We have picked up Moses’s life in three classes and this will be the last episode.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/27

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/27
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼東京都と足立区で感染が深刻なので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。

1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 8th Ordinary Sunday of the Year C. Now repainting on the rooftop of chapel and emergency exit stairs are going on. Fr. A will say mass for preventing losing lives in Ukraine War, as many Philippinos are working and living there.

▽We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday, 01/08, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly. However, we dismiss it this year as well due to the situation. Fr. A will explain a large picture of our parish when we will be allowed to open our mass again.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽We will have a class next Sunday from 5p.m. online.   We will pick up the last episode of Mose’s life.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/20

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/20
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼東京都と足立区で感染が深刻なので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。

1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 7th Ordinary Sunday of the Year C.Now repainting on the rooftop of chapel and emergency exit stairs are going on.

▽We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday, 01/08, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly. However, we dismiss it this year as well due to the situation. Fr. A will explain a large picture of our parish when we will be allowed to open our mass again.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽The class in March will be 6th. It will be also done online.  We will pick up the last episode of Mose’s life.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/13

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/13
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************
▼今日はC年年間第6主日です。遠隔で日英委員会が予定されています(J; 13:00-, E; 16:00-)。


▼東京都と足立区で感染が深刻なので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。


1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 6th Ordinary Sunday of the Year C. Monthly meeting is scheduled this afternoon (J; 13:00-, E; 16:00-).

▽We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday, 01/08, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly. However, we dismiss it this year as well due to the situation. Fr. A will explain a large picture of our parish when we will be allowed to open our mass again.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽Our last Sunday class was about “Ten Commandments and Golden Calf” by  Fr. Arakawa. Next class will be the last episode of Mose’s life.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/06

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/06
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************


▼東京都と足立区で感染が深刻なので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。


1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 5th Ordinary Sunday of the Year C. The analysis of our parish last year, 2021 will be explained later.

▽We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday, 01/08, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly. However, we dismiss it this year as well due to the situation. Fr. A will explain a large picture of our parish when we will be allowed to open our mass again.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
We will have a monthly online class from 5p.m. next Sunday.  Fr. Arakawa will teach “The Life of Moses 3/4.”

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/30

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/30
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼東京都と足立区で感染が深刻なので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。


1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 4th Ordinary Sunday of the Year C, and Rome annually asks us a donation for World Child Welfare.

▽We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday, 01/08, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly. However, we dismiss it this year as well due to the situation. Fr. A will explain a large picture of our parish when we will be allowed to open our mass again.

▽1/18-25, our annual celebration, ecumenical Christian prayer in Adachi is suspended this year as well.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▼We will have a monthly class from 5p.m. next Sunday.  The theme is “The Life of Moses 3/4.”

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/23

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/23
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼東京都と足立区で感染が激増しているので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。



感染者が激減しているので、11/14の委員会で話し合ったようにミサ参加条件を厳しくします。1/8:東京感染者641/日, 足立区感染者42/日
1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the third Ordinary Sunday of the Year C.We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday, 01/08, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly, expected on Feb 6th, by closing book, audit, and creating budget 2022.

▽1/18-25, our annual celebration, ecumenical Christian prayer in Adachi is suspended this year as well.

▽Abp Kikuchi released a new appointment(1st) for Tokyo diocese 2022. Pastor of Umeda will be Fr. Geanluca(Milan Mission), and Fr. Arakawa will be a pastor in Tachikawa parish. This appointment will be effective from April 17th, Easter Sunday. On other assignment, please confer to the diocese website. https://tokyo.catholic.jp/info/diocese/

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▼Next class will be also online class which starts at 5p.m. on February 6th.  The theme is “The Life of Moses 3.”

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/16

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/16
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************
▼今日はC年年間第二主日です。東京都と足立区で感染が激増しているので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。


感染者が激減しているので、11/14の委員会で話し合ったようにミサ参加条件を厳しくします。1/8:東京感染者641/日, 足立区感染者42/日
1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。

▼教会施設使用です。感染状況が低値安定しているのでAAが12/6(月) 1800-20:30まで感染対策をした上で会場使用をします。なおMACバザーはしばらく見合わせるという連絡が2020/5/27に来ました。詳細は03-6458-3232へ。

###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the second Ordinary Sunday of the Year C.We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday, 01/08, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Abp Kikuchi released a new appointment(1st) for Tokyo diocese 2022. Pastor of Umeda will be Fr. Geanluca(Milan Mission), and Fr. Arakawa will be a pastor in Tachikawa parish. This appointment will be effective from April 17th, Easter Sunday. On other assignment, please confer to the diocese website. https://tokyo.catholic.jp/info/diocese/

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▼We had an online class last Sunday. Next class will be the first Sunday of February. The theme is “The Life of Moses 3.”

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/08

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/08
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼01/08のミサから残念ですが、日英委員会委員長と急遽協議して公開ミサを梅田教会では見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。

感染者が激減しているので、11/14の委員会で話し合ったようにミサ参加条件を厳しくします。1/8:東京感染者641/日, 足立区感染者42/日
1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。

▼教会施設使用です。感染状況が低値安定しているのでAAが12/6(月) 1800-20:30まで感染対策をした上で会場使用をします。なおMACバザーはしばらく見合わせるという連絡が2020/5/27に来ました。詳細は03-6458-3232へ。

###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽We will have a Baptism of the Lord in Year C today.

▽Consulting with the chair from Japanese & English group, we suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday, 01/08, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▼The Church school will start at 5p.m. on January 9th on LINE. The theme is "The Life of Moses 2〜from plagues of Egypt to exodus〜”, which is a sequel to the November class.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!