
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/04

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/04

********* 日本語グループ **********************





========== 来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************

▽Today we celebrate the 27th Ordinary Sunday. J group has a meeting for Elder day on 10/19 after J mass.

▽Ueki san (85), living in a nursing home in Saitama, had transferred in ICU for pneumonia. As the hospital requires family to be with visitors in ICU, his family wants visitors come after moving from ICU to an sick room.

▽On Sep 20(Sat), the lawyer Fuketa san explained in detail over the land issue between Karashidane and ourselves, with diocese representative. Parish plans to have a special meeting on 10/26 after J and E mass, explaining what have happened and cleared up to now. Now, parish meeting is preparing for it.

▽From Church School; We will pick up one story from old testament, 'King David'. Children's works drawn on September 7th are now on a bulletin board out side of the church. Summer school pictures are now on the church school bulletin board. Please write the number of any pictures you want and leave your e-mail address there. The pictures (color ones) will be e-mailed to you.

▽10/7, Fire inspection is scheduled.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Oct 12 in J mass will be taken by Fr. Ogawa for the 2nd week of the month.

▽Oct 19 is expected to have annual Elder day in J.

▽Nov 2 is all soul’s day in Umeda English group. On the other hand, Nov 9 is scheduled for the memorial day in Umeda in J.

▽9/20-10/1, J and E leaders and Fr. Arakawa visited to Panai island in Phil, to observe how our donation contributed to a village hit by Yolanda last year. You will have a report on it soon.

///Have a nice day!

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