
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 06/07

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 06/07
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************




▼ミサお休み中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。部数がありません。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。封筒は結構ですので、次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate Holy Trinity of Year A. Confirmation expected in this July was canceled.

▽Abp. Kikuchi released a paper on "Parish activities after lifting the state of emergency" on 5/26. As he notes, "we will keep current parish closing for a while after the lift by government", our parish committee agreed with its statement at the meeting last Sunday.

▽As the entire parishes in Tokyo Diocese are closing mass for open public, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish is closed, you can email your mass intention to our parish. Fr. A will say your name in personal Sunday mass. Write your name, intention, name to be called, and email it to myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com. I will say it at the Sunday mass.

From Church School
▽Our class on June 7th will be held from 10a.m via LINE group call. The theme is about Pentecost though it was celebrated last Sunday.We will provide a short video for preparation on Saturday. We hope a child joins after watching this video. If you are interested in this, please give us your LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!

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