
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/01

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/01
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼[重要]2/25日に菊池司教が「新型コロナウイルス感染症に伴う、公開のミサ中止について」を発表しました。内容を手短にまとめると、1) 2/27(木)から3/14(土)まで、ミサを二週間原則中止。2) 特に3/1と3/8の主日もミサの中止。3) ただし結婚式・葬儀は対策をとって行う。3/15(日)以降は通常復帰予定。4)ミサ以外の行事も延期か中止。5) 3/1と3/8のすべての信徒を対象に主日ミサにあずかる義務の免除です。正式なお知らせが教区HPに掲載されています。




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========




********* English Group **********************
▽We will celebrate 1st Lent Sunday. All the masses in Tokyo Diocese are suspended today.

▽[Important]ON Feb 25th, Archbishop Tarcicius Kikuchi released a paper "On Suspending mass for Corona Virus." In short, 1) For 2 weeks, from Feb 27(Thurs) to March 14(Sat), mass is suspended in Tokyo diocese. 2) Especially, Sunday mass on March 1 and 8 are suspended. 3) Except for Marriage and Funeral with proper prevention. 4) All meetings or parties are suspended. 5) Dispensation from attending Sunday mass on March 1 and 8 is given for every faithful in TKD. ###Ash Wednesday on Feb 26, tomorrow, will be scheduled from 11:00 AM. Summary is avialable from our parish website in Tagalog.

▽Please cancel any activities in parish due to this reason till March 14th.

From Church School ▽Spring sleep-over event this year is March 28th and 29th. We put a flyer on our bulletin board. Now sign-up is going on. Please approach to a leader for more information.

From First Communion Class▽The first communion this year is June 14th. An applicant has to be baptized and older than 2nd grade in this April.
Also attending 6 classes until the first communion is required. From March 22nd, an application form will be provided. The deadline is April 12th. On that day, after the E-mass, there will be a parent brief session. For more information, please contact Egroup leaders.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽3/15(S), when the circumstances allows, Fr. Gesu wil say both J and E mass here in Umeda with Tagalog confession. As the same token, Fr. A will go to Kasai parish.

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽<> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!

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