
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/20

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/20
********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼足立教会主任司祭:使徒ヨハネ 石井靖人神父が、癌のため、2016年11月16日午前3時22分に、東京都足立区・第二洪誠病院で帰天されました。享年78歳でした。通夜ならびに葬儀ミサ・告別式は、下記日程にて執り行われます。【通夜】日時:2016年11月18日(金)18:00から / 場所:カトリック三河島教会(〒116-0002 東京都荒川区荒川3-11-1 電話03-3891-3033【葬儀ミサ・告別式】日時:2016年11月19日(土)13:00から / 場所:同上; お祈りください。






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼12/4沖縄映画上映予定:残りは、圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のsignupがあります。クリパン焼肉お弁当が必要な人は名前を書いてください。




********* English Group **********************
▽This Sunday is the Christ the King, the last Sunday in the liturgical year C. In addition, Year of Mercy finishes today launched by Pope last year. J group has monthly meeting after mas only this month.

▽Fr. John Yasto Isii(78), a pastor in Adachi parish passed away for cancer in Daini Kosei Hospital in Adachi ku, at 3:22 am on Nov. 16, 2016. Wake service and Funeral is as follows; [Wake] 18:00 Nov. 18 (Fri), 2016 at Mikawajima parish;  [Funeral] 13:00 Nov. 19(Sat) at Mikawajima parsh. Please pray for his soul. (携帯とPCの両方に送られています/ This mail reaches to your malibox both mobile and PC)

▽11/27, J group invites Fr. Kobayashi in Shiomi parish for changing pastor in Advent. Fr. Emilio will say English mass this day, and Fr. Arakawa will be back to parish before monthly E group meeting, by 15:30.

▽On 18th(F) from 11:00, a company will visit to our parish hall to maintain the airconditioner (only for once after purchase).

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church School▽There will be a special program presented by CTIC on November 20th. The event will be from 1p.m. to 4p.m. ▽We will install a Christmas tree on 20th after the event.▽We will have a class for young leaders after E mass on November 27th.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽11/27, J group invites Fr. Kobayashi in Shiomi parish for changing pastor in Advent. Fr. Emilio will say English mass this day, and Fr. Arakawa will be back to parish before monthly E group meeting, by 15:30.

▽12/4, the last Okinawan movie “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Discussion with Karashidane is still going on over the fences, gates, security, etc. Now they applying for construction checking by Adachi city hall, to be passed legally.

////have a nice day!

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