
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/10

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/10

********* 日本語グループ **********************





▼日本語聖書クラス再開日程です。金曜日聖書クラスは1 5日から、土曜日クラスは16日からいつもの時間です。


▼初聖体クラスより; 今年の初聖体は6/7です。今年は12名(男子7名女子5名)が勉強をしています。とても元気なクラスです。


▼5月10日の主日でネパールで4/25に起きた大地震の義援金をミサで集めました。合計金額は¥80.710円で、内訳は¥77.710送金・¥3.000手数料でRs.(インドルピー)40.900を5月8日Bank of Indiaから、Baroda教区へ送金しました。詳細はpdfで掲示板に貼っておきます。ありがとうございました。

========== 来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the feast of Ascension of the Lord. Fr. Ogawa is scheduled to say mass on J mass.

▽On May 10th, +Maria Catharina Satori Koike (94yrs Umeda) passed away at Syorakudo Hospital for pneumonia in the morning  Fr. Kawamura said both wake service from 18:00 on 12th, Funeral Mass 12:00 on 13th.

▽As the sequence of destruction of the rectory, we have less space for parking bicycles and motor bikes. Please park your bicycles into our land. Instead of that, no CAR parking allowed whole day on Sundays.

▽From UIC; Thank you for your joining on Food bazaar on May 3rd. Accounting report will be soon. May 16-17, UIC leaders will stay over night in parish for retreat.

▽Last February, students of Tokyo University of Art, launched their event. Some are now similarly figuring up a community building through dance in September. They are trying it after E mass for Non Japanese.

▽J bible class will restart from May 15th, on Fridays, and 18th, on Saturdays.

▽From Church School; △CTIC special activity on May 23rd was rescheduled, and it will be June 21st.△The class for above senior high schoolers will be on 24th.

▽First Communion Class; This year First Communion is June 7th. 12 kids (7 boys and 5 girls) are preparing for the first communion.

Our monthly committee will discuss recent process.

▽On May 10th, we asked your donation for Nepal Earthquake on 4/25. Its amount and details are as follows; Transferred ¥77.710-, Commission ¥3.000-, Total ¥80.710-; From Bank of India on May 5th to Baroda Diocese in India. Transfer receipt is put on the bulletin board. Thank you for your consideration and contribution.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!

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