
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/01
********* 日本語グループ **********************



========== 12来週以降の予定 ==========




********* English Group **********************

▽We will celebrate the 4th Sunday of ordinary time. In Japanese mass, general assembly is scheduled with following of E group next week. E group has a monthly meeting for January after mass.

▽1/24 from 1400, annual meeting of Arakawa-Adachi mission cluster will take place in Umeda.

▽From Church School △We will teach about 26 Martyrs of Nagasaki and 187 Martyrs in February Class. △ We will sell Lenten Soup on February 22nd as last year. This program's aim is that the kids learn serving people. Please enjoy! △Young leaders will read books in Tagalog, English and Japanese in the cry room during E-mass on 22nd. This program is for the infant. △ A class for the young started. It is done once a month in Japanese after E mass. This program is originally started for the young CS leaders, but it's open to public. All who are between high schoolers  and college students are welcome.

In the general assembly, you will see a rough plan for construction proposed by Karashidane. ATTENTION: Fr. Arakawa switched phone contract closing its SMS. When you give a call to land line, 03-3880-4718, your voice message will be transferred to Fr. Arakawa’s cell phone if only you leave message. No bells at parish entrance now. Parish committee will discuss it this coming monthly meeting.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽A NPO group called “Art access Adachi”, will have a presentation on Phlippino migrants in Adachi, in our parish on Feb 11, 2015. They will be introduced at the announcement.

▽A cleaning company, Ecology Home Service scheduled to clean up our parish chapel and hall from Feb 15 to 16.///Have a nice day!

▽<> 2/18 11:00- Mass on Ash Wednesday. 3/29 starts Holy Week with Palm Sunday. 4/3(Sat) has Easter Vigil, 4/4(Sun) Easter Sunday.

////have a nice day!

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