
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/14

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/14

********* 日本語グループ **********************

▼日本語の聖書クラスは今年度終了しました。来年は1/16, 17に再開します。司祭館引っ越しの片付けで少し時間を取られております。




========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

▼クリスマスと新年のミサ予定です。12/24 20:00(日英)  12/25 11:00(日); 12/31 19:00(英)  1/1 11:00(日)

********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 3rd week of Advent. Fr. Ogawa will visit to J Mass. After Mass, a meeting for food on Christmas party is scheduled.

▽J Bible class concluded this year, restarting Jan 16 and 17 next year, due to the moving out from the rectory.

▽A lot of groups will use during Christmas season in church. As it is complicated, a list of users will be shown on the bulletin board. Especially, Kindergarten and Akebono will be a regular user.

▽Presentation over Iloilo was taken place last week in J group, and E group is expected to happen in Dec.

▽From Church School; △Next CS class in January will pick up Epiphany and have a king's cake. △Annual project of supporting the refugee center in Jordan is now going on. This year we will make 3 kinds of Kurdish sweets. All who help us are welcome.

12/17: Moving out from the rectory to a new apartment, Umejima Heights #606. 12/18: NTT and JCOM will come for un/installation of phone and Cable TV. Parish will have a new phone # in the apartment. Current parish phone (3880-4718) is transferred to our office. The intercom on the rectory does not work as it hangs on the moved phone line. Please ring a bell put in front of the rectory door.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Christmas and New Year Mass schedule; 12/24 20:00(JE), 25 11:00(J); 12/31 19:00(E), 1/1 11:00(J)

///Have a nice day!

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