
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 06/29


********* 日本語グループ **********************

▼【保育園建て替え工事】6/28 1500から教区顧問弁護士と事務局が教会にきて委員会にからしだねから出された要望書に関して説明します。


▼初聖体クラスより; 初聖体に向け勉強していた8名(日本語グループ、英語グループ混合)が、先週6/22無事に初聖体を迎えました。これからも彼らへのご指導をよろしくお願いします。


========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

▼聖書クラスは7/18(金), 19(土)で今学期終了します。再開は追ってご連絡します。

********* English Group **********************

▽This is the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul. 2nd Collection goes to Holy See for the usage of Vatican.

▽[construction] Bishop house and its layer visit to us to explain the demand from Karashidane from 1500.

▽From Church School; Summer school schedule was fixed,August 1st and 2nd. We'll stay over night at Kyonan Shizen-no-ie in Chiba. Signing up will start on July 6th. Detail information will be provided next week.

▽From First Communion Class; 8 children from J-group and E-group had First Communion on June 22nd. Please congratulate and lead them as before.

▽At the stair, we put the bottles of leaking rain. We are detecting where it came from.

《TEPCO forced to raise up electric fee frequently, so that the bill on May almost reaches to the one last August! REMEMBER to turn off Air conditioner when you leave.》
========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Bible class in J will be wrapped up for this semester on July 18 and 19th. Restart will be announced later.

///have a nice day!

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