
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/23

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 07/23
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;

********* 日本語グループ *********************


▼教会学校より▽先週7/16(日)〜7/17(月)で、一足先の夏合宿をしました。今年のテーマはSoul Searching。どうやって神様を助けることができるか。高尾山に登り、沢下りのあるコースを下り、八王子市内の元高校の宿泊施設で一泊しました。参加者は男子7名、女子6名、小学1年生から中学1年生まで、大きな怪我も熱中症もなく無事帰ってきました。ご協力くださったみなさん、ありがとうございました。

 ========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 16th Sunday of Ordinary time in year A. In Jmass, parish committee members explain about the procedure of the “K” discussion past 4 years. As the second time, Fr. A will explain it at the announcement today. Next week, 7/30, he will do it in E mass.

▽Bible class on Fridays closes this semester on 7/14. It will restart from 10/6.

//////////////BREAKING NEWS////////////////////
▽Parish registration gets far more easer now! Just email back to us (josephumeda@mac.com) with putting “RE: Reg”! You will have monthly birthday blessing on the 1st week of the month with your name calling. Of course, you get our seasonal info especially for your kids, such as 1st communion, confirmation, summer camps, or parish activities!!! Tell this good news to your FRIENDS!!!
/////////////BREAKING NEWS//////////////////////

▽From Church School▽We had a summer camp last week though it was before the summer vacation. The theme was "Soul Searching”, how can we help God?  This time, we climbed Mt. Takao, took a small river course on the way down, and stayed at the accommodation which used to be a high school in Hachioji city. 7 boys and 6 girls from the first grade to the seventh grade joined the camp. We all came back without any big accident. Thank you for your cooperation.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽《IMPORTANT; Info on Karashidane Construciton》Though repairing the concrete sidewalk along side south of church and installing parish sign at the entrance, we are asking the construciton company that repaired the parking lot as the metal tab can not remove to clean inside now.

▽《NOTICE; Please approach in advance to pastor, Fr. Arakawa, whoever wants to put your group ad.》

////have a nice day!

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