
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 04/16 ********* 日本語グループ ********************* ▼ご復活おめでとうございます。今日は復活の主日です。今日から復活節が始まります。ミサの後で恒例のパーティーがあります。 ▼復活祭パーティーの食事準備を4/15(土)13:00-から行う予定です。お手伝いいただけるとひじょうにありがたいです。 ▼教会学校より▼4月9日、枝の主日にスープキッチンを行いました。2000円ほどの利益が出ましたので、ヨルダンの難民支援センターへの寄付金にいたします。▽今年もよろしく復活祭のパーティー内で、子どもたち向けにエッグハンティングをする予定です。 ▼初聖体について▼今年の初聖体は6月18日に行います。対象は、現在小学校2年生以上です。5/7から6/11まで計6回、毎週日曜日行うクラス全てに出席する必要があります。(遅刻もしないこと)。3/5より、申込用紙を配布します。初聖体希望者は、申込用紙に記入のうえ、初聖体希望者本人の洗礼証明書に所定の料金を添えて提出してください。締切は4/16復活祭の日曜日です。また、この日に保護者への説明会をしますので、保護者の方は必ず出席してください。時間は申込時にお伝えします。 ▼4/12(水)に、NTTが新規電話設置工事に、またからしだね園舎工事で教会建物が傷んでいないか業者が900より評価にきました。 ▼4/17(月)にNTTが教会入り口外壁にモニターフォンを設置に来ます。 ▼4/17以降の早い段階で、教会歩道側の柵をからしだねが撤去する工事が急遽決まりました。司祭館の引き渡しはまだ決まっていないので、引越しその他もまだ何も決まっていません。 ========== 再来週以降の予定 ========== ▼4/29(土)に障害者聖書クラスを13:00から予定しています。 ▼5/1(月)-2(火)にエコロジーサービスが床のワックスに入ります。 ▼《重要・保育園建設情報》4/11にからしだね法人と司教館で協議をしました。主に上記歩道側の柵と司祭館引き渡しに関してでした。同時に合意案と異なる教会との隣地境界線問題について議論が交わされました。交渉は最終局面に入っていますが、まだいくつかの事項が残っています。これまでのやりとりは協議が終了してから臨時信徒総会という形で報告する予定でいます。 ********* English Group ********************** ▽Happy Easter! This is the Easter Sunday starting Easter period till Pentecost. After J mass, we have joint party. ▽We’ll have food preparation for Easter party on 4/15(Sat) from 13:00. Your help is seriously appreciated. ▽From Church School▽We will has a soup kitchen on April 9th. We got a few amount of profit 2,000yen. We will send this to the refugee center in Jordan.▽CS will have egg hunt in the party on Easter Sunday. Let your children join. ▽First Communion▽The First Communion will be held on June 18th. The child who is currently the 1st grader is applicable. S/he has to attend all 6 classes on May 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, June 4th and 11th without delay. To register, please submit an application form, the child's baptismal certificate (photocopy is acceptable) and the fee by April 16th, on Easter Sunday. There'll be a parents' meeting on that day. Be sure to attend it as well. ▽4/12(W), NTT for installing new phone system, and an assessment company will visit to us for checking if our building is damaged or not by the kindergarten construction. ▽4/17(M), NTT comes again to install monitor phone on the pillar at the entrance. ▽After 4/17(M), destruction of the fence along side the side walk unexpectedly starts by K. No further plan is fixed yet, moving to new rectory etc., for handing over the new rectory is not yet allowed by city hall due to a lack of proper documents. ========== Schedule after coming Sunday ========== ▽4/29(Sat), the bible class for disable is scheduled from 13:00. ▽5/1(M)-2(T), wax cleaning company will purify our floor. ▽ On 4/11, we discussed with K at Bishop house over the fence along side sidewalk, and handing over the new rectory. At the same time, we sharply pointed out the boundary between K and us, different from the agreement. Still some issues are not yet discussed, but whole procedure is approaching to an end. Parish committee is expecting extra-ordinary meeting to report the process and problems after current negotiation comes to end. ////have a nice day!

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 04/16
********* 日本語グループ *********************







========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========




********* English Group **********************
▽Happy Easter! This is the Easter Sunday starting Easter period till Pentecost. After J mass, we have joint party.

▽We’ll have food preparation for Easter party on 4/15(Sat) from 13:00. Your help is seriously appreciated.

▽From Church School▽We will has a soup kitchen on April 9th. We got a few amount of profit 2,000yen. We will send this to the refugee center in Jordan.▽CS will have egg hunt in the party on Easter Sunday. Let your children join.

▽First Communion▽The First Communion will be held on June 18th. The child who is currently the 1st grader is applicable. S/he has to attend all 6 classes on May 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, June 4th and 11th without delay. To register, please submit an application form, the child's baptismal certificate (photocopy is acceptable) and the fee by April 16th, on Easter Sunday. There'll be a parents' meeting on that day. Be sure to attend it as well.

▽4/12(W), NTT for installing new phone system, and an assessment company will visit to us for checking if our building is damaged or not by the kindergarten construction.

▽4/17(M), NTT comes again to install monitor phone on the pillar at the entrance.

▽After 4/17(M), destruction of the fence along side the side walk unexpectedly starts by K. No further plan is fixed yet, moving to new rectory etc., for handing over the new rectory is not yet allowed by city hall due to a lack of proper documents.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽4/29(Sat), the bible class for disable is scheduled from 13:00.

▽5/1(M)-2(T), wax cleaning company will purify our floor.

On 4/11, we discussed with K at Bishop house over the fence along side sidewalk, and handing over the new rectory. At the same time, we sharply pointed out the boundary between K and us, different from the agreement. Still some issues are not yet discussed, but whole procedure is approaching to an end. Parish committee is expecting extra-ordinary meeting to report the process and problems after current negotiation comes to end.

////have a nice day!

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