
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/08

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/08
********* 日本語グループ **********************
▼今週は年間第5主日です。1/6付の事務局ファックスで2/8をフランシスコ教皇は「世界反人身売買、祈りと黙想と行動の日」としました。人身売買を無くすための理解、関係団体との協力を深めるように促されています。 英語グループは急遽、CTICの英語グループ司牧担当エドウィン神父がきて告解とミサをすることになりました。先週やった日本語ミサでの総会内容の説明は来週15日に繰り越します。


▼《司祭館取り壊し情報》2月20, 21日、23日から28日、3月2, 3日に、司祭館取り壊し工事の予定だとからしだね法人から連絡がありました。土日は工事が休みですが、通路と安全の確保をからしだね法人にお願いしています。

========== 来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************

▽We will celebrate the 5th Sunday of ordinary time. According to the fax from Bishop office on 1/6, Pope Francis instituted today as “A day of prayer, meditation, and action over world against human trafficking”. He encouraged us to facilitate the understanding of fighting against human trafficking, co-working with organizations. English group invites Fr. Edwin, a director on English speaking group of CTIC, for mass and confession. Due to this reason, an explanation of annual assembly in our parish will be next week.

△ We will sell Lenten Soup on February 22nd as last year. This program's aim is that the kids learn serving people. Please enjoy! △Young leaders will read books in Tagalog, English and Japanese in the cry room during E-mass on 22nd. This program is for the infant. △ A class for the young started. It is done once a month in Japanese after E mass. This program is originally started for the young CS leaders, but it's open to public. All who are between high schoolers  and college students are welcome.The next class is 15th. △ We are going to see the movie "Exodus". It is PG 13, and we will bring over Junior high schoolers. Please contact any leader for detail information.

Rectory will be destroyed down on Feb 20, 21, 23 to 28, March 2 and 3, according to Karashidane corp. We asked them to ensure the safety on weekend, though destruction work will be off.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽A NPO group called “Art access Adachi”, will have a presentation on Phlippino migrants in Adachi, in our parish on Feb 11, a flag day. Local TV channel, JCOM Adachi will come to shoot it. Further information, please jump here.

▽A cleaning company, Ecology Home Service scheduled to clean up our parish chapel and hall from Feb 15 to 16.///Have a nice day!

▽<> 2/18 11:00- Mass on Ash Wednesday. 3/29 starts Holy Week with Palm Sunday. 4/3(Sat) has Easter Vigil, 4/4(Sun) Easter Sunday.

////have a nice day!

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