教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/04
********* 日本語グループ **********************
▼教会学校より; 5/4の教会学校は、ミサの構成について取り上げます。今回は昼食はありません。
▼初聖体クラスより; 今年の初聖体は6/22です。今年は7名の子どもが勉強します。クラスは連休明けの5月11日から始まります。
▼先週の日曜日, 4/27に英語グループのリーダー・ジャスミンさんと恩田栄一さんの結婚式がありました。
========== 来週以降の予定 ==========
********* English Group **********************
▽This week is the 3rd Easter Sunday. After the mass, J community has a meeting on the land issue, E comm., monthly meeting on April.
▽From Church School; Though May 4th is in the middle of golden week, we'll have a class.
▽From First Communion Class; First communion will be June 22nd this year, and 7 children will prepare for it. The class will start on May 11th.
▽On April 26 (Sat), Arakawa-Adachi mission cluster got together at the Yakabune, a boat on the Sumida riv.. Exciting gathering revoked people to have the next. Priests will consider on it.
▽Ms., Jennifer Jasmin had a marriage with Mr. Eiichi Onda after English mass.
========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽Bible class in J will start after the long holidays, May 9th and 10th.
▽Joint Retreat for J and E committee members, which was interrupted twice(!), will be from 5/17(Sat) to 18(Sun) at Adachiku-Kyonan-Shizennoie at Chiba. Fr.Arakawa will be back in the morning on 28th for mass.
▽[construction] Committee is discussion on the reply from Bishop office for its puzzling and embarrassing expressions.
////Have a nice day!
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