
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/07

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/07

********* 日本語グループ **********************





========== 来週以降の予定 ==========
▼3/22(土) 11:00からエミリオ神父に四旬節講話と共同回心式をお願いできました。先日発表された教皇使徒的勧告『福音の喜びEvangelii Gaudium(本邦未翻訳)』、特に大量消費社会と破壊的資本主義に関して話してもらいます。


▼【ヨルダンにいる難民とコーヒー】先週のミサで話しましたが、これまで8年間で100万円近くを、ミサ後のホールにあるコーヒー販売で送ってきました。しかしながら、現地礼拝会のSr.川俣が東京の喜多見修道院の秘書に任命されて引き上げてきたので、送金する口座がなくなってしまい、シスターとも協議した結果、ペルーへの送金は断念しました。そこで、先日荒川がヨルダンに流入するパレスチナ・イラク・シリア・南スーダン・ソマリア難民を支援するJesuit Refugee Service in Jordanに行って現地を見てきました。イエズス会の組織ですが、実質的に働いているのは現地のカトリック信徒でした。そこで、このコーヒーの売上金はヨルダンにこれから送ることにします。


********* English Group **********************

▽Lenten week starts today! Fr. Jesu OSA, a pastor of Kasai parish will celebrate mass both J and E mass today. Confession in Tagalog will be offered from 1300, and after the E mass as well. Fr. Arakawa will visit to Kasai parish for Lenten lecture, J mass, and E mass there.

▽During the mass, ash will be available for missing the Ash Wednesday last week.

▽From Church School:Last class was about the denomination of Christianity. We will have a staying over night event on March 22nd and 23rd. The main event is a pilgrimage of the churches in Arakawa and Adachi-ku. The fee is 3,000yen which includes meals, rental futon, public bath, and insurance. Approach to a leader to sign-up. The deadline is next Sunday, March 9th. Parents are also welcome to the pilgrimage though we can't offer a sleeping space. And also, we appreciate mothers to help cooking dinner.

▽Bible class in J will be finished this term on the last week of March. Next term will start after the long holidays, May 9th and 10th.

▽[construction] Parish committee confirmed our land contract with Karashidane for 60 years valid, expired in 2046. Former Cardinal Shirayanagi from Karashidane, and Bp. Mori made a contract then. Now Fr. Arakawa is working to organize the paper with issues and our opinions to submit to the diocese meeting.
========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽J group invites Fr. Emilio for the lenten lecture and confession from 11:00 on March 22 (Sun). He will focus on the Evangelii Gaudium, a Papal exhortation, mass consumerism and destructive capitalism.

▽[Typhoon Hyian update 03/07] Agnes emailed as follows;Hi, Padre! How are you?  This is to update you of the project you donated in Carles, Iloilo.  The pre-fabricated roofings are ready to be brought to Cawayan National High School in Carles, Iloilo.  4 classrooms will be restored.  Ateneo de Manila added some amount to your donation to complete the 4 classrooms. A small amount was left, so they made 4 new blackboards too!  Right now, we are negotiating with the local government unit to lend us a big truck to bring the pre-fabricated roofings there.  We are getting positive response from them. Once these materials will be there, our construction team needs 1 week to install the roofings.  Until now there is no electricity in the area, and so, they will be bringing a generator to be used for welding the materials. Will keep you updated!

▽[Coffee and Refugee in Jordan] J group had raised donation for the mothers forced to prostitution for past 8 years, ca. ¥1.000.000-. As a Japanese nun, worked there returned back to Tokyo, we lost the transferring bank account there. Discussed with the nun, we decided to finish to transfer it to Peru. Fr. Arakawa went to Jordan and met local people who are supporting the refugees from Palestine, Iraq, Syria, south Sudan, and Somalia there. Jesuit Refugee Service in Jordan is organizing this lay group, and they were active. So we decided to transfer the donation there from now on.

▽Ash Wednesday is March 5th, and Easter Sunday is April 20th (Sun) this year.

////Have a nice day!

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