
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/01

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/01


********* 日本語グループ **********************





========== 来週以降の予定 ==========

▼3/9(日)の日本語・英語ミサは、葛西教会のFr. Jezu(O.S.A.)が担当します。英語ミサは赦しの秘跡つきです。その日、荒川は葛西教会で講話と日本語・英語ミサ司式をします。司祭を交換して四旬節講話を行ないたい葛西教会に答えた形です。

▼3/22(土) 11:00からエミリオ神父に四旬節講話と共同回心式をお願いできました。先日発表された教皇使徒的勧告『福音の喜びEvangelii Gaudium(本邦未翻訳)』、特に大量消費社会と破壊的資本主義に関して話してもらいます。


********* English Group **********************

▽This is the Feast of the dedication of Lord. J group has a ceremony for the baptism candidate at Easter. After the mass, annual general assembly is expected in J group, and E group next week. E group has a monthly meeting of January after mass today.

▽A cleaning company will be waxing on the floor of Chapel on 2/3 Mon, Hall on 2/4 Tue.

▽From Church School: Next class in February will be about Asian religion. We are planning a staying over night event on March 22nd and 23rd. Detail information will be provided later. Come and join us.

▽[Update] Donation for Typhoon Hyian: Agnes emailed me to report the current situation. As still they can not get electricity, construction work stops. Considering the next typhoon coming this year, they plan stronger roofs to be installed. Please take a look at the update paper and transfer in detail at the bulletin board.

▽J group is negotiating with Fr. Emilio to give a lenten lecture on the world disaster economy, often criticized by Pope Francis, with the text of “Evangelii Gaudium” issued by Pope last fall.

▽Annual Ecumenical gathering around Adachi area took place on Jan 26th (Sun) from 14:00 at Nishi Arai DaiKan Church, a Korean Protestant. Fr Ishii SDB will give homily at the Lutheran Church in Takenoduka, on Jan 26th (Sun) next year.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========

▽Fr. Jezu (O.S.A.) of Kasai parish will visit to us on March 9th (sun) for J mass. Now negotiating with him for E mass with confession in Tagalog. On the day, Fr. Arakawa will visit to Kasai parish for J mass and lenten lecture in J. Parish exchange is the current solution for non Japanese speaking priest to provide lenten lecture in J.

J group invites Fr. Emilio for the lenten lecture and confession from 11:00 on March 22 (Sun). He will focus on the Evangelii Gaudium, a Papal exhortation, mass consumerism and destructive capitalism.

▽Ash Wednesday is March 5th, and Easter Sunday is April 20th (Sun) this year.

////Have a nice day!

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