
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/20

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/20
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼東京都と足立区で感染が深刻なので、残念ですが公開ミサを見合わせます。ご承知のように、1) 東京だけでなく足立区でも感染が過去にないペースで激増していること、2) 免疫低下でワクチン接種が必ずしも感染を防ぐ安心できる条件とならなくなったこと、3) ウイルス自体で重症化しないと報告されていても高齢者・障害者・基礎疾患保有者に感染した場合に重篤化は否定できないからです。

1. 梅田教会所属の方だけが対象です。
2. これまでの感染対策(検温・住所・手洗い・マスク・ディスタンス・ミサ最大100人まで)に加えて、
3. 【中止】ワクチン未接種の方の参加可
4. 【中止】讃歌は聖歌担当者、応唱は典礼委員のそれぞれ一人がミサ中に声を出すこととする。
5. 【中止】なお、感染者数がふたたび増えた場合は、足立区6人/日以上を目安にして制限を再開する予定です。
6. 教会での食事はお控えください。
7. ミサ終了後、できるだけすみやかに教会からお帰りください。


###ゆうちょ銀行口座名義###カトリックウメダキョウカイシントカイ【ゆうちょ銀行から】記号10110-2、番号85738221 / 【他の銀行から】店名:〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ)、店番:018、預金種目:普通口座、口座番号:8573822



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we celebrate the 7th Ordinary Sunday of the Year C.Now repainting on the rooftop of chapel and emergency exit stairs are going on.

▽We suspend mass for open public starting from this Sunday, 01/08, as expected extraordinary steep infection attacks Adachi and Tokyo. Your low immune level dosed half year ago can not block Omicron, 3rd booster vaccination must be a mandatory condition now, and we can not deny the complications for aged, disabled, and people having chronic illness, though media says Omicron less severity.

▽Now Japanese committee members are preparing for general assembly. However, we dismiss it this year as well due to the situation. Fr. A will explain a large picture of our parish when we will be allowed to open our mass again.

/////////[S U S P E N D E D] Sunday Mass in English Group/////////////
(1) Max 50 parishioners.
(2) ONLY Umeda Parishioners.
(3) 13years old above, Vaccinated +14days later.
(4) 12 years old below can enter if # of infected are less than 6/a day in Adachi.
(5) E group needs to reserve your sheet in advance. pls jump to our website.https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/

#####Mass on SUNDAY English mass in Umeda Policy#####
We have been opening mass for open public since October 5th. In detail, please jump to FB. click here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/386294454721837

▽[S U S P E N D E D]We are accepting the infant baptism under some conditions. please jump to our website. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoN7zWh8EiDrlpjU0_EyiCHQxZiq9UtD/view  

▽Someone asked how to transfer donation for parish. Pls confer following;
To: Katorikku Umeda Kyokukai Shintokai@Yucho Ginko///【From Yucho bank】Kigou/10110-2, Bango/85738221  【From other banks】Branch(Tenmei):018(called Zero Ichi Hachi; Branch # 018; Account Type:Hutsuu; Account #8573822

from Church School
▽The class in March will be 6th. It will be also done online.  We will pick up the last episode of Mose’s life.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with restarting AA group in the Monday evening, 18:00-20:00 for their group meeting with some rules to prevent COVID.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!

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