
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/23

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/23
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************


▼ホームページに香港教区が出した感染症対策指示のpdfをリンクしています。梅田教会では、1) ミサで手をつないだりしない 2) ミサパンフレットを回し読みしない 3) 口で聖体拝領をしない 4) 献金は「お知らせ」で御願いする 5) 教会のドアをすべて開けてドアノブを触らないようにするなどを行います。家に帰ったら手を洗いましょう。

▼2/22(土)9:30から佐藤喜一郎さん(90, 中央本町)の葬儀ミサを行います。





========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========




********* English Group **********************
▽We will celebrate 7th ordinary Sunday. Corona virus strikes Tokyo. Singapore diocese and Hong Kong diocese officially suspended mass and gathering in parish. We sincerely ask your conisderation if you have chronical sickness, feaver, or bringing small kids.

▽You can download infection manual by HK diocese. Our parish prepares by 1) Not holding hands during mass 2) Stop handing over mass book 3) Not receiving communion by your mouth, 4) Mass collection after communion 5) Keep open every door in parish not to touch its handle.  Wash your hands after back to home.

▽2/22(Sat), a funeral mass takes place for Peter Sato Kiichiro san (90, Chuohoncho). Please pray for his soul.

▽2/26(W) is the Ash Wednesday. Mass is scheduled from 11:00-. Easter Sunday is 4/12(S).

▽Our parish committee asked Archbishop by a letter to sit on the table with us over land transfer. We are working on it.

From Church School ▽Spring sleep-over event this year is March 28th and 29th. We put a flyer on our bulletin board. Now sign-up is going on. Please approach to a leader for more information.

From First Communion Class▽The first communion this year is June 14th. An applicant has to be baptized and older than 2nd grade in this April.
Also attending 6 classes until the first communion is required. From March 22nd, an application form will be provided. The deadline is April 12th. On that day, after the E-mass, there will be a parent brief session. For more information, please contact Egroup leaders.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽3/15(S), Fr. Gesu wil say both J and E mass here in Umeda with Tagalog confession. As the same token, Fr. A will go to Kasai parish.

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽<> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!

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