
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/02

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 02/02
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************
▼今週はABC年共通主の奉献の主日です。コロナウイルスが止まらない勢いです。ホームページに香港教区が出した感染症対策指示のpdfをリンクしています。梅田教会では今週から、1) ミサで手をつないだりしない 2) ミサパンフレットを回し読みしない 3) 口で聖体拝領をしないから準備します。家に帰ったら手を洗いましょう。








========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
▽We will celebrate Presentation of Lord, or Candlemas. You can download infection manual by HK diocese. Our parish prepares by 1) Not holding hands during mass 2) Stop handing over mass book 3) Not receiving communion by your mouth. Wash your hands after back to home.

▽2/1(S) 14:00- regional mission cluster meeting took place in Mikawajima parish.

▽1/25(S) we had a trimming of roses, vine, and lemon. Bible class for diabled took place as well.

▽1/26(S), we had a ecumenical prayer in Adachi at Luteran church in Takenoduka. Nishi-Arai Church, a mennonite tradition will take it next year.

▽General assembly for JG on 2/9(S), EG 2/16 this year. committee members are working on now.

From Church School ▽Next class on February 2nd is about sacraments.▽Spring sleep-over event this year is March 28th and 29th. We put a flyer on our bulletin board, and a signup will start soon. Please mark on your calendar.

From First Communion Class ▽The first communion this year is June 14th. An applicant has to be baptized and older than 2nd grade in this April.
Also attending 6 classes until the first communion is required. For more information, please contact Egroup leaders.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽2/15(Sat), from 15:00, parish committee will meet with Cancelor general and Bishop office for transferring our land.

▽2/26(W) is the Ash Wednesday. Mass is scheduled from 11:00-. Easter Sunday is 4/12(S).

▽3/15(S), Fr. Gesu wil say both J and E mass here in Umeda with Tagalog confession. As the same token, Fr. A will go to Kasai parish.

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽<> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/26

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/26
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************


▼MACのバザーは月の第四週なのであります。復活祭までは2/23, 3/29です。




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========







********* English Group **********************
▽We will celebrate Baptism of the Lord today. After J mass, around 11:30, monthly tea ceremony, Hatsugama or the first tea party in the year, is expected.  EG has monthly meeting after the mass.

▽Corona virus in Wuhan in China is invading over Asia. When you return back to home, wash your hands first. See our policy on AvianFlu.

▽Last Sunday, 1/12(S), Tanaka Mieko san (Nishiarai Sakaemachi) had a baptism in emergency. He baptismal name is Monica. She will be show up in our parish if her physical condition allows.

▽Bishop house will have a meeting with us on Land finding on 2/25(sat) 14:00.

▽Machiya parish, our neighbor in mission cluster, will have a mass or liturgy of Word by Deacon Sanda or assigned priest from now on.

▽General assembly this year will be 2/9(Sun). Our parish committee members are working hard for the preparation.

From Church School ▽Next class on February 2nd is about sacraments.▽Spring sleep-over event this year is March 28th and 29th. Please mark on your calendar.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽1/25(F) 9:00-, roses along sidewalk will be trimmed. From 14:00, the bible class for severe disabled will be expected.

▽1/26(S), Ecumenical united prayer with protestant group in Adachi is expected in Lutheran chruch in Takenoduka from 14:00-. Fr. A will join there after Emass.

▽2/1(Sat), Mission cluster meeting is scheduled at Mikawajima parish from 14:00.

▽2/26(W) is the Ash Wednesday. Mass is scheduled from 11:00-. Easter Sunday is 4/12(S).

▽3/15(S), Fr. Gesu wil say both J and E mass here in Umeda with Tagalog confession. As the same token, Fr. A will go to Kasai parish.

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽Attentzione; Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/19

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/19
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼MACのバザーは月の第四週なので1/26にあります。復活祭までは2/23, 3/29です。








********* English Group **********************
▽We will celebrate Baptism of the Lord today. After J mass, around 11:30, monthly tea ceremony, Hatsugama or the first tea party in the year, is expected.  EG has monthly meeting after the mass.

▽Last Sunday, 1/12(S), Tanaka Mieko san (Nishiarai Sakaemachi) had a baptism in emergency. He baptismal name is Monica. She will be show up in our parish if her physical condition allows.

▽Bishop house will have a meeting with us on Land finding on 2/25(sat) 14:00.

▽Machiya parish, our neighbor in mission cluster, will have a mass or liturgy of Word by Deacon Sanda or assigned priest from now on.

▽General assembly this year will be 2/9(Sun). Our parish committee members are working hard for the preparation.

From Church School ▽We restored the Christmas tree after the mass last Sunday. ▽Two girls from MCY program which was held before current CS had Seijinshiki in E mass last Sunday. After the mass, we had a small party. ▽Spring sleep-over event this year is March 28th and 29th. Please mark on your calendar.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽1/25(F) 9:00-, roses along sidewalk will be trimmed. From 14:00, the bible class for severe disabled will be expected.

▽1/26(S), Ecumenical united prayer with protestant group in Adachi is expected in Lutheran chruch in Takenoduka from 14:00-. Fr. A will join there after Emass.

▽2/1(Sat), Mission cluster meeting is scheduled at Mikawajima parish from 14:00.

▽2/26(W) is the Ash Wednesday. Mass is scheduled from 11:00-. Easter Sunday is 4/12(S).

▽3/15(S), Fr. Gesu wil say both J and E mass here in Umeda with Tagalog confession. As the same token, Fr. A will go to Kasai parish.

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽<> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/12

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/12
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼MACのバザーは月の第四週なので1/26にあります。復活祭までは2/23, 3/29です。







********* English Group **********************
▽We will celebrate Baptism of the Lord today. Celebration for the coming of age is expected. JE monthly meeting is scheduled 11:30.

▽Bishop house canceled to discuss on the land transfer on 18th. Committee is arranging date again.

▽1/19(S), after J mass, around 11:30, monthly tea ceremony, Hatsugama or the first tea party in the year, is expected.

From Church School ▽We will restore the Christmas tree after the mass next Sunday on January 12th. ▽The January 5th was epiphany. CS class was about epiphany, and we ate King’s cake.▽We had a Christmas party on December 21st. More than 20 toddlers and children joined. We are planning to share the pictures.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽1/26(S), Ecumenical united prayer with protestant group in Adachi is expected in Lutheran chruch in Takenoduka from 14:00-. Fr. A will join there after Emass.

▽2/1(Sat), Mission cluster meeting is scheduled at Mikawajima parish from 14:00.

▽3/15(S), Fr. Gesu wil say both J and E mass here in Umeda with Tagalog confession. As the same token, Fr. A will go to Kasai parish.

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽Machiya parish in our mission cluster will lose its parish priest from 1/1.

▽<> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!