
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/12

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/12
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;

********* 日本語グループ *********************




 ========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate the ordinary Sunday 32nd in year A. We will celebrate memorial mass in Umeda during Jmass today. After the mass, monthly J and E meeting is scheduled.

▽Pope Francis  received a resignation of Peter Okada Takeo(76), and appointed Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58). Vatican released it at noon on 10/25. His installation mass will be December 16th (Sat) from 11:00 at Cathedral.

▽From Church School▽We got some new kids last week. The number of children was 20 in all. We were planning to pick up Jesus’s miracle stories last week, but we couldn’t finish.

▽In addition, a memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽11/19(Sun), kids of 7-5-3 years old blessing is expected. Please tell leaders your kids name and birthday in advance.

▽12/17(Sun), 3rd week of Advent, we have priest exchange with Kasai parish. Fr. Gezu will visit to us both J and E mass, and Fr. Arakawa will do the same in Kasai parish. Before E mass, confession in Tagalog is expected.

▽《IMPORTANT; Info on Karashidane Construciton》10/29, during the mass, Karashidane problem was explained.

////have a nice day!

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