
▼熊本地震支援金を送金しました。日本語グループ・カトリック福岡教区熊本地震支援へ¥50.000、英語グループ・コムスタカ(熊本の滞日外国人支援弁護士によるグループ) ¥64.000です。ありがとうございました。
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼沖縄映画上映予定:戦争ぬ止み(2015 130分)10月29日土曜日19:30- / Love 沖縄(2012 112分)10月30日日曜日11:30- / 圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-; 階段降りた正面のボードに参加者のサインアップがあります。食事が必要な人は名前を書いてください。
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Ordinary 30 th Sunday of Ordinary time. J and E committee have an annual joint retreat at Adachi-Kyonan-Shizenno-Ie in Chiba. J mass will be taken by Fr. Johan Haider S.J., and Fr. Emilio as usual.
▽On 10/16, we celebrated Elder day with both J and E. Appreciation of preparation for events and foods.
▽The same day from 1400, we had a bible class for severe disabled.
▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.
▽We sent donation for Kumamoto earthquake as follows; J group/ Support foundation of Catholic Fukuoka diocese ¥50.000, E group/ Kumstaka, a NGO founded by a local lawyer for non Japanese in Kumamoto, ¥64.000. Thanks for your generosity.
▽Report on Palm tree. Sorry for late report. we send ¥74.600 for Palm trees to Okayama san( Kamogawa parish), who sent us them.
▽From Church School▽We will throw a Halloween party on October 30th. The meeting time is noon. We will have potluck lunch, bake cakes for the party after E-mass. The child who wants to participate, please bring lunch to share.▽The class for the young leaders will be October 23rd and 30th.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽From Oct. 22(Sat)-23(Sun), ▽From 24(Mon) to 26(Wed), annual priest meeting of Tokyo diocese in Cathedral is scheduled.
▽Okinawan movie will continue; “Sensou nu Yami(Stopped War)” (2015 130min) 10/29(Sat) 19:30- / Love Okinawa (2012 112min) 10/30 Sun 11:30- / “Assatu no Umi (Ocean killed by pressure)” (2014 94min) 12/4(Sun) 11:30-; Sign up paper is seen at the wall in front of stair.
▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.
////have a nice day!
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