
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/08

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/08
********* 日本語グループ **********************


▼教会学校より:△3/21(土)-22(日)にお泊まり会をします。今回のテーマは"Tasting Mass"です。3/1より参加者を募集しています。参加費は一人2,500円です。参加希望者はリーダーまで。△月に1回、高校生以上対象のクラスを始めました。英語ミサ後に日本語で行っています。これは教会学校の若いリーダーたちの勉強会の目的で始めたものですが、高校生・大学生で興味のある方はご出席ください。次回は3/29です。


========== 来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽We will celebrate the 2nd week of Lent today. A baptismal candidate, Lee Fuami will have a initiation ceremony in J mass.

▽J bible class will be finished this term on March 20(F), 7(Sat). Sat class has earlier closing as on 14th for Fr. Arakawa is asked to say mass with a Catholic League of disabled at Shiomi, and 21th a night stay of Parish Church School.

△From Church School; △ Spring sleep-over event will be held from March 21st to 22nd. The theme is "Tasting Mass". Anyone who wants to join the event, please approach to a CS leader. The fee is 2,500yen. △Young leaders will read books in Tagalog, English and Japanese in the cry room during E-mass on 22nd. This program is for the infant. △ A class for the young started. It is done once a month in Japanese after E mass. This program is originally started for the young CS leaders, but it's open to public. All who are between high schoolers  and college students are welcome. Next class is March 29th.

△First Communion Class; This year First Communion is June 7th. The class will start on April 26th, and the applicant has to attend all classes (6 times including confession and rehearsal) without any delay and absence. Now the application form is provided. To apply, the baptismal certificate is needed. The deadline of application is April 12th. Please approach to UIC members for further information.

Rectory is completely broken down. Parish meeting prepares a paper to submit to Karashidane, on construction schedule, location of entrances of parish and new building etc., which they had not answered so far despite of our frequent inquiry.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽<> 3/29 starts Holy Week with Palm Sunday. 4/3(Sat) has Easter Vigil, 4/4(Sun) Easter Sunday.

▽On 3/28(Sat), J and E group will have a trimming of palm from 14:00.

////have a nice day!

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