
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/31

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/31
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

【2011年02月01日梅田教会ホール改修工事/ Renovation at our hall Feb, 02, 2011】

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサ見合わせ+人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we cerebrate the 4th Ordinary time in Year B. Ash Wednesday is on Feb 17, starting sign of Lent.

▽Now our J committee members are preparing papers for the annual general assembly. Fr.A will summarize it in English, and post it on FB for EG as a substitute.

▽Emergency declaration was released again by J government on 1/7. Our parish continues to suspend mass for open public.

▽Current infection is seriously critical than ever. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽<<SUSPENDED DURING THE EMERGENCY DECLARATION>>We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the beginning of the Sunday mass. Bring your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generosity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detail.

From Church School
▽The class on February 7th is about "Religion in the world". The class will start at 5p.m. on LINE. In order to attend the class, joining our CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your/your child’s LINE account via such as FB messenger.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/24

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/24
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

【2011年1月27日梅田教会ホール改修工事/ Renovation at our hall Jan. 27th, 2011】

********* 日本語グループ *********************





▼ミサ見合わせ+人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we cerebrate the 3rd Ordinary time in Year B. Ash Wednesday is on Feb 17, starting sign of Lent.

▽On January 22nd (EST), the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty got effective after the signature from 50 countries in United Nation. Remembering the speech by Pope Francis in 2019, our parish rang our bell at 14:00 on January 22nd (JST) for its celebration and further sign up.

▽The ecumenical joint prayer scheduled today is canceled.

▽Emergency declaration was released again by J government on 1/7. Our parish continues to suspend mass for open public.

▽Now committee is working on our parish closing book in 2020, audit, and budget 2021. Our annual assembly will be 2/7, but the report will be posted on FB.

▽Current infection is seriously critical than ever. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽<<SUSPENDED DURING THE EMERGENCY DECLARATION>>We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the beginning of the Sunday mass. Bring your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generosity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detail.

From Church School
▽The class on February 7th is about "Religion in the world". The class will start at 5p.m. on LINE. In order to attend the class, joining our CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your/your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/17

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/17
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサ見合わせ+人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we cerebrate the 2nd Ordinary time in Year B. Ash Wednesday is on Feb 17, starting sign of Lent.

▽Emergency declaration was released again by J government on 1/7. Our parish continues to suspend mass for open public.

▽Now committee is working on our parish closing book in 2020, audit, and budget 2021. Our annual assembly will be 2/7, but the report will be posted on FB.

▽Current infection is seriously critical than ever. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽<<SUSPENDED DURING THE EMERGENCY DECLARATION>>We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the beginning of the Sunday mass. Bring your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generosity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detail.

From Church School
▽The class on February 7th is about Religion in the world. The class will start at 5p.m. on LINE.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  

//have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/10

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/10
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサ見合わせ+人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we cerebrate Year B of Baptism of the Lord, finishing Christmas season. We will have a short Ordinary time till Ash Wednesday on Feb 17, starting sign of Lent.

▽Emergency declaration was released again by J government on 1/7. Our parish continues to suspend mass for open public.

▽Today, 1/10, we will have a monthly JE meeting via remote. Now committee is working on our parish closing book in 2020, audit, and budget 2021.

▽Unlike the 3rd wave, this infection in winter is seriously critical. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽<<SUSPENDED DURING THE EMERGENCY DECLARATION>>We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the beginning of the Sunday mass. Bring your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generosity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detail.

From Church School
▽January 3rd class was about Epiphany and Baptism of the Lord.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/03

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/03
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************







▼ミサ見合わせ+人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Happy New Year from Umeda! Today, we cerebrate Year B of Epiphany of the Lord. As you know, because of the acute spike of the COVID19, our parish committee agreed with suspending our J E mass, including Christmas and New Year, for a time being.

▽12/28(M), Bp. Hamaguchi Sueo (72) passed away because of cancer. Wake on 29(T), Funeral mass 30(T) will be scheduled under severe attendants restriction. Please refer to his funeral below;

▽Unlike the 3rd wave, this infection in winter is seriously critical. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the beginning of the Sunday mass. Bring your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generosity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detail.

From Church School
▽We had a Christmas party from 8p.m. on 24th on LINE. 12 children attended. Mr. Nakamura from CTIC also joined us.  Thank you for your participation.▽January 3rd class from 5p.m. will be about Baptism of the Lord. This time is also done on LINE. To attend the class, joining CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your or your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!