
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/29

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/29
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。封筒は結構ですので、次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽We are now in 5th Lent Sunday, but it is suspended again this week.  Abp Kikuchi officially ordered to suspend Mass for open public, including Sunday mass, for a while, without specific date. Holy week liturgy, especially Holy Thursday, Friday, and Easter Vigil are suspended as well. Fr. A will celebrate by himself. This declaration valids both in Tokyo and Chiba exclusively. It aims to prevent infection break out from Catholic Church, protect medical collapse, and reduce the infection risk of elders, disable, and one who has chronical illness. Please refer to diocese website.  https://tokyo.catholic.jp/english/

▽So, all the activities in parish are suspended for a while.

▽[WATCH!!!]You can see very good summary when you got a sick by CDC from our website.

▽During our parish is closed, you can email your mass intention to our parish. Fr. A will say your name in personal Sunday mass.

From Church School ▽We postponed the one-day event on 28th due to Covid19. We will inform you when the date is fixed.

From First Communion Class▽The first communion this year is June 14th. An applicant has to be baptized and older than 2nd grade in this April.
Also attending 6 classes until the first communion is required.  Please refer to our website (https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/misa/first-communion) to
apply. The deadline is April 12th.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽<> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/15

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/15
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。封筒は結構ですので、次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。


教会学校より▽コロナウィルスの状況の先行きが見えませんが、春のお泊まり会は宿泊ではなく日帰りの形で行う予定です。今年のテーマは巡礼です。2月16日より申し込み受付を開始しています。申し込みはFacebook, LINEまたはumeda.church.school@gmail.comに子どもの氏名、年齢、保護者氏名、住所、電話番号をお知らせください。詳細は、https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/faith-formation-1/church-school/church-school-notice-jiao-hui-xue-xiaokarao-zhirase に掲載します。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽We are now in 3rd Lent Sunday, but it is suspended also this week.  Abp Kikuchi released a fax to continute to suspend Sunday mass on 3/15, 22, and 29th. Pls conder to the detail on this link.   https://tokyo.catholic.jp/english/

▽You can see very good summary when you got a sick by CDC from our website.

▽Please cancel all activities in parish due to this reason till March 14th.

▽During our parish is closed, you can email your mass intention to our parish. Fr. A will say your name in personal Sunday mass.

From Church School ▽We were plannning to have the spring sleep-over event on March 28th and 29th, but we can’t anticipate the situation of Coronavirus on those days for now. We are still thinking about having the daytime event instead on 28th. Now sign-up is going on. To sign-up, let us know the child's name, age, the parent's name, home address, telephone number. We will post detail information on https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/faith-formation-1/church-school/church-school-notice-jiao-hui-xue-xiaokarao-zhirase .

From First Communion Class▽The first communion this year is June 14th. An applicant has to be baptized and older than 2nd grade in this April.
Also attending 6 classes until the first communion is required.  Please refer to our website (https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/misa/first-communion) to
apply. The deadline is April 12th. On that day, after the E-mass, there will be a parent brief session. For more information, please contact Egroup leaders.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽<> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/15

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/15
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。封筒は結構ですので、次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。


教会学校より▽コロナウィルスの状況の先行きが見えませんが、春のお泊まり会は宿泊ではなく日帰りの形で行う予定です。今年のテーマは巡礼です。2月16日より申し込み受付を開始しています。申し込みはFacebook, LINEまたはumeda.church.school@gmail.comに子どもの氏名、年齢、保護者氏名、住所、電話番号をお知らせください。詳細は、https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/faith-formation-1/church-school/church-school-notice-jiao-hui-xue-xiaokarao-zhirase に掲載します。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽We are now in 3rd Lent Sunday, but it is suspended also this week.  Abp Kikuchi released a fax to continute to suspend Sunday mass on 3/15, 22, and 29th. Pls conder to the detail on this link.   https://tokyo.catholic.jp/english/

▽You can see very good summary when you got a sick by CDC from our website.

▽Please cancel all activities in parish due to this reason till March 14th.

▽During our parish is closed, you can email your mass intention to our parish. Fr. A will say your name in personal Sunday mass.

From Church School ▽We were plannning to have the spring sleep-over event on March 28th and 29th, but we can’t anticipate the situation of Coronavirus on those days for now. We are still thinking about having the daytime event instead on 28th. Now sign-up is going on. To sign-up, let us know the child's name, age, the parent's name, home address, telephone number. We will post detail information on https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/faith-formation-1/church-school/church-school-notice-jiao-hui-xue-xiaokarao-zhirase .

From First Communion Class▽The first communion this year is June 14th. An applicant has to be baptized and older than 2nd grade in this April.
Also attending 6 classes until the first communion is required.  Please refer to our website (https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch/misa/first-communion) to
apply. The deadline is April 12th. On that day, after the E-mass, there will be a parent brief session. For more information, please contact Egroup leaders.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽<> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/08

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/08
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼[重要]2/25日に菊池司教が「新型コロナウイルス感染症に伴う、公開のミサ中止について」を発表しました。内容を手短にまとめると、1) 2/27(木)から3/14(土)まで、ミサを二週間原則中止。2) 特に3/1と3/8の主日もミサの中止。3) ただし結婚式・葬儀は対策をとって行う。3/15(日)以降は通常復帰予定。4)ミサ以外の行事も延期か中止。5) 3/1と3/8のすべての信徒を対象に主日ミサにあずかる義務の免除です。正式なお知らせが教区HPに掲載されています。







========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽We are now in 2nd Lent Sunday. All the masses in Tokyo Diocese are suspended today, as well. A updated policy will be relased this week, if we open parish on 15th.

▽[Important]ON Feb 25th, Archbishop Tarcicius Kikuchi released a paper "On Suspending mass for Corona Virus." In short, 1) For 2 weeks, from Feb 27(Thurs) to March 14(Sat), mass is suspended in Tokyo diocese. 2) Especially, Sunday mass on March 1 and 8 are suspended. 3) Except for Marriage and Funeral with proper prevention. 4) All meetings or parties are suspended. 5) Dispensation from attending Sunday mass on March 1 and 8 is given for every faithful in TKD. ###Ash Wednesday on Feb 26, tomorrow, will be scheduled from 11:00 AM. Summary is avialable from our parish website in Tagalog.

▽Please cancel any activities in parish due to this reason till March 14th.

▽3/15(S), Exchange mass with Kasai and Umeda is canceled due to the situation. Fr. A will say mass even if the sunction is lifted on 15th.

From Church School ▽We were plannning to have the spring sleep-over event on March 28th and 29th, but we can’t anticipate the situation of Coronavirus on those days for now. We are still thinking about having the daytime event instead. Now sign-up is going on. Please approach to a leader for more information.▽Due to the cancellation of the mass, CS class was also cancelled last Sunday. Please take great care.

From First Communion Class

▽The first communion this year is June 14th. An applicant has to be baptized and older than 2nd grade in this April.
Also attending 6 classes until the first communion is required. From March 22nd, an application form will be provided. The deadline is April 12th. On that day, after the E-mass, there will be a parent brief session. For more information, please contact Egroup leaders.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽7/19(S), Abp Kikuchi will visit to our parish for confirmation. Application for the confirmation will be available after Easter (4/12). Candidates must be more than 14 years old. And, 1st communion is scheduled on 6/14 Corpus Crhisti.

▽<> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!