
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/27

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/27
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************






▼ミサ見合わせ+人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we cerebrate the 4th week of the Advent in Year B. As you know, because of the acute spike of the COVID19, our parish committee agreed with suspending our J E mass, including Christmas and New Year, for a time being.

▽Unlike spring or summer, this infection in winter is seriously critical. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the beginning of the Sunday mass. Bring your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generosity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detail.

From Church School
▽We had a Christmas party from 8p.m. on 24th on LINE. 12 children attended. Mr. Nakamura from CTIC also joined us.  Thank you for your participation.▽Next class will be also done on LINE. To attend the class, joining CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your or your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/20

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/20
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************






▼ミサ見合わせ+人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we cerebrate the 4th week of the Advent in Year B. As you know, because of the acute spike of the COVID19, our parish committee agreed with suspending our J E mass, including Christmas and New Year, for a time being.

▽Unlike spring or summer, this infection in winter is seriously critical. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the beginning of the Sunday mass. Bring your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generosity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detail.

From Church School
▽We will have a Christmas party from 8p.m. on 24th on LINE. Join us in your pajamas.  Join us with eating a cake. From 7:30, we are going to check network. If you are available, please join then. ▽Next class will be also done on LINE. To attend the class, joining CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your or your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/13

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/13
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************






▼ミサ見合わせ+人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we cerebrate the 3rd week of the Advent in Year C. As you know, with the rapid spike of the COVID19, our parish committee agreed with suspending our J E mass for a time being. Diocese released updated guideline for preventing COVID19 in parish on Dec. 1st (https://tokyo.catholic.jp/info/diocese/40759/).

▽Powerful infection hits Tokyo. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the beginning of the Sunday mass. Bring your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generosity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detail.

From Church School
▽We will have a Christmas party from 8p.m. on 24th on LINE. Join us in your pajamas.  Join us with eating a cake. From 7:30, we are going to check network. If you are available, please join then. ▽Last week class was about advent. We made a paper Christmas tree. Next is also done on LINE. To attend the class, joining CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your or your child’s LINE account. ▽We sent Christmas cards to children who we know the address. ω

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/06

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/06
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************






▼ミサ見合わせ+人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we cerebrate the 2nd week of the Advent in Year C. As you know, with the rapid spike of the COVID19, our parish committee agreed with spspending our J E mass for a time being. Diocese released updated guideline for preventing COVID19 in parish on Dec. 1st (https://tokyo.catholic.jp/info/diocese/40759/).

▽Powerful infection hits Tokyo. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽Next class on November 6th will start at 5 p.m. We will pick up advent. To attend the class, joining CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your or your child’s LINE account. ▽We sent Christmas cards to children who we know the address. We are planning to have a Christmas party on 24th on line.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/29

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/29
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************






▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we start to cerebrate the 1st week of the Advent in Year C. As you know, with the rapid spike of the COVID19, our parish committee agreed with spspending our J E mass for a time being.

▽Stronger infection hits Tokyo. To avoid meeting someone other, we kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽Next class on November 6th will start at 5 p.m. We will pick up advent. To attend the class, joining CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your or your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/22

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/22
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************







▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate Rex Christi, the last Sunday in this liturgical year. Next Sunday will be the first Sunday of Advent, Year B. Due to the acute spike of Covid19, we suspend J+E mass and all the parish activities again.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.
From Church School
▽Next class on November 6th is about new testament. Joining CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your or your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/15

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/15
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************








▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です.


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 33rd Ordinary time in Year A. Next week will be Rex Christi, the last Sunday in this liturgical year. Due to the acute spike of Covid19, we suspend J+E mass again.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the beginning of the Sunday mass. Bring your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generosity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detail.

From Church School
▽Next class on November 6th is about new testament. Joining CS LINE group is required. Please let us know your or your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/08

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/08
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************






▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。

========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 32nd Ordinary time in Year A. J mass starts again its mass from this week with a new criteria. English mass group is discussing on its conditions and safety for parishioners.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽Last class on November was about “Jonah”  Next class will be the first Sunday of December. If anyone who wants to join us, please let us know your or your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/01

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 11/01
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************








▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate All Saint's day. Sadly, we suspend both J and E mass, as Tokyo hits more than 100 infections per a week, increasing its number week by week. When less than 100 per week, we prepare for opening, and 50, we will open mass. This is our parish basic policy.

▽11/2(M) is All Soul's day. We will celebrate with your intention. Please email us with the names to be called. Address is; myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com Your mass emvelop will be accepted by bank transfer. Pls confer to our notice on FB by searching "Umeda Community Tokyo Adachi Facebook".

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽Next class on November 1st will be on LINE from 5p.m. We will pick up “Jonah” If anyone who wants to join us, please let us know your or your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/25

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/25
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************




▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 30th Ordinary time in year. Sadly, we suspend both J and E mass again, as Tokyo hits more than 100 infections per a week, increasing its number week by week. When less than 100 per week, we prepare for opening, and 50, we will open mass. This is our parish basic policy.

▽11/2(M) is All Soul's day. We will celebrate with your intention. Please email us with the names to be called. Address is; myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com Your mass emvelop will be accepted by bank transfer. Pls confer to our notice on FB by searching "Umeda Community Tokyo Adachi Facebook".

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽We accept your application for the infant baptism under several conditions. Please jump to our website for its detail.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽Next class on November 1st will be on LINE from 5p.m. We will pick up “The Miracle of Jesus” If anyone who wants to join us, please let us know your or your child’s LINE account.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, until average number goes below 100/a day in a week.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/18

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/18
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 28th Ordinary time in year. Sadly, we suspend both J and E mass again, as Tokyo hits more than 100 infections per a week, increasing its number week by week. When less than 100 per week, we prepare for opening, and 50, we will open mass. This is our parish basic policy.

▽11/2(M) is All Soul's day. We will celebrate with your intention. Please email us with the names to be called. Address is; myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com Your mass emvelop will be accepted by bank transfer. Pls confer to our notice on FB by searching "Umeda Community Tokyo Adachi Facebook".

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽Next class on November 1st will be on LINE, We will pick up “The Miracle of Jesus” If anyone who wants to join us, please let us know your or your child’s LINE account

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/11

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/11
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 27th Ordinary time in year. Sadly, we suspend both J and E mass again, as Tokyo hits more than 100 infections per a week, increasing its number week by week. When less than 100 per week, we prepare for opening, and 50, we will open mass. This is our parish basic policy.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽The class on October 4th was taught by Fr. Arakawa about David and Goliath. Some kids couldn’t join because of a technical trouble, 11 people including leaders joined. We will have a class on LINE next month. If anyone who wants to join us, please let us know.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/04

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 10/04
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼司祭・助祭叙階式のお知らせです。コロナウイルスの影響で延期されていた叙階式が次のように決まりました。司祭叙階:ホルヘ・マヌエル・マシアス・ラミレス助祭(さいたま教区から移籍されました)、助祭叙階:ヨハネ・マリア・ミカエル古市匡史(ふるいち・ただし)神学生です。日時:2020/10/3(土)14:00- 場所:カテドラルマリア大聖堂を予定しています。感染流行状態によっては現地参加は一般信徒は見合わせてネット配信となると思われます。



********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 27th Ordinary time in year. Sadly, we suspend both J and E mass again, as Tokyo hits more than 100 infections per a week, increasing its number week by week. When less than 100 per week, we prepare for opening, and 50, we will open mass. This is our parish basic policy.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽The class on October 4th is about David and Goliath. Fr.Arakawa will teach. It will start at 5p.m. on Google Meet. The URL is provided on Church School group LINE.  Let us know your/child’s LINE account. We will invite you to our group.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/27

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/27
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************


▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼司祭・助祭叙階式のお知らせです。コロナウイルスの影響で延期されていた叙階式が次のように決まりました。司祭叙階:ホルヘ・マヌエル・マシアス・ラミレス助祭(さいたま教区から移籍されました)、助祭叙階:ヨハネ・マリア・ミカエル古市匡史(ふるいち・ただし)神学生です。日時:2020/10/3(土)14:00- 場所:カテドラルマリア大聖堂を予定しています。感染流行状態によっては現地参加は一般信徒は見合わせてネット配信となると思われます。



********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 26th Ordinary time in year We will open J and Emass again only for the registered people in July. When we judge to open again on Oct 4th, we will notice you on our website and FB.  

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽The class on October 4th is about David and Goliath. Please join us. In order to attend the class, LINE account is required. Let us know your/child’s LINE account. We will invite you to our group.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/20

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/20
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************




▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼司祭・助祭叙階式のお知らせです。コロナウイルスの影響で延期されていた叙階式が次のように決まりました。司祭叙階:ホルヘ・マヌエル・マシアス・ラミレス助祭(さいたま教区から移籍されました)、助祭叙階:ヨハネ・マリア・ミカエル古市匡史(ふるいち・ただし)神学生です。日時:2020/10/3(土)14:00- 場所:カテドラルマリア大聖堂を予定しています。感染流行状態によっては現地参加は一般信徒は見合わせてネット配信となると思われます。



********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 25th Ordinary time in year A. Our parish has been suspending mass for public since July 7 th. Minor construction on the ceiling in the small chapel on 2nd Floor finished. Emergency kits will be stored here.

▽This is the process how we will restart mass; When Tokyo counts less than 100 people infection per a day constantly, English mass leaders will discuss with Fr. A for the preparation. When all members agreed with it, we will accept your mass registration on the web like last time in June. Its notice will be posted on FB and our parish website.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
▽The class on October 4th is about David and Goliath. Please join us. In order to attend the class, LINE account is required. Let us know your/child’s LINE account. We will invite you to our group.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/13

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/13
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。



========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼司祭・助祭叙階式のお知らせです。コロナウイルスの影響で延期されていた叙階式が次のように決まりました。司祭叙階:ホルヘ・マヌエル・マシアス・ラミレス助祭(さいたま教区から移籍されました)、助祭叙階:ヨハネ・マリア・ミカエル古市匡史(ふるいち・ただし)神学生です。日時:2020/10/3(土)14:00- 場所:カテ






********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 24th Ordinary time in year A. Our parish has been suspending mass for public since July 7 th. English Group will discuss uplifting mass suspention as the infected number hits less than 100, once or twice in

a week. Montly meeting is expected from 15:00 via Google Meet.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
△Last Sunday, September 6th, we had a class about “Adam & Eve, Bible Story”.  Since there was no attendee in the morning class, we had only an evening class. We will have a class next month as well. The class is done on LINE. Please contact us to join our group.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Parish Committee members agreed with remodeling the ceiling in the small chapel on 2F, to create an evacuation space above R.I.P., 500.000yen is expected for the cost. As you know, Adachi city hall put a shocking sign, "Flooding level 4.8m" on the wall of El Sofia. Flooding water from Arakawa will hit our parish 4.8m high rise water, so that you may be drawn by water when you were 2F, as water comes over the surface of the Alter, 4.3m. To create an escape zone, we will make a exit hall upon the ceiling of small chapel to store the most important documents such as baptism record book, parish historical documents along side with the emergency kit. For this reason we will pay the cost from our budget of facilities maintainance donation . I hope your understanding.

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/06

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/06
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************
▼今日はA年年間年間第23主日です。7/7(火)から梅田教会では主日日英ミサを見合わせています。日本語ミサは東京都の一日感染者が50人を安定して下回る予測ができそうな場合に委員会で再度協議します。来週9/13に13:00からGoogle Meetで教会委員会を予定しています。



▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼司祭・助祭叙階式のお知らせです。コロナウイルスの影響で延期されていた叙階式が次のように決まりました。司祭叙階:ホルヘ・マヌエル・マシアス・ラミレス助祭(さいたま教区から移籍されました)、助祭叙階:ヨハネ・マリア・ミカエル古市匡史(ふるいち・ただし)神学生です。日時:2020/10/3(土)14:00- 場所:カテドラルマリア大聖堂を予定しています。感染流行状態によっては現地参加は一般信徒は見合わせてネット配信となると思われます。




********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 23rd Ordinary time in year A. Our parish has been suspending mass for public since July 7 th. English Group will discuss the moment of restarting mass for public when we have less than 50 infected in Tokyo. Montly meeting is expected from 15:00 via Google Meet, next Sunday, on Sep. 13.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
△Next Sunday, September 6th, we will have a class about “Adam & Eve, Bible Story” on LINE.  You can join either 10a.m. or 5p.m. class . Please let us know in advance which class your child will join. We will Joining CS LINE group is required. If you are interested in, please let us know.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Parish Committee members agreed with remodeling the ceiling in the small chapel on 2F, to create an evacuation space above R.I.P., 500.000yen is expected for the cost. As you know, Adachi city hall put a shocking sign, "Flooding level 4.8m" on the wall of El Sofia. Flooding water from Arakawa will hit our parish 4.8m high rise water, so that you may be drawn by water when you were 2F, as water comes over the surface of the Alter, 4.3m. To create an escape zone, we will make a exit hall upon the ceiling of small chapel to store the most important documents such as baptism record book, parish historical documents along side with the emergency kit. For this reason we will pay the cost from our budget of facilities maintainance donation . I hope your understanding.

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/30

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/30
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************




▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。


========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼司祭・助祭叙階式のお知らせです。コロナウイルスの影響で延期されていた叙階式が次のように決まりました。司祭叙階:ホルヘ・マヌエル・マシアス・ラミレス助祭(さいたま教区から移籍されました)、助祭叙階:ヨハネ・マリア・ミカエル古市匡史(ふるいち・ただし)神学生です。日時:2020/10/3(土)14:00- 場所:カテドラルマリア大聖堂を予定しています。感染流行状態によっては現地参加は一般信徒は見合わせてネット配信となると思われます。



********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 22nd Ordinary time in year A. Our parish has been suspending mass for public since July 7 th. English Group will discuss the moment of restarting mass for public when we have less than 50 infected in Tokyo.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number at Sunday mass, Fr. A will say your name for intention at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or email your name, intention, name to be called, by sending to  myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

From Church School
△Next Sunday, September 6th, we will have a class about “Adam & Eve, Bible Story” on LINE.  The time is not fixed. We will post Facebook and so on for more information. Joining CS LINE group is required. If you are interested in, please let us know.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Parish Committee members agreed with remodeling the ceiling in the small chapel on 2F, to create an evacuation space above R.I.P., 500.000yen is expected for the cost. As you know, Adachi city hall put a shocking sign, "Flooding level 4.8m" on the wall of El Sofia. Flooding water from Arakawa will hit our parish 4.8m high rise water, so that you may be drawn by water when you were 2F, as water comes over the surface of the Alter, 4.3m. To create an escape zone, we will make a exit hall upon the ceiling of small chapel to store the most important documents such as baptism record book, parish historical documents along side with the emergency kit. For this reason we will pay the cost from our budget of facilities maintainance donation . I hope your understanding.

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/23

 教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/23
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。

========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼司祭・助祭叙階式のお知らせです。コロナウイルスの影響で延期されていた叙階式が次のように決まりました。司祭叙階:ホルヘ・マヌエル・マシアス・ラミレス助祭(さいたま教区から移籍されました)、助祭叙階:ヨハネ・マリア・ミカエル古市匡史(ふるいち・ただし)神学生です。日時:2020/10/3(土)14:00- 場所:カテドラルマリア大聖堂を予定しています。感染流行状態によっては現地参加は一般信徒は見合わせてネット配信となると思われます。



********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 21st Ordinary time in year A. Our parish has been suspending mass for public since July 7 th. Because too much number of infected with no reason to decrease it in Tokyo. English Group will discuss the situation when we have less than 50 infected in Tokyo.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number on Sunday mass. Fr. A will say your name at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or write your name, intention, name to be called, and email it to myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

△From Church School
We have a class on the first Sunday of a month next month as well. Please join. Joining CS LINE group is required. If you are interested in, please let us know.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Parish Committee members agreed with remodeling the ceiling in the small chapel on 2F, to create an evacuation space above R.I.P., 500.000yen is expected for the cost. As you know, Adachi city hall put a shocking sign, "Flooding level 4.8m" on the wall of El Sofia. Flooding water from Arakawa will hit our parish 4.8m high rise water, so that you may be drawn by water when you were 2F, as water comes over the surface of the Alter, 4.3m. To create an escape zone, we will make a exit hall upon the ceiling of small chapel to store the most important documents such as baptism record book, parish historical documents along side with the emergency kit. For this reason we will pay the cost from our budget of facilities maintainance donation . I hope your understanding.

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 08/09
visit our website; https://sites.google.com/site/stjosephumedacatholicchurch

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼司祭・助祭叙階式のお知らせです。コロナウイルスの影響で延期されていた叙階式が次のように決まりました。司祭叙階:ホルヘ・マヌエル・マシアス・ラミレス助祭(さいたま教区から移籍されました)、助祭叙階:ヨハネ・マリア・ミカエル古市匡史(ふるいち・ただし)神学生です。日時:2020/10/3(土)14:00- 場所:カテドラルマリア大聖堂を予定しています。感染流行状態によっては現地参加は一般信徒は見合わせてネット配信となると思われます。






▼ミサ人数制限中の「聖書と典礼」です。梅田教会の所属の方にのみ次のいずれかの方法でお分けします。1) 教会入り口にある赤い郵便箱に入れておくのを取りに来る:Emailか郵便で自分の名前を通信欄に、タイトルに「聖書と典礼希望」と記入してお知らせください。2) 郵送希望の方は、郵便切手84円二枚・ご自分の住所・お名前・電話番号を記入してお知らせください。繰り返しますが、他教会所属の方、あるいは他教会所属の方の分を請求することはご遠慮ください。

▼教会が閉鎖されている間、追悼ミサなどの意向を捧げたい方は、荒川が個人で捧げている主日ミサでお名前をお読みします。次のメールアドレスに1) 追悼・記念される方のお名前 2) 申し込まれた方のお名前をご記入ください。アドレスは、myprayer2ourlord@icloud.comです。ハガキ・電話(03-3880-4718)でも結構です。




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today, we will celebrate 19th Ordinary time in year A. Our parish has been suspending mass for public since July 7 th. Because too much number of infected with no reason to decrease it in Tokyo. English Group will discuss the situation again July 26.

▽Priest and deacon ordination is scheduled on 10/3/2020(Sat) at Cathedral. Candidates are; Pirest; Jorge Manuel Masias Ramirez(fm. Saitama dio., originally Mission Guadalupe from Mexico, incarnated in Tokyo Dio.),  Deacon; John Mary Michael Furuichi Tadashi (Seminarian converted from Fukuoka dio.). Depending on the situation, no public are allowed to join, but internet stream will be provided.

▽Parish Committee members agreed with remodeling the ceiling in the small chapel on 2F, to create an evacuation space above R.I.P., 500.000yen is expected for the cost. As you know, Adachi city hall put a shocking sign, "Flooding level 4.8m" on the wall of El Sofia. Flooding water from Arakawa will hit our parish 4.8m high rise water, so that you may be drawn by water when you were 2F, as water comes over the surface of the Alter, 4.3m. To create an escape zone, we will make a exit hall upon the ceiling of small chapel to store the most important documents such as baptism record book, parish historical documents along side with the emergency kit. For this reason we will pay the cost from our budget of facilities maintainance donation . I hope your understanding.

▽As you know, 3 infection clusters took place in the Philippine pub in Takenotsuuka on July 21th and 27th.  As their friends, we would like to pray together for their health and familiy to be protected. Especially, let us ask our Lord that their dignity won't be harmed by heartless bullying as Adachi city strongly points out (https://www.city.adachi.tokyo.jp/documents/47358/0717kaitei_kouhyoukihonhousin.pdf).

▽Our parish committee agreed with suspending parish for any use, including AA and NA group meeting, during August as the infection number is sharply spking up.

▽We kindly ask you to email(josephumeda@gmail.com), or give a phone call(03-3880-4718) when you have something necessary to parish.

▽During our parish limits the participants number on Sunday mass. Fr. A will say your name at the begininng of the Sunday mass. Birng your intention to parish before Sunday mass, or write your name, intention, name to be called, and email it to myprayer2ourlord@icloud.com.

▽Fr. Arakawa and English community leaders sincerely ask your financial support for parish. Our parish is maintained by your donation at the mass. Though no activities had happened so far, we must pay its utilities for 1.8mil yen/year, and donation to our Tokyo diocese for 1.7mil yen/year. We hope your understanding and generocity to keep up our parish. You can transfer your donation by ATM, such as Seven bank or Yucho Ginko in Post office. Please visit to our English Group Facebook for the detial.

▽Peace week in August in TKD is suspended except Mass for Peace by Abp Kikuchi, on Aug 8(Sat), 18:00- via Youtube. No lectures, Peace week walk, prayers this year.

△From Church School
Last Sunday, we had an online class from 10a.m. and 5p.m.We will have a class next month as well. Please join. Joining CS LINE group is required. If you are interested in, please let us know.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽<<Attenzione>> Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, or to collect signatures, no matter how your intent is, you must approach to pastor first.  //have a nice day!