教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/31
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;
########新年ミサスケジュール New Year Mass Schedule#########
12月31日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)*14:00の英語のミサはありません
☆新年ミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
1月1日(月)元日ミサ 11:00(日本語)
December 31st (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese) only
☆New Year Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
January 1st (Mon) New Year Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
********* 日本語グループ *********************
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
以後の連絡先330-0061さいたま市浦和区常盤6-4-12さいたま教区事務所Tel 048-831-3150
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate the feast of Holy Family this Sunday only in Japanese mass. English mass 14:00- is canceled. New Year mass in English starts from 18:00. Party follows from 19:30.
▽ Bp. Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58) was installed as an archbishop of Tokyo diocese last Saturday.
▽From Church School▽▽We are selling a confectionary to support a refugee center in Jordan. An Israeli lady made “halvah” with us. It contains a lot of sesame. Please support us. ▽Next class will be on January 7th. We will have King’s Cake.
▽We will have a blessing for the coming of age on Jan. 7th. Please tell your name to our leaders.
▽This weekly news next year, on Jan 7th is canceled due to the situation.
▽Former bishop Peter Okada emailed us his greeting as follows;
"New Year’s Day 2018 Dear Friends in Christ: As we usher in the New Year, I offer my prayers for your good health and happiness as well as world peace. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for all your support and friendship you have kindly extended to me during my service as archbishop of Tokyo. From now on, while continuing to commit myself to the service as apostolic administrator of Saitama Diocese, I will make a fresh start as a follower of Christ and his priest, reflecting over my own faith, offering prayers and deepening my thoughts for the further evangelization of Japan. Your continued prayer and support for me will be greatly appreciated.
Faithfully yours in Christ, Peter Takeo OKADA
Archbishop Emeritus of Catholic Archdiocese of Tokyo
Apostolic Administrator of Catholic Diocese of Saitama
New Contact information:
Chancery Office, Catholic Saitama Diocese, 6-4-12 Tokiwa, Urawa-ku, Saitama City, 330-0061 JAPAN"
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽A memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.
▽On Jan 27th(Sun), mission cluster meeting will be taking place at Mikawajima parish from 14:00.
▽On Jan 28th(Sun), our parish welcomes the annual ecumenical prayer from 15:30, after Emass.
▽On Feb 4th and 11th, we will have annual general assembly during J and E mass.
▽Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, please approach to pastor first.
//have a nice day!
カトリック梅田教会(東京教区)の週報です。This is the weekly parish news from Catholic Umeda Parish in Tokyo, Japan.
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/24
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/24
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;
########年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule#########
年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule
12月24日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)、14:00(英語)
☆クリスマスイブのミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
12月25日(月)クリスマス 11:00(日本語)
12月31日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)*14:00の英語のミサはありません
☆新年ミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
1月1日(月)元日ミサ 11:00(日本語)
December 24th (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese), 14:00 (English)
☆Christmas Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
December 25th (Mon) Christmas Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
December 31st (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese) only
☆New Year Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
January 1st (Mon) New Year Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
********* 日本語グループ *********************
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate 3rd week of Advent. Mass for Christmas Eve starts in both Japanese and English from 18:00. Party follows from 19:30.
▽Preparation for Christmas party is expected on 23rd (Sat) from 14:00, and after J mass on Sunday.
▽ Bp. Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58) was installed as an archbishop of Tokyo diocese last Saturday.
▽From Church School▽We will present a picture story show in a Christmas party. ▽We will again sell a confectionary to support a refugee center in Jordan. An Israeli lady made “halvah” with us. It is full of sesame. Please support us. ▽Next class will be on January 7th. We will have King’s Cake.
▽This weekly news next year, on Jan 7th is canceled due to the situation.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽A memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.
▽On Jan 27th(Sun), mission cluster meeting will be taking place at Mikawajima parish from 14:00.
▽On Jan 28th(Sun), our parish welcomes the annual ecumenical prayer from 15:30, after Emass.
▽On Feb 4th and 11th, we will have annual general assembly during J and E mass.
▽Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, please approach to pastor first.
//have a nice day!
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;
########年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule#########
年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule
12月24日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)、14:00(英語)
☆クリスマスイブのミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
12月25日(月)クリスマス 11:00(日本語)
12月31日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)*14:00の英語のミサはありません
☆新年ミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
1月1日(月)元日ミサ 11:00(日本語)
December 24th (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese), 14:00 (English)
☆Christmas Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
December 25th (Mon) Christmas Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
December 31st (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese) only
☆New Year Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
January 1st (Mon) New Year Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
********* 日本語グループ *********************
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate 3rd week of Advent. Mass for Christmas Eve starts in both Japanese and English from 18:00. Party follows from 19:30.
▽Preparation for Christmas party is expected on 23rd (Sat) from 14:00, and after J mass on Sunday.
▽ Bp. Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58) was installed as an archbishop of Tokyo diocese last Saturday.
▽From Church School▽We will present a picture story show in a Christmas party. ▽We will again sell a confectionary to support a refugee center in Jordan. An Israeli lady made “halvah” with us. It is full of sesame. Please support us. ▽Next class will be on January 7th. We will have King’s Cake.
▽This weekly news next year, on Jan 7th is canceled due to the situation.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽A memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.
▽On Jan 27th(Sun), mission cluster meeting will be taking place at Mikawajima parish from 14:00.
▽On Jan 28th(Sun), our parish welcomes the annual ecumenical prayer from 15:30, after Emass.
▽On Feb 4th and 11th, we will have annual general assembly during J and E mass.
▽Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, please approach to pastor first.
//have a nice day!
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/17
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/17
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;
########年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule#########
年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule
12月24日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)、14:00(英語)
☆クリスマスイブのミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
12月25日(月)クリスマス 11:00(日本語)
12月31日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)*14:00の英語のミサはありません
☆新年ミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
1月1日(月)元日ミサ 11:00(日本語)
December 24th (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese), 14:00 (English)
☆Christmas Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
December 25th (Mon) Christmas Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
December 31st (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese) only
☆New Year Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
January 1st (Mon) New Year Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
********* 日本語グループ *********************
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate 2nd week of Advent. After J mass, J group will have a big cleaning on 1st floor and kitchen. After this cleaning, we will have monthly meeting.
▽ Bp. Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58) will be installed as an archbishop of Tokyo diocese at St. Mary Tokyo Cathedral from 11:00on December 16th (Sat). Everyone is welcome!
▽12/17(Sun), 3rd week of Advent, we have priest exchange with Kasai parish. Fr. Gezu will visit to us both J and E mass, and Fr. Arakawa will do the same in Kasai parish. Before E mass, confession in Tagalog is expected.
▽From Church School▽We are still working on the picture story show for a Christmas party. Although we all cannot get together even on 24th, many children take part in many ways. ▽Next class will be on January 7th. We will have King’s Cake.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽In addition, a memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.
▽On Jan 28(Sun), our parish welcome the annual ecumenical prayer from 15:30, after Emass.
▽Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, please approach to pastor first.
//have a nice day!
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;
########年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule#########
年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule
12月24日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)、14:00(英語)
☆クリスマスイブのミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
12月25日(月)クリスマス 11:00(日本語)
12月31日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)*14:00の英語のミサはありません
☆新年ミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
1月1日(月)元日ミサ 11:00(日本語)
December 24th (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese), 14:00 (English)
☆Christmas Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
December 25th (Mon) Christmas Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
December 31st (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese) only
☆New Year Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
January 1st (Mon) New Year Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
********* 日本語グループ *********************
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate 2nd week of Advent. After J mass, J group will have a big cleaning on 1st floor and kitchen. After this cleaning, we will have monthly meeting.
▽ Bp. Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58) will be installed as an archbishop of Tokyo diocese at St. Mary Tokyo Cathedral from 11:00on December 16th (Sat). Everyone is welcome!
▽12/17(Sun), 3rd week of Advent, we have priest exchange with Kasai parish. Fr. Gezu will visit to us both J and E mass, and Fr. Arakawa will do the same in Kasai parish. Before E mass, confession in Tagalog is expected.
▽From Church School▽We are still working on the picture story show for a Christmas party. Although we all cannot get together even on 24th, many children take part in many ways. ▽Next class will be on January 7th. We will have King’s Cake.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽In addition, a memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.
▽On Jan 28(Sun), our parish welcome the annual ecumenical prayer from 15:30, after Emass.
▽Anybody who wishes to put your ads on the bulletin board, please approach to pastor first.
//have a nice day!
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/10
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/10
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;
########年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule#########
年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule
12月24日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)、14:00(英語)
☆クリスマスイブのミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
12月25日(月)クリスマス 11:00(日本語)
12月31日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)*14:00の英語のミサはありません
☆新年ミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
1月1日(月)元日ミサ 11:00(日本語)
December 24th (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese), 14:00 (English)
☆Christmas Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
December 25th (Mon) Christmas Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
December 31st (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese) only
☆New Year Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
January 1st (Mon) New Year Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
********* 日本語グループ *********************
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate 2nd week of Advent. After J mass, J group will have a big cleaning on 1st floor and kitchen. After this cleaning, we will have monthly meeting.
▽ Bp. Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58) will be installed as an archbishop of Tokyo diocese at St. Mary Tokyo Cathedral from 11:00on December 16th (Sat). Everyone is welcome!
▽12/17(Sun), 3rd week of Advent, we have priest exchange with Kasai parish. Fr. Gezu will visit to us both J and E mass, and Fr. Arakawa will do the same in Kasai parish. Before E mass, confession in Tagalog is expected.
▽From Church School▽The last class on December 3rd was about Christmas story. Preschool kids learned the story, and the other children learned the story first, and made a script of a picture story show which will be shown in the Christmas party.▽Next class will be on January 7th. We will have King’s Cake.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽In addition, a memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.
//have a nice day!
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;
########年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule#########
年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule
12月24日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)、14:00(英語)
☆クリスマスイブのミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
12月25日(月)クリスマス 11:00(日本語)
12月31日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)*14:00の英語のミサはありません
☆新年ミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
1月1日(月)元日ミサ 11:00(日本語)
December 24th (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese), 14:00 (English)
☆Christmas Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
December 25th (Mon) Christmas Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
December 31st (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese) only
☆New Year Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
January 1st (Mon) New Year Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
********* 日本語グループ *********************
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate 2nd week of Advent. After J mass, J group will have a big cleaning on 1st floor and kitchen. After this cleaning, we will have monthly meeting.
▽ Bp. Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58) will be installed as an archbishop of Tokyo diocese at St. Mary Tokyo Cathedral from 11:00on December 16th (Sat). Everyone is welcome!
▽12/17(Sun), 3rd week of Advent, we have priest exchange with Kasai parish. Fr. Gezu will visit to us both J and E mass, and Fr. Arakawa will do the same in Kasai parish. Before E mass, confession in Tagalog is expected.
▽From Church School▽The last class on December 3rd was about Christmas story. Preschool kids learned the story, and the other children learned the story first, and made a script of a picture story show which will be shown in the Christmas party.▽Next class will be on January 7th. We will have King’s Cake.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽In addition, a memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.
//have a nice day!
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/03
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/03
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;

########年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule#########
年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule
12月24日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)、14:00(英語)
☆クリスマスイブのミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
12月25日(月)クリスマス 11:00(日本語)
12月31日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)*14:00の英語のミサはありません
☆新年ミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
1月1日(月)元日ミサ 11:00(日本語)
December 24th (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese), 14:00 (English)
☆Christmas Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
December 25th (Mon) Christmas Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
December 31st (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese) only
☆New Year Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
January 1st (Mon) New Year Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
********* 日本語グループ *********************
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Christ King concluding liturgical year A. Christmas party meeting is expected after J mass from 11:30 at a hall. English group will have a big cleaning day in chapel after mass.
▽12/10(Sun) J group expects a big cleaning day in a hall. Monthly meeting is scheduled after this cleaning.
▽ Bp. Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58) will be installed as an archbishop of Tokyo diocese at St. Mary Tokyo Cathedral from 11:00on December 16th (Sat). Everyone is welcome!
▽From Church School▽We decorated our Christmas tree on 26th. ▽The next class on December 3rd is about Christmas story. We will make a picture story show for the Christmas party.
▽In addition, a memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽12/17(Sun), 3rd week of Advent, we have priest exchange with Kasai parish. Fr. Gezu will visit to us both J and E mass, and Fr. Arakawa will do the same in Kasai parish. Before E mass, confession in Tagalog is expected.
//have a nice day!
josephumeda@mac.com visit our website;

########年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule#########
年末年始ミサスケジュール Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule
12月24日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)、14:00(英語)
☆クリスマスイブのミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
12月25日(月)クリスマス 11:00(日本語)
12月31日(日)主日のミサ 10:00(日本語)*14:00の英語のミサはありません
☆新年ミサ 18:00(日本語・英語)
1月1日(月)元日ミサ 11:00(日本語)
December 24th (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese), 14:00 (English)
☆Christmas Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
December 25th (Mon) Christmas Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
December 31st (Sun) Sunday Mass 10:00 (Japanese) only
☆New Year Eve Mass 18:00 (English & Japanese)
January 1st (Mon) New Year Mass 11:00 (Japanese)
********* 日本語グループ *********************
========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
********* English Group **********************
▽We celebrate Christ King concluding liturgical year A. Christmas party meeting is expected after J mass from 11:30 at a hall. English group will have a big cleaning day in chapel after mass.
▽12/10(Sun) J group expects a big cleaning day in a hall. Monthly meeting is scheduled after this cleaning.
▽ Bp. Tarcisio Kikuchi Isao (58) will be installed as an archbishop of Tokyo diocese at St. Mary Tokyo Cathedral from 11:00on December 16th (Sat). Everyone is welcome!
▽From Church School▽We decorated our Christmas tree on 26th. ▽The next class on December 3rd is about Christmas story. We will make a picture story show for the Christmas party.
▽In addition, a memoir past 30 years in Umeda is now on edit.
========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽12/17(Sun), 3rd week of Advent, we have priest exchange with Kasai parish. Fr. Gezu will visit to us both J and E mass, and Fr. Arakawa will do the same in Kasai parish. Before E mass, confession in Tagalog is expected.
//have a nice day!
投稿 (Atom)