
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/01

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 01/01

********* 日本語グループ *********************




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========










********* English Group **********************
▽Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We celebrate Mary, mother of God. Mass schedule is as follows; New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽12/25, LeMay Joshua was batized in J mass.

▽01/08, Weekly News is canceled.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽01/08, Fr. Ogawa will say Jmass.

▽01/10-11, seasonal cleaning in chapel and hall is expected by Ecology service. Chapel is not avalable on 01/10, Hall 01/11.

▽01/13, J bible class will be restarted.

▽01/15, we will celebrate the coming of the age. please tell candidates to the leaders.

▽01/21, bible class for disable will be scheduled from 1300-1500 in Study room.

▽01/22, Ecumenical week invites us to have local prayer gathering for unity. Ecumenical prayer is scheduled at Salvation Army in Motoghi with a homily by Fr. Arakawa from 14:00. Protestants are very serious as they celebrate 500 years anniversary of the Reformation. On the day, Fr.Emilio will take E mass in Umeda.

▽01/28, Our parish hosts  a meeting of regional mission cluster from 1400.

▽02/05, General assembly in J, 02/12 in E are expected.

▽03/01 is Ash Wednesday, 04/16 is Easter Sunday this year.

Negociation with K with Fuketa lawyer on rectory, gate, and fences are going on.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/25

********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼クリスマスミサ; 12/24(土) 20:00(日英) / 25(日) 10:00+14:00 //年末年始 12/31(土) 20:00(英)+Ruffleパーティー/ 1/1(日) 10:00+14:00






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Merry Christmas! We will celebrate Christmas Vigil(JE) from 20:00, at Saturday night on Dec. 24th , and Christmas Daytime from 10:00(J), 14:00(E) 14:00 on 25th.

▽After mass at vigil, we will have a party.

▽LeMay Joshua will be baptized in J Daytime Mass on 25th.

▽Christmas mass; 12/24(Sat) 20:00(JE) / 25(Sun) 10:00+14:00 //New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽Tea ceremony in J mass  on 12/25 is canceled due to circumstances.

▽Noro virus (winter vomit) is considered seriously. When you find someone vomits, do not approach to see it, but carefully get out from the room within. Noro virus is airbone infection. A prevention kits are located in a bathroom for disable on 1F, and behind the slidng door of small chapel in 2F. The kit contains masks, plastic gloves, eprons, a bottle of chlorine, buckets, disposal cloth, newspaper, slipper, and trash bags.

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church School▽We will sell some confectionaries, apple cinnamon bourekas, to support the refugee center in Jordan in this Christmas season. Please give us your support. ▽CS class in January will be on January 18th, not on the 1st.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 12/13, Karashidane and Fuketa lawyer with some our parish leaders discussed about our intensive concern; gate, fences, fences along side sidewalk, ground around the new rectory, to shorten the long long way to reach to the parish door from new rectory, late and late schedule of starting building up the new rectory. 

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/18

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/18

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼クリスマスミサ; 12/24(土) 20:00(日英) / 25(日) 10:00+14:00 //年末年始 12/31(土) 20:00(英)+Ruffleパーティー/ 1/1(日) 10:00+14:00







========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========




********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 4th week of Advent in year A. Let us clean up our parish before christmas, J group in kitchen, E group in chapel.

▽Christmas mass; 12/24(Sat) 20:00(JE) / 25(Sun) 10:00+14:00 //New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽We would like to invite you for the food preparation in Christmas party! We need you.

▽Noro virus (winter vomit) is considered seriously. When you find someone vomits, do not approach to see it, but carefully get out from the room within. Noro virus is airbone infection. A prevention kits are located in a bathroom for disable on 1F, and behind the slidng door of small chapel in 2F. The kit contains masks, plastic gloves, eprons, a bottle of chlorine, buckets, disposal cloth, newspaper, slipper, and trash bags.

▽Thank you for Christmas decoration by Egroup (Neon), J group(Wreathes), and church school(tree).

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church School▽We will sell some confectionaries to support the refugee center in Jordan in this Christmas season. We will make them from 1p.m. to 5p.m. on 23rd. Mothers' help are welcome!▽CS class in January will be on December 18th, not on the !st.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 12/13, Karashidane and Fuketa lawyer with some our parish leaders discussed about our intensive concern; gate, fences, fences along side sidewalk, ground around the new rectory, to shorten the long long way to reach to the parish door from new rectory, late and late schedule of starting building up the new rectory. 

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/11

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/11

********* 日本語グループ *********************







========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼クリスマスミサ; 12/24(土) 20:00(日英) / 25(日) 10:00+14:00 //年末年始 12/31(土) 20:00(英)+Ruffleパーティー/ 1/1(日) 10:00+14:00





********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 3rd week of Advent in year A. After J mass, a short meeting on Christmas party is expected.

▽Noro virus (winter vomit) is considered seriously. When you find someone vomits, do not approach to see it, but carefully get out from the room within. Noro virus is airbone infection. A prevention kits are located in a bathroom for disable on 1F, and behind the slidng door of small chapel in 2F. The kit contains masks, plastic gloves, eprons, a bottle of chlorine, buckets, disposal cloth, newspaper, slipper, and trash bags.

▽Thank you for Christmas decoration by Egroup (Neon), J group(Wreathes), and church school(tree).

▽After Emass, a bible class in English for young is scheduled.

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church Schoo▽In last class, we made an invitation card to invite someone  to Christmas mass.▽We will sell some confectionaries to support the refugee center in Jordan in this Christmas season. We will make them from 1p.m. to 5p.m. on 23rd. Mothers' help are welcome!

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽Christmas mass; 12/24(Sat) 20:00(JE) / 25(Sun) 10:00+14:00 //New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

On 12/13, Karashidane and Fuketa lawyer with some our parish leaders will check its technical concern on the fences, gate, and rectory. Now they say applying for a legal permission of its construction by Adachi city hall.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/04

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 12/04
********* 日本語グループ *********************



▼ミサの後12/4沖縄映画上映します。圧殺の海(2014 94分)12月4日日曜日11:30-。





========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========
▼クリスマスミサ; 12/24(土) 20:00(日英) / 25(日) 10:00+14:00 //年末年始 12/31(土) 20:00(英)+Ruffleパーティー/ 1/1(日) 10:00+14:00





********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 2nd week of Advent with a collection of Fromation day in mission country.

▽Usukisan in J will present how to prevent Noro virus(Winter vomit) after mass. A prevention kits are located in a bathroom for disable on 1F, and behind the slidng door of small chapel in 2F. The kit contains masks, plastic gloves, eprons, a bottle of chlorine, buckets, disposal cloth, newspaper, slipper, and trash bags.

▽Fr. Ogawa canceled mass in J group on the 2nd week in December.

▽Thank you for Christmas decoration by Egroup (Neon), J group(Wreathes), and church school(tree).

▽From parish registration. We encourage you to register your name in our parish to understand how our parish is. We are happily shocked to know the average age of Japanese group is only 50 years old!!!

▽About parish cemetery. J group sent 126 copies of mails. 22 copies returned for unknown address. 55 had reply, 8 agreed and 47 disagreed. 16 already owned the cemetery. Adding the number of E group, we will go on this project as minimum 50 people expressed to join this plan.

▽From Church Schoo▽There will be a class. Since this year Christmas will be on weekends, we will make an invitation card to invite someone to our church on those days.▽We are planning to sell some confectionaries to support the refugee center in Jordan in this Christmas season.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽Next tea ceremony in J mass is expected on 12/25.

▽Christmas mass; 12/24(Sat) 20:00(JE) / 25(Sun) 10:00+14:00 //New Year 12/31(Sat) 20:00(E)+Ruffle party / 1/1(Sun) 10:00+14:00

▽As you know, the terrible massacre happened last Tuesday. Let us stand to pray for the soul of the deceased innocents who are disabled, remained parents and friends with the strongest condemnation for his ideological background triggered this atrocity.

Discussion with Karashidane is still going on over the fences, gates, security, etc. Now they applying for construction checking by Adachi city hall, to be passed legally.

////have a nice day!