
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/29

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/29
********* 日本語グループ *********************






========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽This is Sunday of Body of Christ. First communion is scheduled during mass, and monthly meeting after mass, as well.

▽From Church School▽ CTIC collaborative program on May 22nd is walk rally. We will attend Japanese mass in the morning and start, then come back around the time English mass ends. ▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th due to some reasons. We will inform you in detail later.

▽From First Communion Class▽The first communion candidates had the first confession on 15th, and they will have the first communion in next Sunday English mass.

▽From 5/28(Sat), a bible class is kicked off for disabled with severe communication difficulties. Only these disabled and their helpers can join in it.

▽5/30-6/4, Fr. Arakawa will be in a Carmelite convent in Kaminoge for caring of annual priest retreat. 6/3 bible class will be canceled.

Parish committee decided to return its right to discuss with Karashidane on building their new structure next to us, and took necessary procedure. We will explain to you its negotiation process, when diocese inform accepted our petition.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽On 5/10(Fri), Friday bible class is canceled due to unexpected situation.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/22

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/22
********* 日本語グループ *********************





========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽This is Sunday of Holy Trinity. Monthly meeting is rescheduled next week.

▽Bells were repaired last week, and its structure to ring them was very problematic. We need to consider its maintenance in the near future.

▽5/29, 1st communion is scheduled on the Corpus Christi.

▽From Church School
▽ CTIC collaborative program on May 22nd is walk rally. We will attend Japanese mass in the morning and start, then come back around the time English mass ends. ▽This year summer camp will be September 3rd and 4th due to some reasons. We will inform you in detail later.

From First Communion Class▽The first communion candidates had the first confession on 15th, and they will have the first communion in next Sunday English mass.

Parish committee decided to return its right to discuss with Karashidane on building their new structure next to us, and took necessary procedure. We will explain to you its negotiation process, when diocese inform accepted our petition.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========

▽5/30-6/4, Fr. Arakawa will be in a Carmelite convent in Kaminoge for caring of annual priest retreat. 6/3 bible class will be canceled.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/15

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 05/15

********* 日本語グループ *********************




========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽This is the Pentecost Sunday. We raise donation for Seminarian Formation every 2nd week of the month.

▽Bells were repaired last week, and its structure to ring them was very problematic. We need to consider its maintenance in the near future.

▽From Church School
▽We had a class on May 1st. The them was “Zoom in Umeda Church” ▽ May 22nd program is walk rally. Signing up ended last week. We will attend Japanese mass in the morning and start, then come back around the time English mass ends. ▽The profits from selling confectionaries in last Advent, soup in Lent, coffee after J-mass, and some donations became 102,500yen in all. We transferred the money to the refugee center in Jordan.

From First Communion Class▽We had a seminar for the first communicant's parents after E mass on May 8th. ▽The first communion candidates will have confession from 1p.m. on 15th.

We request kindergarten to sit at the table for discussing, parking lot, its safety, border fences, and construction of rectory.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽5/29, 1st communion is scheduled on the Corpus Christi.

▽5/30-6/4, Fr. Arakawa will be in a Carmelite convent in Kaminoge for caring of annual priest retreat. 6/3 bible class will be canceled.

////have a nice day!