
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/27

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/27

********* 日本語グループ *********************






▼《重要・保育園建設情報》4/1から教会の駐車スペースは現状の関口教会駐車場22, 23番から東武パーキング(高架の下)の307, 308に契約変更によって移動します。また園舎設計事務所と保育園との駐車場と隣地境界柵に関することを中心に話し合いが続いています。

========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

********* English Group **********************
▽Happy Easter! This is the Easter Sunday today. After J mass, we have a joint party both J and E.

▽3/28(M)-29(T), we have waxing on the floor.

▽Weekly news service is canceled on Sat, 4/1.

▽J bible class on Fri will be finish this term this coming Friday. On April 8th, we will restart it.

From Church School▽ We will have an activity of egg hunting for small children in the party. And also we will dance Chicken Dance. Please join us! ▽Young leaders will read books for small children in a cry room during E-mass.▽The class for young adults will be held after E-mass on 27th.▽April 3rd class will be about "Apostles’ Creed" and "Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed".

First communion Class▽First Communion will be May 29th. A class for a candidate will start on April 17th, and it continues until May 22nd, every week, 6 times including confession. The candidate HAS TO show up in time and attend all classes. And also, his/her parent has to attend an explanatory meeting on April 3rd and a seminar for the parent before the first communion day. The application form will be provided from March 20th, next week, Palm Sunday, and deadline is April 3rd. If you think your child is ready to have first communion, please fill out the application form, and submit it with your CHILD’S BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE (photocopy is OK) and 6,000yen(including a text, material fee and donation to the parish). The child has to be above 2 nensei from this April. If you have any questions, please contact with English Mass Group .

Our parking lot is transferred due to the changing of the agreement from April first. From the current parking lot, they will move to the new one on the north side under the railway. #307 and 308. At the same time, we are still discussion on the parking lot and the feature of the boundary wall between us with Karashidane.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽From 5/3 to 8, a group of Italian, Spanish, and Croatian, around 30 people, will stay in our parish hall, with agreement with our parish leaders both J and E.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/20

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/20

********* 日本語グループ *********************

▼今年の聖週間の予定です。3/20(日)枝の主日; 3/24(木)聖木曜日 19:30日本語; 3/25(金) 聖金曜日 19:30; 3/26(土)復活徹夜祭20:00-(日英)







▼《重要・保育園建設情報》4/1から教会の駐車スペースは現状の関口教会駐車場22, 23番から東武パーキング(高架の下)の307, 308に契約変更によって移動します。また園舎設計事務所と保育園との駐車場と隣地境界柵に関することを中心に話し合いが続いています。

========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========



********* English Group **********************
▽This is the Palm Sunday, stating from the hall before mass. We have monthly meeting after the mass.

▽Holy week this year. 3/20(Sun) Palm Sunday; 3/24(Thrus) Holy Thursday 19:30 J; 3/25(F) Holy Friday 19:30; 3/26(Sat) Easter Vigil 20:00- (JE)

▽J bible class on Fri will be finish this term this coming Friday. On April 8th, we will restart it.

▽Have you already tried our new website, gathering all the information past 9 years. Please check it out and change your bookmark.

▽3/17(Th), Tokyo Gas company fixed the gas in the kitchen to use a rice cooker, and a company checked the elevator.

▽3/19(Sat), Pasture-mission conference is canceled.

From Church School▽Spring sleep over event finished. We got 20 kids (5 junior high schoolers) in all. After each mass, we had a soup kitchen. The proceeds is about 8,000 yen and will be sent to the refugee center in Jordan. ▽ We will dance Chicken Dance in the party, please join us! ▽Young leaders will read books for small children in a cry room during E-mass.▽The class for young adults will be held after E-mass on 27th.

First communion Class▽First Communion will be May 29th. A class for a candidate will start on April 17th, and it goes until May 22nd, every week, 6 times including confession. The candidate HAS TO show up in time and attend all classes. And also, his/her parent has to attend an explanatory meeting on April 3rd and a seminar for the parent before the first communion day. The application form will be provided from March 20th, next week, Palm Sunday, and deadline is April 3rd. If you think your child is ready to have first communion, please fill out the application form, and submit it with your CHILD’S BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE (photocopy is OK) and 6,000yen(including a text, material fee and donation to the parish). The child has to be above 2 nensei from this April. If you have any questions, please contact with English Mass Group .

Our parking lot is transferred due to the changing of the agreement from April first. From the current parking lot, they will move to the new one on the north side under the railway. #307 and 308. At the same time, we are still discussion on the parking lot and the feature of the boundary wall between us with Karashidane.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽3/28(M)-29(T), we have waxing on the floor.

▽Weekly news service is canceled on Sat, 4/1.

▽A monthly bazaar by MAC is canceled this month due to the Easter Sunday. ////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/13

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/13
********* 日本語グループ *********************









▼######SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT####### 教会前の一方通行の公道に14:00-15:30にかけて違法駐車が何台もなされているのでどうにかしてくれという電話が入りました。フィリピーナを送りに来ている日本人の旦那たちがパーキングにとめないで運転席でじっとミサが終わって嫁が戻ってくるのを待つ車列が繋がった結果です。英語ミサの時間帯にこのような車を見かけたら、パーキングにとめてミサに一緒に出てくるか、教会前以外で車を止めて待っているように諭してください。

▼######SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT####### また、英語ミサ時間帯に東電変電所前で軽食を売る春日部ナンバーのワゴンが止まっています。教会では一切関知しないどころか何度も「やめてくれ」と言っています。

========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼今年の聖週間の予定です。3/20(日)枝の主日; 3/24(木)聖木曜日 19:30日本語; 3/25(金) 聖金曜日 19:30; 3/26(土)復活徹夜祭20:00-(日英)


********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 5th week of Lent. Fr. Ogawa will take J mass today.

▽We have Palm Sunday nest week. On Sat, 18th, from 14:00 at hall, we will trim the palms both J and E group.

▽J bible class on Fri will be finish this term this coming Friday. On April 8th, we will restart it.

▽Have you already tried our new website, gathering all the information past 9 years. Please check it out and change your bookmark.

▽3/14(M)-15(T), we have wax cleaning on the floor. And on 14th, periodical check for Elevator is scheduled.

▽3/17(Th), Tokyo Gas company fix the gas in the kitchen to use a rice cooker.

▽3/19(Sat), Pasture-mission conference is scheduled.

□From Church School▽Spring sleep over event is going on.  The children will attend Japanese mass. After each mass, we will have annual soup kitchen. The soup is vegetable soup Fasolata which is said it’s originally from ancient Greece. The soup with a piece of bread is 300yen. The proceeds will be sent to the refugee center in Jordan. ▽Last class during English mass was about Holy Week.

□First communion Class▽First Communion will be May 29th. A class for a candidate will start on April 17th, and it goes until May 22nd, every week, 6 times including confession. The candidate HAS TO show up in time and attend all classes. And also, his/her parent has to attend an explanatory meeting on April 3rd and a seminar for the parent before the first communion day. The application form will be provided from March 20th, next week, Palm Sunday, and deadline is April 3rd. If you think your child is ready to have first communion, please fill out the application form, and submit it with your CHILD’S BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE (photocopy is OK) and 6,000yen(including a text, material fee and donation to the parish). The child has to be above 2 nensei from this April. If you have any questions, please contact with English Mass Group .

▽######SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT####### A phone call severely criticized parish about the illegal parking along with the street in front of our parish by Japanese husband waiting for finishing mass to pick his wife again. To avoid paying at the parking lot around us, they keep waiting in their car which made a traffic on the one way street. When you find these cars, suggest the husband to park their cars at the parking lot and join our mass immediately, or go somewhere else for waiting their wife, NEVER in front of our parish.

▽######SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT####### In addition, a car with Kasukabe number, sells snacks before Tokyo Electric facility. It is absolutely illegal and parish repeatedly and strongly suggests them not to do it. Please notice, parish has no relation with them at all. Angry neighbors are ready to report police.

We keep discussing with Karashidane and building planning office on the parking lot.

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Monthly meeting will be March 20th on Palm Sunday, not 13th, originally scheduled.

▽Holy week this year. 3/20(Sun) Palm Sunday; 3/24(Thrus) Holy Thursday 19:30 J; 3/25(F) Holy Friday 19:30; 3/26(Sat) Easter Vigil 20:00- (JE)

▽A monthly bazaar by MAC is canceled this month due to the Easter Sunday.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/06

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 03/06
********* 日本語グループ *********************





▼######SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT####### 教会前の一方通行の公道に14:00-15:30にかけて違法駐車が何台もなされているのでどうにかしてくれという電話が入りました。フィリピーナを送りに来ている日本人の旦那たちがパーキングにとめないで運転席でじっとミサが終わって嫁が戻ってくるのを待つ車列が繋がった結果です。英語ミサの時間帯にこのような車を見かけたら、パーキングにとめてミサに一緒に出てくるか、教会前以外で車を止めて待っているように諭してください。

▼######SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT####### また、英語ミサ時間帯に東電変電所前で軽食を売る春日部ナンバーのワゴンが止まっています。教会では一切関知しないどころか何度も「やめてくれ」と言っています。

========== 再来週以降の予定 ==========

▼今年の聖週間の予定です。3/20(日)枝の主日; 3/24(木)聖木曜日 19:30日本語; 3/25(金) 聖金曜日 19:30; 3/26(土)復活徹夜祭20:00-(日英)



********* English Group **********************
▽This is the 4th week of Lent. Cardinal Woelki of Köln Diocese visits to our diocese, expecting a mass in Cathedral with a celebration of holy relics.

▽J bible class on Fri will be finish this term this coming Friday. Restart will be announced later.

▽Have you already tried our new website, gathering all the information past 9 years. Please check it out and change your bookmark.

▽”24hours for Lord”, a campaign of Year of Jubilee called by Pope Francis falls on 3/4-5. Unity in the prayer and confession beyond individual powerless and hopeless.

▽Next Sunday, 3/6(Sun), Cardinal Woelki of Köln diocese in Germany will visit to our diocese bringing  holy relic of the three Magis from East. His mass starts from 14:30 in Cathedral.

□From Church School▽Spring sleep over event will be on March 12th and 13th. The meeting time is noon on 12th. Signing up started on February 7th. 2,500yen is asked to join. We have sibling discount. Please contact to a leader to sign up!▽ On the 13th, the second day of the sleep over event, we will have soup kitchen. The proceeds will be sent to the refugee center in Jordan. ▽We had a class for young adults after Emass on 28th. ▽Young leaders played with small children in a cry room during E-mass on 28th. ▽There’ll be a class during English mass on March 6th. The theme is Holy Week.

□First communion Class▽First Communion will be May 29th. A class for a candidate will start on April 17th, and it goes until May 22nd, every week, 6 times including confession. The candidate HAS TO show up in time and attend all classes. And also, his/her parent has to attend an explanatory meeting on April 3rd and a seminar for the parent before the first communion day. The application form will be provided from March 20th, Palm Sunday, and deadline is April 3rd. If you think your child is ready to have first communion, please fill out the application form, and submit it with your CHILD’S BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE (photocopy is OK) and 6,000yen(including a text, material fee and donation to the parish). The child has to be above 2 nensei from this April. If you have any questions, please contact with English Mass Group .

▽######SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT####### A phone call severely criticized parish about the illegal parking along with the street in front of our parish by Japanese husband waiting for finishing mass to pick his wife again. To avoid paying at the parking lot around us, they keep waiting in their car which made a traffic on the one way street. When you find these cars, suggest the husband to park their cars at the parking lot and join our mass immediately, or go somewhere else for waiting their wife, NEVER in front of our parish.

▽######SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT####### In addition, a car with Kasukabe number, sells snacks before Tokyo Electric facility. It is absolutely illegal and parish repeatedly and strongly suggests them not to do it. Please notice, parish has no relation with them at all. Angry neighbors are ready to report police.

We had a discussion with Karashidane and building planning office last Wednesday. Now we are waiting for their reply on emergency exit from parish building. 

========== Schedule after coming Sunday ==========
▽Monthly meeting will be March 20th on Palm Sunday, not 13th, originally scheduled.

▽Holy week this year. 3/20(Sun) Palm Sunday; 3/24(Thrus) Holy Thursday 19:30 J; 3/25(F) Holy Friday 19:30; 3/26(Sat) Easter Vigil 20:00- (JE)

▽Bible class in J of Friday will be finished this term on 3/11(Fri). Restart day will be noticed later.

▽Pasture-mission conference is scheduled 3/19(Sat).

▽A monthly bazaar by MAC is canceled this month due to the Easter Sunday.

////have a nice day!