
教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/20

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/20

********* 日本語グループ **********************

▼△教会学校; 昨年12月に、ヨルダンにあるイエズス会の難民センター支援のためにケーキ販売をした売り上げですが、激しい円安で様子をみていましたが最近若干上がったので送金しました。コーヒーの売り上げと合わせて196,000でドルを両替したところ1539.58となりました。みなさまのご協力ありがとうございました。△今年も10月の終わりの土曜日にハロウィンパーティをする予定です。詳細は追って連絡します。




========== 来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 25th Ordinary Sunday. A brief explanation on the construction will be scheduled after the mass in J group. E group has it on Oct. 4th due to the situation. After the mass today, monthly comittee is scheduled.

△From Chruch School; Regarding fund raising for the refugees in Jordan 2014. Since Japanese yen has been really weak for a long time, we couldn't find a chance to transfer money, but It became a bit stronger, we finally did. The total amount including J group coffee sale was 196,000JPY and it became 1539.58USD. Again thank you for your cooperation. △We are planing to throw a Halloween party this year as well in the end of October.We will provide detail information later.

▽Catholic Church in Japan, including all the ther religious streams, is considerably concerning on the conclusion of Collective Selfdefence law on Sep. 19th in the cogress. Without referendum, government changed thier interpretation of constitution, the article 9, the renunciation of any kind of arms. This changing of interpretation by free-hands, will open a way to do for other articles, such as freedom of speech or though, or human right (including non-Japanese citizen). Catholic church has been deeply worrying this government behavior. See http://www.shukyosha9jonowa.org

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

Detail explanation will be given at the mass on Oct. 3rd.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽A national conference on Catholic Justice and Peace in Japan will be taking place in Tokyo from Sep 21 to 23.

▽Elder day party will be upcoming on Oct. 18 11:30-13:00.

▽This weekly news on Sep 26th will be canceled due to the situation.

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). Confirmation seminar will be Oct 10 (Sat) or 17, from 14:00-15:30. Your chid baptized in your country, please get a contact with the parish office recording the baptismal data to issue a certification to you. Confirmation application is available in the office.

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/13

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/13
********* 日本語グループ **********************





========== 来週以降の予定 ==========





********* English Group **********************
Today we celebrate the 24th Ordinary Sunday.

△CS class on September 6th was about "Priest/Brother, Catholic/Protestant". △We are planing to throw a Halloween party this year as well in the end of October.We will provide detail information later.

Lower court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Now this amendment is in upper house till September. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

On Aug 29th(Sat) from 15:30 at Kidergarden, picked up 8 members from parish committee negotiated with Karashidane, Hirooka rector and construction company, and on Aug 30th(Sun) from 15:30 in parish hall, J and E parish committee members and Hirooka rector discussed on construction plan, parking lot, etc. Major points are as follows;

Blessing prayer for the construction will be said on Sep. 11th, starting to build the new kindergarden building and breaking down the current structure, for a year and half.
During this period, parish parking lot is closed as the kids come through this path and construction materials and vehicles will be parked this space. Following this, our parking lot is transferred to a new place close to parish. Detail will be explained soon.
A new temporal gate will be installed for parishioners by breaking down the current gate. After taking out the heavy gate and breaking down a part of slope, we can reach to the sidewalk only through the slope, as the protection wall stretches till the sidewalk, preventing us from getting out from a stair, right of the door. 
We are now negotiating with construction company to share the space where kindergaden kids pass through for the emergency exit extends to the sidewalk to get away.
No plan for the new rectory is disclosed at all, as the contract with the company will be changed when the current building will be destroyed down. The rectory will be build after this destruction, expecting for 3 month to complete, 
On Sep. 2nd, Takagi san took a series of pictures of our parish building with construction company, as we expect some negative effect will appear on our structure, because 50m long piles will be driven just next to us.
Parish leaders will explain more on this issue later on.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
A national conference on Catholic Justice and Peace in Japan will be taking place in Tokyo from Sep 21 to 23.

▽Elder day party will be upcoming on Oct. 18 11:30-13:00.

▽This weekly news on Sep 26th will be canceled due to the situation.

Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). Confirmation seminar will be Oct 10 (Sat) or 17, from 14:00-15:30. Your chid baptized in your country, please get a contact with the parish office recording the baptismal data to issue a certification to you. Confirmation application is available in the office.

▽From this Advent, the bishop council in Japan declared to follow after the general instruction of Roman Missal 3rd edtion. It will change some part of features during mass, though not a distinctive change. UIC will learn these changes until Advent.

////have a nice day!


教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/06

教会速報WeeklyNewsfromUmeda 09/06

********* 日本語グループ **********************





■既存教会入り口の門は撤去されて、既存教会入り口を取り壊して教会信徒の入り口を作る。スロープの一部は撤去され、上記防護 壁が歩道まで伸びるので出入りはスロープを使うのみとなる。これに伴って簡易門扉を取り付ける予定。

========== 来週以降の予定 ==========


********* English Group **********************
▽Today we celebrate the 23rd Ordinary Sunday.

▽Lower court passed collective self defense law on 15th, to kill the soldier overseas by deploying army. Now this amendment is in upper house till September. Catholic bishops are strongly opposing to this law as “Unity of article 9 by religious” with other religious streams in Japan.

▽Bible class both in Fri and Sat finalized this term. Next term will start from 10/8(F), 9(Sat) again.

▽After the destruction of the rectory in January, the phone in the elevator were finally fixed by Shino Elevator and Fukai electric from 14:00 on 27th.

On Aug 29th(Sat) from 15:30 at Kidergarden, picked up 8 members from parish committee negotiated with Karashidane, Hirooka rector and construction company, and on Aug 30th(Sun) from 15:30 in parish hall, J and E parish committee members and Hirooka rector discussed on construction plan, parking lot, etc. Major points are as follows;

□Blessing prayer for the construction will be said on Sep. 11th, starting to build the new kindergarden building and breaking down the current structure, for a year and half.
□During this period, parish parking lot is closed as the kids come through this path and construction materials and vehicles will be parked this space. Following this, our parking lot is transferred to a new place close to parish. Detail will be explained soon.
□During this period, a protection wall, 2m high, will surround our parish wall so that our hall will lose light.
□A new temporal gate will be installed for parishioners by breaking down the current gate. After taking out the heavy gate and breaking down a part of slope, we can reach to the sidewalk only through the slope, as the protection wall stretches till the sidewalk, preventing us from getting out from a stair, right of the door.
□There is no exit after getting out from the emergency stairs, unable to turn right the corner. A new larger emergency exit will be installed by breaking down the black fence to get out to the garden in kindergarden.
□No plan for the new rectory is disclosed at all, as the contract with the company will be changed when the current building will be destroyed down. The rectory will be build after this destruction, expecting for 3 month to complete,
□On Sep. 2nd, Takagi san took a series of pictures of our parish building with construction company, as we expect some negative effect will appear on our structure, because 50m long piles will be driven just next to us.
□Parish leaders will explain more on this issue later on.

========== Schedule after this Sunday ==========
▽A national conference on Catholic Justice and Peace in Japan will be taking place in Tokyo from Sep 21 to 23.

▽Confirmation by Bp. Okada is scheduled on Nov. 15 (Sun). By free will, at least once till November, participants are requested to have at least one seminar. Application form is available in office.

////have a nice day!